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John Schoen

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Everything posted by John Schoen

  1. A Yamaha SBV-J2. I love the shape and it HAS to sound great with two P pickups.
  2. I didn't know about that setting, sorry. I will use it from now on.
  3. I like signatures, they can be funny or tell you something about the poster so I like to leave them turned on. Sometimes they can be a bit too large though, like [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/216440-on-holdsale-pending-rare-original1989-yamaha-trb-4p-emerald-greengold-museum-mint/page__view__findpost__p__2201220"]this one[/url] here that includes a slideshow of all his gear and takes up the entire height of my laptop screen. May I suggest a maximum height so the sigs don't take up a ridiculous amount of screen space?
  4. Little Green Bag - The George Baker Selection http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xUJZRWkc0w
  5. I like the energy in this video and LOVE the big white Gretsch. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMICD3aMZpw[/media]
  6. A fun "could have been" lawsuit: Hondo suing RIC over lost income from selling the originals of their copies.
  7. This is the guy: http://basschat.co.uk/user/24139-warwick-official/
  8. You would either need another bridge or use this thingy: a mod-bar: http://www.ebay.com/itm/GIBSON-EPIPHONE-BASS-BRIDGE-3-POINT-MOD-BAR-/300941787065
  9. Mine has to be Live At Leeds from The Who. The scribbled label on the disk with the text "Crackling noises OK, do not correct". Vinyl of course.
  10. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1373803613' post='2141733'] He's a business man not a luthier. If people still buy them come what may why should he care? [/quote] He just won't admit it when there is something wrong with the finish. It is never RIC's fault, it is the soap that you used/didn't use or the handcream that you used/didn't use that caused the problem.
  11. Ashdown LB30 Drophead - £53.33/watt. So happy that I don't need a 1000 watt amp.
  12. The pictures are the same as those that Nige used when he put his bass on eBay. It is either Nige's bass or that Canadian fellow has borrowed the pictures.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=686A5yPMWrs
  14. Robert Trujillo owns it now, the full story is here: http://www.fender.com/news/metallicas-trujillo-rescues-jaco-pastorius-bass-of-doom/
  15. I succumbed to my GAS and bought a 5440 last weekend. It sounds and looks great, I bet you can just play root notes on it and still appear to be the coolest guy in the band.
  16. The statisctics here might be a bit skewed; I think that more than 90% of the divorcees that you meet on this forum are bass players.
  17. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1369237862' post='2086753'] I've not read the whole thread, but what if Fender were to do this with the shape of the Jazz body? Infact, I'm off to email them to see if they will. [/quote] They tried it with the shape of the Stratocaster and Telecaster guitars and the Precision bass and failed: [url="http://ttabvue.uspto.gov/ttabvue/v?pno=91161403&pty=OPP&eno=246"]http://ttabvue.uspto...pty=OPP&eno=246[/url]
  18. The fun never ends with RIC: http://konschaklaw.wordpress.com/2013/05/13/rickenbacker-sues-lollar-guitars-for-trademark-infringement/ RIC is suing Jason Lollar for trademark infringement, they have trademarked the horseshoe pickup.
  19. I spent a couple of nights reading all three threads and bought both his books. The first, "In Cold Sweat" contains the full text of the interviews that he had with Gene Simmons, Peter Hook, Jerry Casale and Scott Thunes. The Scott Thunes interview takes up half of the book, he is a very interesting person. The Gene Simmons interview is very interesting too, it made me look differently at him. He wrote the second book, "Ghosts and Ballyhoo", when the Talkbass thread made him realise that people were interested in his story. The subtitle is "Memoirs of a failed LA music journalist" and he talks about his life as a musician and later journalist. There are some interludes by Scott Thunes in this book, I really enjoyed reading it.
  20. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1368799333' post='2081690'] OH DEAR GOD Singers lose things ... like their capo ... HUH!? [/quote] Like this. :)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mjWZhLWlwo
  21. This is an earlier version of the LTD 2, later models have the smaller logo and the black woofer.
  22. Not likely. Music Store is big enough to laugh at John Hall if he would threaten them with legal action, their annual turnover is almost ten times that of RIC.
  23. John Schoen


    I think it is a great initiative, building those basses for people that can't or don't want to do it themselves. There are a couple of things about your version of the bass that I am not sure about because they are different from the original. - The truss rod adjustment at the headstock, I like the cleaner look of the original. - The modern bridge looks a bit out of place on a vintage and raw design like a slab body. - Last and least: 21 frets. I am not sure if prospective buyers would ever go that high on the neck. Could you post some specifications of your bass? I understand that they are custom made but some basic specs and dimensions (nut width, neck profile etc.) would be interesting to know.
  24. John Schoen


    I love that sound. What is the pickup in that bass?
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