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Everything posted by Acebassmusic

  1. Thanks @agedhorse......thats good news for me......bad news for my wallet! 🤣
  2. I've always thought from articles I've read that Mesa gear was ranked in the upper echelons of amps for both sound and quality. For full disclosure I've never played through one of their bass amps or even seen one in the flesh so can't vouch for them personally. However, looking at other amps of similar specs, such as the Berg Forte which goes for £1200 in the UK, the Mesa D800+ price doesnt seem too far off the mark. As others have said the price of the D-350 does seem a bit spicy compared to other offerings in the marketplace. I'm sure Mesa have done their market research but I can't see who would be buying the D-350 in any quantity: pro-player would probably want/need the higher power, dentist / lawyer would want the highest spec/power 🤣 and weekend warriors like myself would most likely want the extra grunt just 'cos we like being noisy! 🤣 For a while now I've had on my gas list to try the D-800 (which strangely isnt shown on the GG pre-order page GG-Mesa 🤔) Has it been discontinued as the Mesa page still has it available?
  3. I agree. Simple to use, easy to get a good sound and very flexible. 👍 You don't really need a jazz bass to fit it to either. I've got one in my Roscoe. 🎸
  4. Along with @Phil Starr and @EBS_freak's great comments I have used the following website to check the seal on my in-ears and found it a starter to getting a good seal. Basically use the tone audio files, follow the instructions and change out the tips as require to achieve the even tone. 👍 Audio Seal Test
  5. So you're not really too sure about what you want 🤣 (Good choice by the way, but I'd go fretted 👍)
  6. Thank you 👍 I shall dig a bit further on that info.
  7. Are you not aware that its my right not to ignore things I know nothing about! I am now soooo offended 🤔 🤣🤣
  8. OK....maybe daft question(s) but why the "bike park" split in the front panel? Is it a type of reflex design? What are the advantages / disadvantages etc? I tried looking on t'internet but couldn't see much that related directly. 🤔
  9. Lovely bass, I just wish I was closer to be able to try it and see how the 32" scale feels. 😔
  10. Gratuitous, string changing fretboard shot!
  11. I wonder if I should apply for the position of "poss guitarist"? Or maybe its a spelling mistake and he wants a "posh guitarist" 'cos they're based in Somerset / Devon? Sounds a barrel of laughs! 🤣🤣
  12. Done some hunting but dont seem to have the info you need....sorry. 🤷‍♂️😔
  13. I bought one of these Wolfcrafts about 12 years ago.....still using it. Not cheap but they are rugged and last! The wheels are big enough to easily pull up a kerb or other small is steps. Wolfcraft Trolley
  14. Mmmm, I thought the request was pretty straightforward eg: "can any Eleven Rack (multi effects unit) user provide me with the settings for the effects patch "Secret Journeys"? I have some patch files at home which I can try and have a look at when I get back in a couple of weeks (if you dont get sorted out).
  15. Very eloquently put if I may say so. 🤣
  16. I'm up for the Gold I think 🤔 🤣🤣
  17. I've shimmed a number of basses in the past and usually use something akin to a business card for approx 1/3 the length of the neck pocket and 95% full width. The shim can pretty much be anything as long as its not too compressible. I also make 2 holes in the shim for the screws to go through. I've read a number of threads on shimming on "the other bass site" where some would say that unless you use a full pocket length tapered shim made from unobtanium then you'll ruin the tone of your bass. Methinks this should be taken with a modicum of sodium chloride.🤣
  18. ....and even thats pushing it a bit! 🤣 Maybe as @NHM says, to most people "the band" is the influence and the bass player is a by product of that eg: from the age of 10 I was influenced by a range of bands from Black Sabbath to Abba and only much later knew who the bass players were!
  19. Interesting choice to have the tweeter control opposite to most other audio controls ie: clockwise= more and anticlockwise = less. Wonder why? 🤔
  20. OK, found out the tops are early versions of the new QSC Audio K10.2 which are about £750 each at the moment. Not cheap but work that over the number of gigs you could do in 12+ years and (for me) they would pay for themselves.
  21. I depped for a local band last weekend who used some QSC active tops (10") and a single daisychained powered sub. Both volume, clarity and tone were good. I'll try and check on the models as I know they are at least 12 years old. 12+ years of regular use with no issues indicates good design and value.
  22. As far as I can see from the manual (page 10, section 5) the answer is yes. 👍 Manual
  23. That's great. Never heard of him before. Seems very tongue in cheek but he really can play bass......
  24. You'd also need a transformer to power it at 32v.
  25. Sorry, I meant to change the advert last week. I'm hanging onto it for now as I just sold my other spare amp.
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