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paul j h

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Everything posted by paul j h

  1. All the customisation was done before I got the bass, I really like it, but I have too many basses for my needs. I did post recently about returning this to its original format, but, the concenus was that it was not worth it, hence it and my "spare" Stingray being for sale.
  2. Now with more and better photos. Cheers Paul.
  3. FS/FT my 2004 Stingray in excellent condition white/cream body and maple neck/fretboard. This is the 3 EQ version but with a Aquilar OPB 3 preamp and mid push/pull boost/cut control this really adds to the sound of the MM. Te rear of the bass holds the two battery packs for the 18v preamp. The bass also has the original, mint condition MM logo'd hard case. There is a tiny indentation in the finish by the jack socket on the edge but it is really small, pin head sized and two even smaller indentations on the bottom side of the scratch plate all are so small it is difficult to photograph.This bass sounds and looks amazing. Ideally I would like a cash sale as I am trying to reduce my collection but I am open to trades but only 4 strings, the worst I can say is a polite no thanks. Anyone requiring further photos just PM me. I am looking to trade up for a 1970's Precision I have cash available.
  4. For sale or trade my 1973 Fender Precision in natural ash. The neck was originally a (rare) fretless maple but has since been professionally fretted, the side dots are on the fret lines. The ash body has precision and jazz Bartolini pick ups and has been routed with a larger cavity for the Bartolini NTMB 918F preamp. As can be seen from the photos the bass has Precision version of the Marcus Miller bass type vibe. There is a battery pack cover on the back of the body to house the twin (18v) batteries for the preamp. The bass is in great condition for a 37 year old, the neck is in fabulous condition and the body has natural wear and "crazing" to the finish. Open to trade offers but only 4 stings please, I have cash available if you want to trade down. Will be sold with a hard shell case. Anyone requiring further photos let me.
  5. Just to clarify, I already have a great punchy active in my Stingray classic and the classic P will soon be covered, I already have a 79 P and am currently awaiting delivery of some Labella flats
  6. thanks for the responses guys.
  7. Hi folks, I wonder if I can utilise your extensive knowledge. I have a 1978 ash bodied, maple neck Fender Precision in natural, when I bought it, it had/has a formerly fretless maple neck that was subsequently fretted (not by me), the side dots are where the frets are. The body has had a Jazz pick up fitted and this and the p pick up are Bartolini active pick ups, a NTMP - 918F set this obviously required the routing for the jazz, making the controls cavity larger and routing on the back for two 9v batterys. Now the whole vibe of the bass is that of a vintage Precision version of the Marcus Miller bass, the layout of controls and scratch plate are virtually the same. I however, have at long last realised that my needs are just a simple one passive pick up bass. now I really like the neck, although the dots confuse me! and body colour/wear on the body but don't like the rest, even though it sounds awesome. Eventually we get to the dilemma bit, do I/can I get the cavitys filled and still retain the same body finish or would it need refinishing to cover up the work. Has anyone any experience of this sort of work? likely costs? can show examples etc. Or should I just sell/trade and get a normal Precision? I will post photos when I work out how to!
  8. Many thanks, that's me sorted then.
  9. I love the Gene Simmons tone in the demo, doe's anyone know how much these cost? cos I want one.
  10. Hi all I was looking at my creamy white stingray with brown torti plate today and thinking after this post that a vintage tint would be a good idea, especially when I put it on a stand next to my stingray classic in the same colours/finish. If its not too cheeky a question what is the approx cost? Cheers Paul
  11. I'm sat here watching Dolly Parton with my wife and I've just told her sees miming. The only good thing about her whole set is seeing my mates flag, its the Wiltshire one, green and white stripes with a bustard on! Kenny Rogers was much better last year
  12. Hi I will come up from the wilds of the Forest of Dean, depending on the date and what the other half has planned etc. Cheers Paul.
  13. Ddrum4 if you can get one, fantastic module, bulletproof cast pads if not get the triggers.
  14. There are some on the outskirts of the city, I saw them on my way back to the airport (shame) two or three in close vicinity, never got to visit them though. There is a great CD/DVD shop just off the Ramblas loads of rarities and imports. My wife and I went there for our 30th wedding anniversary, the only gig we went to was a classical guitar recital in a small church, it was fabulous though.
  15. Today I took delivery of a new (to me) Music man Stingray 3 band EQ in lovely creamy white with a brown tortoiseshell plate, maple neck. In great condition, sounds great, only had a quick play but loving it already. will post pictures shortly as soon as i work out how. Cheers. Paul.
  16. White stilletos (or however you spell them, its an Essex thing!)
  17. Hi All, I posted in another post about my amp having an annoying hum when using he drive control. After some great advice on the forum and from Guy at Ashdown amps I have bought a replacement valve for the preamp. But here is the problem, how do I get the thing opened to replace the valve? sorry if this is a silly question, but I have looked around and can't find any means to remove the metal casing to get to replace the valve.any advice?
  18. Right, I have had another go at problem solving, I have tried four different leads and its still makes a humming noise when the drive is engaged, I have tried this with the bass and without With no lead in at all there is no difference if you have the drive or not. So its not the leads, it can be the bass? cos it makes no noise on two other amps. So is it the tube like the nice man from Ashdown suggested, if so any recommendations of 12AX7 tube to use?
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