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Everything posted by pbasspecial

  1. I actually already have a pf500! I had considered doing that but tbh have my eyes on a couple of other amps.
  2. Up for sale is my lovely Ampeg PF50t 50 watt valve amp. This beautiful amp sounds fantastic and looks great too. Very light for a valve amp. Comes with a free QSC soft carry bag (rather tatty). This has only been gigged a handful of times and is in perfect condition. New these are nearly £700 new. I bought it when they where on special offer so not looking to take advantage of my fellow BC'ers. Only selling as the the bluesy soul project has since folded and joining a very loud rock band.
  3. I had 2 SCs before. They sounded great but I didn't like stacking them vertically as I found them a little unstable. Personally I think the ST looks great, not much larger than the SC and makes roughly the same sound as 2 SCs. Also a ST is a lot cheaper than buying 2 SCs!
  4. Unfortunately the Compacts not mine but I should bear the 2 ohm thing in mind when getting another amp but to be fair I can't imagine I'm ever going to use an ST and a compact or 2 STs. However, would be fun to try!!!
  5. Yep, I was being a little thick Haven't had the chance to use it in anger yet but not coloured at all. Very clear. Whatever you put in, you'll get out. If you're after bassy (your user name!) I reckon 2 compacts would be perfect and work out a little bit cheaper than 1 super twin.
  6. PB? Maybe I'm being a little thick but I don't know what you mean
  7. Thanks Gary. To be honest, the compact in the middle is on loan from a friend. I am also going to sell my Super Compact next week as the Super Twin is my one cab solution.
  8. Just bought this lovely Super Twin today from another BC'er also called Paul. Great guy, met half way in a harvester car park! Got it home and plugged it in. Superb! A/B'd it against the SC and compact individually and together. Sounds even better. Happy Bunny!
  9. Hope they find your bass ASAP mate
  10. I too have a really nice pedal board now: TU2, Rodenberg overdrive & distortion, MXR Fuzz Deluxe, MXR P90 phaser, Cog custom built Reverb & Chorus, Boss GE7B and a TC Boost. Lovely looking but barely use it. Nice to press some pretty lights occasionally when I get bored though
  11. The right thing to do is buy it as you made an 'offer/contract' with eBay/seller. Play it, if you like it keep it. If not, sell it. If you pay via your credit card, you have a month to sell it/settle your bill. I doubt the financial hit will be too great. Do the right thing, it will make you feel better.
  12. As you mentioned (OP) in your post you were interested in a 2x12 and a class D head, what about a s/h BF Supertwin and an Orange Terror. Should be able to get them for a grand s/h.
  13. Gutted I missed this one. D'oh!
  14. I bought one of these a few years ago for £450. This is a bargain for a great amp.
  15. Madge was bonkers. She's like Dickens Miss Haversham and doesn't realise she has been dumped and no one gives a toss about here any more. On the positive side who can forget the Polish Milkmaids from a few years ago. Thought I'd accidentally tuned on to one of the naughty channels
  16. Ok. I've PM'd you. If you could give me your account details there, etc as I am sure you value your privacy Sean.
  17. If you have either or both for sale (unlikely). Count me in.
  18. What about a S/h Barefaced Supertwin? 2x12. One cab solution.
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