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Everything posted by nightsun

  1. Here you go, not the best pic but you get the idea
  2. We do Abba......
  3. Everything gets gigged at some point, the joys of children removed all hope of having 'extra' gear 🙂 Although, I do occasionally question the basses I take depending on the 'safety' of the venue.
  4. Well, shirley an envelope filter would be .....The Sorting Office? I'll get my coat.
  5. @geek99, it can be a bloody nightmare, especially when you start having musos dictate who they will and won't play with. Again it comes back to the politics/balancing act of keeping it entertaining for the punters, interesting for the musos and profitable for the landlord.
  6. Forgot that on my list, please, PLEASE, don't play something that has already been played....
  7. My Flea is my go to, probably the nicest Jazz I've ever played.
  8. I do that as well.....
  9. Chuck my tuppence in... I've been running blues jams for many, many years, and there are as many ways to run a jam as there are stars in the sky. Most of the basics have been covered, but a few things to bear in mind from the hosts point of view: We are there to attract punters; musicians and non-musicians into the venue to spend money on alcoholic beverages (and crisps). If alcoholic beverages (and crisps) are not purchased then the chances are the Jam won't be there for long. This is a careful balancing act Musicians want to play. Punters want to be entertained Get the balance wrong and you end up with a room of musos nursing a pint all night, or the house band playing a 3-hour gig for thruppence. What may look like a clique to you, looks to me like my reliables. They turn up every month without fail and without them there probably wouldn't be a jam. If you are new come and say hello Tell me what you like to play Be honest about your ability, if you're a bit unsure say so, I'll get you up with some experienced musos to help you along. Put your name on the list of jam and you WILL get called up Everyone WIll get at least 3 numbers, I can't guarantee when (see the balancing act), see above if you need to leave early, again let me know, I'll accommodate you in the grand scheme of things if I can I run Jams because I love playing with friends I don't get to gig with. I love watching something come together from nothing, from musos that may have never met let alone played with each other. I most certainly don't do it for the kudos or the money. So if you attend a Jam and it seems a bit cliquey, consider the internal political bollocks that may be in play to ensure that the Jam is there the next time you fancy a little no pressure play. Of course, some Jams can be really cliquey, I don't go to them either :-)
  10. Being spread across the four corners of Essex, we all use our own cars. Can get a fair bit in the old Fiat 500 MPW if needed.
  11. Paul's a great keys player, he'll be hard to replace. Good luck.
  12. They are indeed a great amp, and if it wasn't so close to Christmas......that trade offer still stands though ;-)
  13. Yep, this thread made me go home an dactually sit and play with the B3 properly. Now have the full editing software set up on my tablet, so I can use the B3 as an audio interface and Spotify/Youtube and play to my hearts content. Making some fun patches as well
  14. If it helps at all I use an RS210 and an R212 for the exact reasons you state, small stage foorprint and a cone at vitually ear level. Nice and lightish and a lovely sound to my old ears.
  15. I've been mulling one of these for the living room...I have as yet failed to convince Mrs Nightsun
  16. Nope, but they aren't huge either. Before I went down the board route it quite happily slipped into the front pocket on my gig bag. Depends on your reasons for compact I suppose. If you have the B3n, I'd also be recommending a decent DI rather than replicating functionality, or flogging the B3n and getting the B3. I don't use the DI, so always up for a mutual temp swap if you want to have a play. I guess the B3n uses the same patches?
  17. Yep you need the B3 for the DI, they do come up used occasionally (and everything has it's price)
  18. I have a pretty good idea as I use it for everything mentioned ;-) Aux in Headphone out DI More tonal posibillities than I car to list here Runs on mains/battery/USB Power Multi-FX for gigging (or playing) Happily sits on my Pedaltrain Metro 20 (with a few other pedals) Anything else?
  19. just to throw a curve ball in, not particulaly compact but happily sits on my board...The Zoom B3
  20. My Hotrod P/J most definetly sounds like a P if I dial back the J, with the J dialed in it could take out buildings. On the roadworn front, I have never played a better Fender than my Flea (if that counts, guess so). The neck is sublime, like playing a block of butter.
  21. I find using the gi-tarists head to stabilise the defective leg proves quite effective.
  22. While not being the best bassist in the world, 30 odd years of playing at Jam nights has prepared me for pretty much anything the git-tarists throw at me The online technical snizzle (facebook, twitter, websites etc etc) A large boot full of spare gear more organised than an organised thing on an organised day Set list creator and printer off-er 1st class degree in sarcasm Very fast fingers think thats about it.
  23. Janet Strat Porter......I'll get my coat
  24. The End
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