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About sixdegrees

  • Birthday 14/02/1976

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  1. Great cabs. I've used mine exclusively for the last five years. I load it in and out of my hatchback on my own, and it's the same weight and footprint as most 4x10 cabs; with the added benefit of more speakers closer to your ears.
  2. What's the weight and wattage please?
  3. I felt a little guilty of not using the pure tone from my amp before reading this thread. I use a TC rack compressor with the first engine in front of the preamp (as a limiter) and the second engine in the effects loop for parallel compression. Added to this is an Aphex BB/AE which acts as a room-fixer and is set according to the venue. I find that this setup adds punch that amps alone cannot achieve. Although I switch the Aphex off during arpegio lines, otherwise the tone can be a little too thick with the added harmonics.
  4. Thanks for the reply :-) I think I'll give it a go. It's the only brick I've found that offers both 9 and 12 volt at over 400mA. I guess time will tell whether I'm more bothered by a little ground noise or the convenience of one wall plug.
  5. I'm looking at a power brick for my new pedal board, and this one seems to fit the bill perfectly. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B015XZQWIU/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1453990153&sr=8-2&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=vitoos&dpPl=1&dpID=41IObxMSABL&ref=plSrch 8 x 9v outputs at 300mA each 2 x 9/12/18v outputs at 1000mA each It's described as isolated, but I'm not sure if each output is isolated or just the switchable ones from the other 8. Regardless of being fully isolated, it seems too good to be true at the price (£36.99 inc p&p), and covers the awkwardness of powering a couple of thirsty pedals at both 9v and 12v. Is there anything I've missed, or should be aware of before pulling the trigger?
  6. I've found that the P basses are not as well finished on the neck as the Jazzes. This is mainly due to the bound neck edges on the Jazzes. Some of the fretwork on the Ps could genuinely cut your hands. It's nothing that can't be sorted with a fine file or wire wool, but I wouldn't buy one without trying it first. QC is extremely variable. I can't comment on the P basses sound quality, but some of the Jazzes sound really good, and I wouldn't hesitate to gig with one.
  7. Where are you based? Sorry, can't tell via the mobile site.
  8. It's passive now, with a volume for each set of poles. Do you mean sit in the mix, or cut through the mix with regard to the 2 band eq?
  9. Has anyone got an opinion on the quality of the original pups in these? I've been planning to upgrade my MM3 OLP 5 string with an SD alnico pickup, and retrovibe stinger preamp. I've since realised that the SD pickup has a much wider string spacing than the original. Would the preamp alone make more difference than a replacement pickup? Does anyone rate the original pickup, or does it need replacing to get any benefit from a preamp?
  10. Brilliant! Thanks, Tim. I'll have a think about the design and be in touch soon. Lee.
  11. Does anyone on here make custom pickguards? I'm currently modifying my OLP MM3, and would like a new one. The ones commercially available are the 4 hole ones, with the slider switch; while the one I require is 3 holes, and will accommodate a slightly wider pup than is standard. Online prices seem a little silly, especially when I have one to use as a template (I don't want to have to butcher the one I have in case I decide to put it back to stock).
  12. I run a Fender P through an Ampeg head, and MB cab. It's articulate, punchy, and great in the mix (even up against a heavily scooped Mesa guitar rig). The same bass through an Ashdown rig sounded horrid, unless I used extreme eq settings (which still sounded horrid, but at least I had some cut). However, a Jazz; neck pup, tone rolled off, sounded really thumpy and old school through the Ashdown. Absolutely useless for Geddy-esque burp and clank with the bridge pup though.
  13. Seeing this has given me GAS for the first time in years. First one I've seen for under a grand too. Please someone buy it before I get myself into trouble!
  14. Is the foam still available? I'm after a piece or two for a MM 5 string.
  15. Funny you should say that. The bassist with the band that supported us last night had to use his spare Harley Benton, and I was really impressed with the tone. As with any budget bass, the quality will vary. If anyone wants a corker of a J&D - go for the blue jazz at Digital Village in Romford!
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