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Everything posted by 1970

  1. any idea what one of these new models will cost?
  2. 1970

    mxr bass fuzz deluxe

    [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1335874557' post='1637285'] [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~MXR-Bass-Fuzz-Deluxe-Pedal-M84~ID~17022.asp"]http://www.soundsliv...84~ID~17022.asp[/url] Personally, I think it sounds like ass [/quote] too farty?
  3. Are these available in the UK yet? I've seen some online, but not sure if they are actually in stock or pre orders. I think this is going to be a sweet pedal.
  4. I've been playing bass in a band for about 18 months, probably done 25 shows, we support 95% of the time so I haven't gotten around to getting a bass amp yet, but I'm constantly looking. Having come from playing guitar, I have a big love for tube amps and guitar tone - but bass amps just don't thrill me. Here's why. Tonight I played through one of these: A Behringer Ultrabass. And a DI. It sounded fantastic. I have a nice bass that sounds amazing DI'd so all I need is a something that I can hear on stage. Why bother dropping a grand on a bass amp when this cheap thing does the job just fine? I just don't get it. I WANT to like bass amps, I started the '70s bass amps' thread to find out more about cool vintage bass amps, only to find out there are none. I really can't get into bass amps and I think it's throwing me into some sort of existential crisis. Or maybe that's just the beer.
  5. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1334912203' post='1623250'] Mayonnaise is also very effective at removing sticker goo and won't damage the underlying finish or require you to handle everything with gloves on, unlike some of the solvents being suggested here. At least no-one has suggested trichloroethylene yet! [/quote] And if it's not going well you can make a delicious sandwich, sit back, soak up the vibes and wonder where it all went wrong.
  6. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1324208934' post='1471740'] lighter fuel cleans well also... [/quote] and if it's not going well you can just set the bass on fire, which i hear does amazing things for corts.
  7. 4003 is back from setup today - had a quick play in the workshop. I figured the bloke was going to straighten the neck a bit and adjust the bridge, but holy moly, he's also filed down the nut, taken the laquer coating off the frets, flattened them all out and given them a nice polish as well! Very impressed! I had a quick play and it's feeling/sounding very nice indeed. Will give it a solid run at practise tonight and then on tour for a week. chuffed! f*ck all the ric hate, i love my 4003.
  8. not sure myself, but there's plenty of knowledgeable valve folk over on the musicradar forums who might be able to help you out
  9. 1970

    Hartke b120?

    yeah, but have a look around, something will come up if you're patient. I thoroughly recommend that blazer btw.
  10. +1 for this era Ibanez stuff - I have an 81 blazer guitar and it is amazing - there's something magical in those brass bridges.
  11. 1970

    Hartke b120?

    Personally, having done a bit of shipping between counties, I wouldn't bother with shipping. £350 can get you decently setup with something playable from this forum. For example if I was going to get started today I would get this: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/173768-1982-ibanez-blazer-pics-up/ and this http://basschat.co.uk/topic/138648-vox-escort-50-bass-amp-price-reduction-now-only-l100/page__p__1609489__hl__vox__fromsearch__1#entry1609489 sorted.
  12. [quote name='thunderider' timestamp='1334693217' post='1619965'] they sh*te then??? [/quote] imho, sh*te yes... all of that range of Marshalls. but hey i'm just one guy.
  13. I wouldn't bother with this head at all...
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1334596897' post='1618290'] Matamp are pretty much a different league to Sunn quality wise mind. Check link in sig, as I have a ton of amps that are suitable for these things, some of which can sell, but mostly to give you a general idea of what can work for the purpose. [/quote] cool blog man, but you should tag your posts by make / model / tube etc then have a labels menu! would make browsing hella easy.
  15. [quote name='analogrowl' timestamp='1334571830' post='1617657'] Yup but i do fear that sunn is just so trendy since sunn o))) cast a light on this brand and are overpriced. This one is at the same price as a new ampeg SVT-VR so that sounds ok to me. [/quote] yes true, they tend to be overpriced. but they definitely do the sound well.
  16. I would snap up anything Sunn... 300Ts are very highly sought after. Would be great for that sound and a good investment too. I'd like a link to anywhere sunns are on sale too
  17. check out Tym big bottom, for nothing else than it's a cool concept.
  18. Anyone played bass through one of these? thoughts?
  19. bargain price, i paid a lot more for mine about 2 months ago and wish i'd had something resembling patience right about now
  20. bloke i know in australia just purchased one from japan, not sure what channel he went through though
  21. kinda mosrite meets telecaster
  22. would be interested to see how it compares to the schecter hellcat vi and the MIJ fender vi
  23. oh they have just been announced: http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/eastwood_guitars_introduces_the_new_sidejack_vi.html
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