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Posts posted by Tengu

  1. My band has been avoiding social clubs and their ilk as the audience is invariably indifferent and unenthusiastic. Even if they tell us at the end that they enjoyed the band it isn't much fun to get no reaction during the gig

    We do some wedding/party type gigs but make a point of getting the organiser along to another gig beforehand to ensure that we really are what they want.

  2. I've run way more than that off a 15 Amp socket before.

    +1 on checking your fuses but also check the ratings on your extension leads. Some domestic extensions are intended only for a few small appliances like tellies and DVD players and will not handle more than a few amperes.

  3. You will find everything that there is to know here [url="http://www.watkinsguitars.co.uk/index.htm"]http://www.watkinsguitars.co.uk/index.htm[/url]

    Got any pics of this bass?

  4. My very old wireless unit needed a new lead for the transmitter and after a bit of searching Dave was able to find the correct plug for it.

    Used it at a gig last week and worked lovely. The new chunky speaker cable for my Trace rig was pretty good also. Very prompt and friendly service.

    OBBM is going to need a forum of his own to store all these recommendations pretty soon.

  5. Absolutely fantastic thread, and I am also surprised by how much of this that I know.

    Can't help thinking that it would eventually be better posted in the wiki, allowing for a nice menu for those that don't want to read the whole thing from the beginning.

  6. There is a circle, of sorts, that I presume has seats but downstairs is all standing.

    I just saw Gary Numan play there last week and was quite impressed with the whole venue.

    I took a look at the sound engineers kit beforehand and the acoustics must be pretty good as the graphic was mostly flat except for a few higher frequencies that were cut.

  7. I work in a factory that makes fire detectors (with plastic cases). We use industrial strength meths to clean them prior to packing.

    Apply liberally with a lint free cloth and then wipe off. Works a treat. Probably would be ok to use the same method with household stuff.

  8. [quote name='Alien' post='47754' date='Aug 20 2007, 03:02 PM']The one I nearly bought on Friday :)

    Yamaha RBX fretless, a bit beat up looking, in a dodgy metallic green. Sounded fecking gorgeous though. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up in the hands of Tengu before too long :huh:


    Picking it up tomorrow :huh:

    I'll post pics when I can get my sister's camera.

  9. I think that the Van Morrison song you are referring to is "Moondance". Used to do that one at an open mic/jam session in Portsmouth. It was always totally different depending on who you were playing with. I just winged it.

    I played a gig a few weeks ago with a stand-in guitarist, as our regular guy was away somewhere. We had only had one rehearsal but that didn't stop one punter from repeatedly requesting "Sweet Child of Mine". We played an approximation of it at the end of the set and the guy seemed happy enough.

    I like the insurance idea. Maybe you could mark out the stage area with striped tape like they do in factories and put health & safety warning signs up everywhere.

  10. I actually find it difficult to play while reading my notes so I only use them for learning the song. Once I have it burnt into my memory I can concentrate on "performing" the song.

    Most of the rest of my band do use stands with lyrics and chord charts on them, but I don't hold that against them. It is ironic that I am the least likely to make a mistake though :)

  11. [url="http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/"]http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/[/url]

    Both of those are pretty good shops. PJs is slightly closer to the front but Nevada is certainly the biggest and has a good reputation around the South.

    Head west from the bandstand until you get to the arcades/fun fair (poor excuse for one) and then head north. There are plenty of places to eat all along the front but you will find a nice little bistro just up that road a way. Green fronted place, old timber floors. Very quaint and with good food.

  12. Unfortunately I also have a gig that day so I won't be able to come along.

    I have played at the Bandstand though so a word of warning. It is right on the sea front and very exposed so loads of sunscreen and hats are in order. As long as the weather is as good as the forecast says you should get a good crowd.

    Hope you enjoy it.

  13. I have a Watkins Wilson Super 6


    I wrote to Reg Godwin, who runs that web site, and he said that it resembles a Watkins bass that he had recently sold. He said that they would have made a good pair.

  14. You are over-complicating the situation by thinking about inserts.

    When you are chaining two mixers all you need to do is route the left and right main output from mixer-a into a stereo channel on mixer-b. To send all the inputs to your monitors you will need to wire the aux sends from mixer-a into spare channels on mixer-b and turn up the aux send pot full for those channels while keeping the main slider at zero.

    You then send the left/right main mix of mixer-b to your power amp and the aux sends of mixer-b to your effects or monitors.

    Give me a shout if you want me to clarify that.

  15. My band has a gig on the 7th at a local British Legion club.

    We have been told by an agent that a lot of pubs and clubs are planning to start hiring bands following the smoking band as a draw (excuse the pun) to customers that might be putting off going out now.

    It is down to all of us to make sure that decision is validated, by getting friends and family along to fill these places. I can't wait for the ban as smoke makes me feel quite ill, not to mention the stinky clothes issue.

  16. What power amp do you have? I have done just this thing with both a Behringer (spit!) Europower, which requires dip switches to be re-set on the back, and my Peavey CS800S. The latter has a through jack socket on the back that you can connect to the input of channel b. I suppose that it is essentially performing the same purpose as your y-cable but is a bit neater.

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