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Everything posted by JPJ

  1. 4ft by 2.5ft would be a bloody luxury at some of my gigs 😂 Isn’t there a version of the drummers ‘butt kicker’ that hangs off your bass strap that does a similar thing?
  2. So I’m guessing there is no love for proper old school tone monster amps. So last bump before I withdraw her, and keep her warm and safe in her beautiful flight case for all eternity.
  3. Still here, will consider part-ex for high end 2x12 cab (Bergantino, Vanderkley etc)
  4. Or reverse the panning and confuse the hell out of your audience 😂
  5. So like the OP, I’ve shlepped mammoth bass rigs around for years, but as the years advance, I’ve had to scale back and now mainly gig a 1x15 Neo equipped combo with support from a matching 1x15 Neo extension cab. I’m on the cusp of going down the IEM route (almost inevitable with one band) but have held off mainly because as well as being the bassist, I’m also the sound engineer and it’s just more to set up and dial in before each gig. That said, last weekend I played a gig at a small social club. Upstairs room, probably 150 capacity. I took the combo and extension cab. Small stage so I was stood right in front of my ‘stack’ so much so that I could feel the air movement from the port in the combo on the back of my arm. IEM’s may indeed be the future but I think I’ll miss the physicality of the sound coming from a bass rig.
  6. I’m a huge Thumpinator fan. Cleans up the sound without ‘changing’ the sound if you know what I mean. Mines the last pedal on my board before my amp, and I use it with electric bass, fretless bass, EUB, and acoustic bass.
  7. Picked up a late cancellation at the world famous Trillians in Newcastle upon Tyne, and managed to fill the place with friends, family and likeminded lovers of southern rock. Safe to say our best gig of the year so far 😎
  8. JPJ

    Show us your rig!

    Tonight’s rig at the legendary Trillians Newcastle upon Tyne 😎
  9. I’d use a sharp razor blade to take the loose flaking lacquer off and then leave it alone to age nicely.
  10. I have a BTB sitting here doing nothing along with the mid-range stack. I could be persuaded to part with them as a set.
  11. You have a couple of options - just keep adding layers of nitro until you can sand flat, or strip the nitro and either sand the body further (I normally go to 600 grit before paint, sometimes 1000 grit if the grain is really open) or use a high-build primer.
  12. No interest on this beast of an amp? Will listen to serious offers around the asking price.
  13. Thanks for the encouragement. The bow took a lot of rosin to get going but it sure makes a beautiful noise on the NXT, almost choral.
  14. Well my ‘cheap’ Thomann bow and Pops rosin arrived today, so here we go into a brave new world 😎
  15. I get great results just sticking my Zoom H4n Pro in the middle of the room (assuming you rehearse “in the round”). No mics on drums, no faffing about recording off the desk. If it’s only for personal playback then this should be a much better and simpler option than trying to take what is essentially your FOH sound off your mixing desk.
  16. Hope you have got this resolved, but in case not, looking at the second picture it ‘looks’ like the nut has cracked or been repaired? As this is on the E string side, it ‘could’ be the cause of the weakened sound.
  17. So I’ll just keep adding comments here to document my experiences with the NS NXT. When I purchased my NXT it came from a classical player, and had what you might call a reasonably high action (11mm on the E at the fingerboard end). I struggled on with this convincing myself I just needed to up my left hand strength, but last weekend, and after much internet research I decided I needed to lower the action. I’ve taken it down quite a bit (7mm on the E at fingerboard end) and it’s a revelation. The string tension at the higher setting made the NXT very ‘trebly’ and almost microphonic (hand noise very prominent in the mix), but lowering the action has cured this, and made the NXT so much more ‘fun’ to play without impacting on the sound.
  18. Yes, same connection as the bridge ground wire in KiOgon’s wiring diagram (‘black wires’)
  19. What have you missed? Well looking at your shielding I do not see how this is connecting to earth? For an Uber quiet bass, I’d recommend continuing the copper shielding on to the rebate of the control cover, shielding the back of the control cover so that the two come into contact when the cover is on, and soldering a wire between the shielding and the earth terminal of the output jack. I also go so far as to shield the pickup cavities and solder wires between these and the wire to the earth terminal to make a complete shielded cage. If you decide to shield the pickup cavities, use a little bit of electricians tape on the back of the pickups to stop any exposed wiring shorting out on the copper foil.
  20. Great little combo’s these, I have actually gigged mine on an ‘acoustic’ gig. Sounds great with EUB also. GLWTS 😎
  21. In my pursuit of a Geezer’esque tone I was luck enough to snag an early Lakland Skyline P bass that came with a Lindy Fralin P pickup. I’ve certainly had plenty of compliments about how that bass sounds.
  22. So as a recent re-entrant into the world of EUB (NS NXT), the next step on my journey is to add arco to my repertoire. Obviously, bass bows come in many flavours (and prices) but anyone got any recommendations of a good beginners bow (French style)? I recognise that you get what you pay for, but as this will be most likely for personal gratification, for at least the first couple of years, I’m just looking for something that will support a beginner. Same question about rosin, all recommendations greatly received.
  23. How are you getting on with the Traditional strings? I’ve just bit the bullet and ordered a set for my NXT from Bass Bags.
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