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Everything posted by nightsun

  1. I've 'inherited' a one of [url="http://truetone.com/1-spot/"]these[/url] from a friend. So going to use that for now, nice long lead and doesn't take up any space on the board. I've run a few rehearsals using it on my pedals and all seems ok...so far.
  2. I'm currently on the same hunt. Using the board creator on the pedaltrain site, I'm going for the Metro 20, will easily accommodate my B3 and at least a couple of other pedals (currently only have a Digitech synth wah in use, but may be looking at adding others)
  3. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1491969388' post='3276808'] the advantage of playing newer songs is that the girlies like to get up and dance to them, and I like watching them dancing [/quote] I could not possibly comment, Mrs Nightsun may be watching :-) Better than watching a load of hairy arsed rockers anyway.
  4. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1491922104' post='3276499'] I'm OK with gigging - I'm always as well-prepared as I can be. It's the recording session that spooks me. Really pleased that you've landed on your feet and that you're enjoying the new band. Good for you. [/quote] As (almost) everyone said on your thread, if you can gig then recording is a piece of piss (but quite dull unless you like knob twiddling). Many years ago I recorded a CD with my then covers band. It was getting late in the day, I'd had enough and the last song was basically one riff for the verse, one for the chorus and solo. I played each line once and then left it to the engineer, when we received the mastered discs no one would have known.
  5. It was a bit full on, but everything was OK in the end...rather enjoyed playing more modern tunes as well.
  6. After reading Solos' Quandary thread I thought I'd put my latest experience in a separate thread rather than hijack his....it may calm the soul a little...... Got a FB message 2 weeks ago from a friend asking if I'd do a few deps for his band as their bass player had upped and left. So the usual, send me over a set list and I'll take a look, but basically a yes I'll help you out. Over comes the set. Now bearing in mind I come from a long line of 60s/70s cover bands, the set list is modern...properly modern. Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, that ginger fella etc etc with a couple of oldie fan favourites. Oh and 36 tunes of which I know (to play) 3, and of which I know as songs....3. At this point I've pretty much committed my self. So back I go, whens the next gig? 2 weeks. So now bricking it. Anyway to cut a longer story long...got all the charts, transposed that needed it, spent an evening learning the recognisable riffs (the ones the punters expect). First rehearsal from the charts went ok. .ish, stuff to brush up on. Next day my appendix decided it wanted to be removed. Kind of curtailed the learning time slightly. So next rehearsal (sat on floor, not allowed to hang bass from neck), 3 days before the gig, haven't had time to do any home learning as I've been on my back...again OK, the songs are recognisable as songs. 3 days later the gig and to say I was proper worried is an understatement. In pain and under-rehearsed I really wasn't looking forward to it. Do you know what, it went absolutely fine. The punters loved it, the band was happy and I'm now the full time bassist. Next gig this Sunday. So to those that worry (and I am the biggest worried in the world), it will all be alright in the end and if it's not alright it's not the end.
  7. fantastic basses, now my go to for all gigs, love it
  8. My Flea Bass, pretty much bought on a whim as I already had a Highway One that I never played in anger. Took it out on a gig as a backup, thought I'd do the first set with it and it's been my go to bass ever since. My poor old number 1 (Precision Hot Rod) just sits on her stand. Always been a P/J man, but the Flea is probably the bass with the nicest feel and sound I've ever played
  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1490615276' post='3266401'] I suspect the next song would have required me to stand outside the rehearsal room so I couldn't hear the drummer... [/quote] That may have been a good thing
  10. The Good Lady Her Indoors hasn't been to one of my gigs in the 10 years we have been together. She just can't stand blues, plus having a couple of sprogletts doesn't help matters. I'm helping out a mates covers band over the summer with a couple of daytime gigs, so you never know she may turn out with the kids. Gigging is my 'me' time though and since the arrival of the little angels has basically become my social life, I wouldn't dare suggest I turn up at one of her nights out with the girls!!
  11. mmmm k, here yea go: Basses: Fender flea Jazz or Fender Precision Hotrod depending on the mood (ikle clip on tuner for quick ref tuning) Leads: Inherited over many years (aaahhem) Effects: Zoom B3 (where the sound lives) - Set up with a good old fashioned big end tone Head: TC BH800 (BH250 as running spare) - I run this flat with Spectracomp/tubetone on TP1 and a subtle octaver on TP2 Cabs: RS210 & Rs212 If push comes to shove I can DI out of the B3 and still have my 'sound', whatever that may be that week. It looks like this:
  12. Gibbon arms from a young age
  13. I've been using TC gear for about 5 years now. Main rig is the BH800, RS210 and RS212 with a BH250 as a backup head. The advice to pick a toneprint and stick with it is pretty much how I've operated. It's nice to play with for a while, but I can't see myself ever changing TPs mid gig. I've gone with the compressor with dirt on TP1 and a subtle octaver on TP2 (I'd tell you the names but for the life of me can't remember them), switching between the two as needed using the foot switch. All in all, I've never had an issue with the current kit, it's light, fits in the car and sound good to my ears.
  14. I always have a 'Just in case' bass, sometimes it joins me on stage, sometimes in stays in the case depending on space. Being a tad anal, I also have a spare head, leads etc. Two cabs, the chances of both going are slim.....must find some wood to touch now.
  15. I may have to dust off my platforms
  16. Superb amp, played through it myself. Have a bump on me
  17. I get the following in a Fiat 500L MPV Diesel: RS210, RS212, BH500 in bag with all leads, Laptop bag, spares bag, 3 basses in soft cases (with spare amp and effects unit in pockets) and 2 X stands That's without the back seats down. If I put one half of the back down I can also get my two guitarists amps and guitars in (plus them). I get about 45 to the gallon and £30 a year tax. Plus it's a seven seater so handy if I want to take the ankle biters and their friends out. With the boot seats flat it creates a level loading area. Love it
  18. Have to agree with Paddy. I've tried and tried to get on with a jazz to the point where my Highway has spent the last few years sat in it's gig bag being neglected. My wife bought me the flea and it's now my go to for every gig, No1 (Precision hot rod) sits on the stand looking a bit miffed. Great neck, superb sound, sits well on the strap and plays like a dream. It's even fooled a few friends (guitarists bless them) into thinking it's an original or a custom shop. Never had a MIM, but I can tell you compared to my Highway it's an absolute dream (the Highway may be a dream as well, just not for me)
  19. I use a 2x10 vertically stacked on a 2x12, I love having a speaker reasonably close to my ear, while my trousers get a good flapping
  20. not silly money either
  21. Have the [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]TC BH250 as a backup to my BH800, fits in my gig-bag and is there if I need it (I haven't yet)[/color][/font]
  22. I'll never sell my Fender Hot-Rod (unless I needed new body parts). It was the first Bass I bought with my own money and it's been signed by Jack Bruce, I may even be buried with her ;-) She's the one on the right:
  23. here's a few The Fender Family: The Acoustics: The Others:
  24. OK, finally got round to having them all out at the same time: The Fender Family: The Acoustic Brothers: The Others:
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