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Everything posted by 1970

  1. I wouldn't put it down to nirvana fans, probably more like lawsuit-era-MIJ fans, such as myself...
  2. GAS is like herpes. It never goes away. You'll get a flare up, mark my words.
  3. so the eagle will be import only?
  4. so incredibly excited: http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/22211-ibanez-unveils-talman-bass-black-eagle-reissue-and-more
  5. think it's just a phase - been looking at rigs of bob weston and buzz osborne, who both use rack poweramps with their pre of choice.
  6. no just investigating the possibility of a cool rack setup for reliability. Preamp selection is quite difficult.
  7. ah cool - 4mm banana, that's the ticket.
  8. Hi, Anyone use an old rack poweramp? How do you connect it to a cab when the outputs are like this: What to do need to plug that into, say, a cab with speakon inputs?
  9. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1421417235' post='2660959'] One of these, or similar, on each flank, and a slip-on cover..? [attachment=181179:Flig_Hand.jpg] I sympathise, but it's an uncomfortable fact: some amps weigh the moon. We use a Hiwatt 200w, fully flight-cased, so I know the problem. It's just very, very heavy, that's all there is to it. A case will protect it better, of course, there's no 'magic bullet'. Sorry. [/quote] That might be a good option... I've already forked out about £45 for a roqsolid case
  10. My ampeg V4 weighs an absolute tonne. I thought the GT200 was heavy but the V4 is next level. Adding to this is the fact that it only has 1 handle, on the top. Meaning that it's hard to get 2 people to carry it. So I was thinking of getting a case for it so 2 people can manage the load (also the benefits of a flight case of course). My issue is making it even more heavy and big (did I mention it's the size of a house? It has the same width as the height of my vertical matamp 2x12). If I get it flight cased it might make the whole thing impossible for 1 person to lift (which I have to do sometimes). Thoughts? Lightweight case options? Drill more handles? (please don't say buy a markbass).
  11. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1421337900' post='2660085'] What i was talking about is for you to get a DI box and plug the preamp output from your amp to it and then you'll be able to send balanced signal to a mixer with less noise. Doing this you'll still benefit from your amp's EQ and any fx going to the mixer. [/quote] I SEE! Haven't had much trouble with noise but I'll definitely keep that in mind
  12. Maybe we're using DI to mean different things ITT...
  13. My DI out of the amp is an attenuated signal so it goes through my preamp as well as my eq settings. Why I don't like DI boxes is that every talentless hack soundguy up and down the country gets me to plug into a DI box so they can put my bass through their sh*tty PA that sounds nothing like the expensive bass amp that I just lugged to the show. If I wanted to play through a PA, I wouldn't bother bringing an amp.
  14. Every time I see a DI box I involuntarily shudder. Keep those things the hell away from me.
  15. Awesome, thanks.
  16. I'm thinking of getting an OR120. One thing I've found useful lately is recording directly out of my GT200 DI output - would I be able to do the same thing out of the preamp/slave output in an OR120?
  17. 1970

    NAD : GK 800RB

    On my bucket list for sure - they're really hard to find this side of the atlantic. Nice one.
  18. Played one in Wunjo the other day. Was a lot lighter than I thought it would be. It didn't completely blow me away but man... SO COOL. Kinda sounded like an RD but without as much balls. It was one of the rounded ones, like this:
  19. From what I've seen around I'd say that the bridge cover is not original but the case is.
  20. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1977-Fender-Precision-Bass-/151475660585?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2344a72729
  21. Bloody hell! Jealous. I wouln't worry about the repair - it's a million times better than if the broken piece is missing altogether. You know where to come if you ever want to get rid of it!
  22. They regularly come up in the states for around £1000-1200. The cutout in the headstock is often broken off, which is a shame. I'm also holding out for one (but with a complete headstock). [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/IBANEZ-BLACK-EAGLE-RARE-1976-BASS-GUITAR-/171538800184?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_212&hash=item27f0825e38"]Cheap one in Poland on eBay[/url] at the moment if you don't mind one with broken headstock.
  23. [quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1413468257' post='2578535'] ...seriously though, how many basses do you have currently, and what are they? [/quote] can a mod ban this user?
  24. Do it. You'll never know if you don't. You can always go back if it's not for you.
  25. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Roqsolid do great work.[/font][/color]
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