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Everything posted by nightsun

  1. Absolutely, no fan = no cooling, at higher volumes the amp will be working harder and creating more heat. At some point the thermal protection will cut in to prevent your amp from cooking itself.
  2. Sounds like thermal cut out to me if it is happening at higher volumes
  3. Well it would be rude not to say Joel Fisk, why? Well I'm in a band with him that's why.
  4. Plenty of love but a lack of cash 😉
  5. I should have put 2 and 2 together really..what a wally. That's a bloody nice looking lump of wood though.
  6. That could well have been the place.
  7. Would you slap a child? No? Then don't slap your bass
  8. I actually learnt on one of these at school around 1987........
  9. This, I'm now in the 500 tunes in the electronic brain area. Granted, I probably don't actually need the iPad, but I'd be buggered if I forgot it. Plus it's better than the old days of gaffering a set list the nearest flat surface.
  10. I bought this old thing from a music shop in Chelmsford (the name escapes me) in 1989 so I didn't deafen my family while practising, still got it in a cupboard somewhere. First electric was a no name solid pine lefty precision copy, given to me by a family friend. Strung upside down it did the job but weighted the same as a small car (no pictures exists). This I paired with a dodgy old PA system I found at a jumble sale...only the best gear for me. Unfortunately I lent it to a friend who promptly disappeared and it was never seen again, still pisses me off to this day.
  11. All of the above. For a rush dep I have a practice rig set up at home and then have any new songs set up on a spotify playlist and a bandhelper set list. Listen to the playlist constantly in the car (luckily I have a long commute) and make sure the structure and roots are in bandhelper, then sit down and play the songs through a couple of times keeping it simple. If it's a song I'm going to continue using in other bands then the nuances will come over time.
  12. I bought a job lot of these. work well. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Home-brew-beer-swing-top-Grolsh-style-rubber-washer-seal-for-swingtop-bottles/272881562560?hash=item3f890233c0:m:mOXc7a3ciNCUi4_yhO5QuWw&frcectupt=true
  13. Yep +1 on the G10. Picked up one second hand and have to say it's a great little unit. Fantastic to be free of a cable as well.
  14. I found the J pickup on my P/J would allow me to dial in a little growl when needed. Guess it's horses for courses
  15. The places I play the audience wouldn't care. As long as the tunes are loud and drink is flowing they will be happy. As long as I look out and see a room of smiling faces, bopping away and enjoying themselves I'm not going to let the guilt of missing a few notes in 9-5 get to me 😉
  16. I've always argued that we are a covers band, not a copies band. I like to put my own spin on things, as long as it isn't to the detriment of the song and I'm not being paid the big bucks (I'm not being paid the big bucks) then I don't see it as a problem. Also being strictly in the 'amateur' camp, slavishly copying songs would soon get boring and it would turn into yet another job,at which point you'll find my gear on the market place. Saying that I do agree on the 'known' bassline argument, for example I do try to get Cream/Who/Beatles etc stuff as right as I can while adding a little of myself to the sauce.
  17. I picked up one of the JB-75MN as deco. Nowt wrong with it and a fine budget bass I'd say. Sometimes you get lucky: https://www.thomann.de/gb/decorative_guitars_and_basses.html?ref=search_prv_0
  18. Footloose was a mountain I had to conquer, just for me
  19. I currently use Bandhelper and very good it is too
  20. Been playing this for years. listened to it got the feel and now have fun with it. I'm sure if Mr Flea turned up at a gig he would have something to say, but I look at it as a fill workout. One of my favourites at the moment, but it would kill it if I thought I had to play note for note.
  21. If it's a known problem wouldn't it be nice if Fender released the batch serial numbers......
  22. Literally, 20 seconds walk from my office and where I purchased my Flea.
  23. We make the git-arist stand on that, there is a lever...oh yes
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