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About spiderjazz

  • Birthday 20/09/1985

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  1. After having the bass for a week now I'm still really enjoying it. Also the eq on them is very nice, I have a Tanglewater Contemporary Jazz as well, which is a nice instrument but I always found the EQ either boomy or too harsh, the MM eq seems's a lot more musical.
  2. I tried this out a few weeks at a music shop in Dublin, couldn't get it out of my head so had to go and and get it on Saturday. It's an absolute beauty, really fun to play as well. [attachment=162060:stingray (4 of 5).jpg] [attachment=162057:stingray (1 of 5).jpg] [attachment=162058:stingray (2 of 5).jpg] [attachment=162059:stingray (3 of 5).jpg] [attachment=162061:stingray (5 of 5).jpg]
  3. Did the same myself after having used it for about 2 years, it's a bargain and a half for the price they charge.
  4. String gauge is the important thing for this, especially if you're going to be on a 4 string neck with a 34" inch scale. If you look at the following link http://circlekstrings.com/CKSIMAGES/CircleKtensionChart.pdf you can calculate the tension you currently have your strings at with your current tension, and what you would need to increase the gauge to to get an equivalent tension in C. For example, if you're tuned to E on your low string with a 0.105 gauge string, there will be approximately 43" pounds of tension. To get the equivalent tension in C, you would need a 0.130 to 0.135 gauge string. I have my bass tuned in drop C, and I was using the low 4 strings in a 5 string set (130, 100, 80, 60), but I found the tension in the high C and F strings quite high, so I'm currently getting the bass set up with a 0.125 set, but using the low B string for the C, ignoring the E string, and using the other strings in their respective places (0.125, 0.85, 0.65, 0.45). This should hopefully lead to a balanced tension set, with the string tension roughly the same across the strings
  5. Quick question for you, have you used this with a PC or Mac? I'm looking for an interface for a laptop running Windows 7, but I've read that some of the M-Audio Firewire interfaces are very picky with the type of firewire card you have.
  6. I haven't read much about how the Kemper differentiates the amp and cab parts of the tone, when you profile the signal have you a seperate amp and cab block? Looking forward to hearing your clips of it, haven't heard any bass clips of it yet.
  7. Nice review. I haven't had a chance to try one myself yet, but all the reviews for it are very good. Are you running it through studio monitors/frfr setup, or are you running the patches back into a cab?
  8. Thanks for the responses all, I assumed it was banana plugs, but as you said it was terminal posts that I was looking at to bridge the channels. I've ended up using a single channel with a speakon to jack connection, and for my current needs (playing in my bedroom), it's more than doing the job! Thanks for the help.
  9. I'm thinking of picking up a cheap power amp ([url="http://www.thomann.de/ie/tamp_s100.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/ie/tamp_s100.htm[/url])to run a preamp into a cab, but the back of the power amp has banana plug connections, which I want to use to get the full power from the amp. I can't find a banana plug to 1/4" male cable on any of the normal music sites I use, any ideas where I could pick one up?
  10. Recorded a short clip today, nothing too fancy playing wise on the bass, was more aiming to have the guitar and bass be heard as one wall of sound rather than having a lot of separation between them. Any advice on improving the mix/tones would be most welcome! [url="http://soundcloud.com/spiderjazz/5150chug"]http://soundcloud.com/spiderjazz/5150chug[/url]
  11. I'm very much only learning about it myself as well, the more you learn the more you realise how little you know! What you could try doing as a quick fix is putting a limiter over the master buss, and setting the max ceiling at -0.3, this should stop any clipping occuring, albeit at the expense of squishing your track when the big bits hit in.
  12. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1334410258' post='1615847'] Here's the piccies, not the best (took them while phone was on low battery) but you can see the extent of the damage. [/quote] Do you mind if I ask how it happened? Was it purely from use or did they get physically damaged? Have a set of them myself, wouldn't be too happy if it happened!
  13. Really like the clip and playing (bits of the solo have a real petrucci/satch vibe). The vibe from the tracks is great as well. The only thing I noticed is that the recording is clipping pretty heavily. Could be an idea to have a look to see whats causing that, whether it's actually on the recorded tracks, or what I think is more likely is that the track's are individually a bit high, so when everything hit's together, it's clipping the master buss.
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