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Everything posted by pbasspecial

  1. David Lane in Gravesend
  2. Oooohhhh. That’s lovely. I remember Bernie from this Thornton Heath days back in the late 80’s.
  3. Thanks for all the tips guys. I spoke with my neighbour who is a pit guitarist in one of the west end shows and he recommended ForScore (rather than Irealpro) and to get some IEMs - Shure SE215s. Which I did. Just need to work on my reading/learn how to do it! 😂
  4. I have been playing the bass for quite a while now and doing pretty well. I have decided to rise from the local jam and gig circuit and get to the next level of depping/function band musician as I want to push myself musically and professionally. Last Saturday I was given a dep gig by a semi-pro bass friend who was unwell. I did a pretty good job all things considering it was a few days notice and had 30+ songs to learn. I wondered what you pros out there suggest were the do’s and dont’s, and what equipment is essential/expected from the MD’s. Thanks in advance.
  5. Also, If I were going to buy an active bass now (I mainly use passive currently) I would definitely get one with an active/passive switch just in case the batteries croaked mid gig.
  6. I got a LoBat device from the states fitted to my active bass. Blips when you plug in and goes on permanently when the batteries are running flat. I believe some Yamaha basses have a similar device.
  7. That’s sad if it’s true, which it probably my is 😢 Used to have all the albums when I was much, much younger.
  8. Well, what I did was buy the carcass of a studio 12 from eBay. I turned it 90 degrees, moved the badge and feet so it pretty much matched width wise. I think I probably have a non original speaker in it but they seem to work pretty well together.
  9. Got to see the cab yesterday. It’s in great condition and Ciaran is a top fella too!
  10. Hi Guys, Up for sale is my mint condition OE Super Vintage pedal. Comes complete with the box, no velcro. You all know how amazing these pedals are. Unfortunately a change in direction means it’s no longer needed. However, would definitely buy one again in the future. Looking for just £295 + £5 postage.
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  11. This is Andy Irvine’s favourite bass preamp. Top player and a great guy too.
  12. FFS for the love of god will someone please buy so I don’t! It’s my birthday tomorrow, I may crumble 😢😂
  13. I played a classic/heavy rock gig and near the end of the second set the obligatory drunken lady asked “Do you know any Amy Winehouse?” Not tonight my love! 😂
  14. I spam my bass friend with loads of ads for short scale basses just to watch him drool.
  15. I’m a pretty experienced bass player. In a band and also the house bass player for a couple of local jams. However, I attended another local jam just as a player and got asked to play for this ‘interesting’ guitarist/singer. He wasn’t even going to tell me what he wanted to play until pressed, at which point he said it’s a song from the latest Sparks album and would probably know it! 😂 With that he mumbled a few chords, which I didn’t hear and he proceeded to start straight away. After about 15 seconds of this car crash waiting to happen, I casually unplugged my bass, mic dropped the cable to the floor and walked back to the bar. It felt wonderful. 😂
  16. Really pleased to know that. Loved that amp. Had serious sellers remorse when I sold it!
  17. Use(d) a Boss TU2 for the last 25 years or so. Funnily enough a TC polytune 3 noir turned up in the post just this morning for my birthday in a week or so. Can’t wait to fit it on my board and save a tiny bit of space.
  18. I have one. It’s such a great, well built pedal.
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