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Everything posted by JPJ

  1. So second rehearsal and the NXT just fits the music so well, so much so I’m playing her on a lot more of the set than I originally thought. Just about got the Stanley Clarke dialled in too and I’ve got to say I’m getting a pretty convincing double bass tone out of the NXT and the secret is definitely all in the fingers. If you play like a double bassist the NXT sounds like a double bass, whereas if you play like an electric bassist the NXT sounds like a fretless bass, albeit an extended range one. Oh and no thumb issues either, which confirms that the stand is the answer to my old problem.
  2. This thread has got me thinking of sticking the original filter preamp back in my Overwater Original series 5 string 🤔
  3. When I was researching before purchasing my NXT, a lot of NS owners recommend the NS Traditional strings as being a big improvement over the stock Contemporary fitted at the factory. I considered changing mine but at £163 a set I might wait awhile 😉
  4. I’ve been using John’s J-Retro and Unipre preamps for years. The battery life is phenomenal suggesting they draw very little in operation. As far as I’m aware the Sims Quad pickups only need power for the built-in LED indicators and will run quite happily without a battery. That only leaves the neck LEDs of which I have no experience. My guess is you’ll be fine running all three from one 9v battery.
  5. Live in flightcase built to house an SWR Goliath 4x10. Only seen light use as it’s too big to go in my car. Has removable hatch in the back to access speaker connections and four solid casters (2 with locks). Collection preferred or arrange your own courier. Dimensions in the photos.
  6. So at last nights rehearsal, our drummer tried wired IEMs and has become the second convert in the band following the singers conversion a couple of weeks ago. So now the other two singer/guitarists are interested so I can see me building an IEM rig driven from my X-Air XR18. The singer is currently using my cheapo T-Bone IEM100 UHF transmitter/receiver setup, which works fine but is a little noisy. I’ve read up on the limitations of the cheap digital solutions such as the X-Vive but we have to be realistic about the cost of the rig as we’re only playing pub gigs. So, what’s everyone using? Is anyone using one of these single transmitter/multiple receiver set ups. Yes I know that limits you to one IEM mix but that would at least give the three singers a chance of hearing themselves and each other. As I mix the sound from the side of the stage whilst playing, eliminating on stage monitors would make my life a whole lot simpler!
  7. So first rehearsal with the EUB tonight and the band loved it. Going to take a while to build up my hand/finger strength but I’m very happy with how this sat in the mix. Used it with and without a Nino mute, which was great for the more upbeat walking lines. Got to say the EBS Stanley Clarke is a bit of a revelation too; both the NS & my Fender fretless precision sounded huge through it with very little eq on either channel. 😎
  8. So rewire number umpteenth has resulted in a board that’ll work for gigs where I’m doubling on fretless bass and EUB. As an aside, the SansAmp is now in the effects loop of the EBS and it sounds mighty!
  9. Great video, and some nice playing. In all honesty I prefer the sound of the Wal’ish
  10. MXR M81 bass preamp pedal. I only bought this in November from Mottlefeeder to give me control of my fretless sound. I am now doubling on EUB so have replaced this with the EBS Stanley Clarke preamp. Pedal is in very good condition and works as expected. Comes in original packaging with case candy, and the rubber feet (has Velcro on the base). Price is what I paid for it and includes UK second class postage. Any questions, please ask.
  11. Not a silly question at all, and lots of folk doing the same thing who are going for the FRFR (full range flat response) approach. The preamp is certainly capable of driving a line input from the XLR out, how successful this will be will depend on the powered PA cab you are using.
  12. So yesterday I joined the EBS Stanley Clarke owners group when this little beauty arrived from Mark at Bassdirect. First impressions are very positive (through my studio monitors). EQ is nicely balanced, notch filter is a great tool and there are more switching and routing options than I’ll ever need. Just waiting of an insert cable before I shoehorn this onto my meagre pedal board, but this is going to make doubling gigs (fretless and EUB) so much easier 😎
  13. JPJ

    Plate amps

    Sorry Bill, I should have been clearer in my post. I have several preamps (both pedal and rack mount) that I tend to run into the return of my amp, hence thinking of a built-in poweramp in a single cab solution.
  14. JPJ

    Plate amps

    Just a thought, but a powered cab would make a lot of sense for me at the moment. As I am about to build a Basschat 2x12 I’m considering sticking an extra few cm’s on the depth and adding a plate amp but the question is which one? I’ve previously bought a complete new replacement plate amp for one of my EV ZLX PA tops but this has DSP etc so not really suitable. So I guess my question is “is there a simple plate amp module including power supply suitable to build into a bass cab”?
  15. So after much soul searching and rumination, I’m back in the world of the EUB. A double bass was just not going to work due to space constraints and having researched extensively, I’ve settled on a lovely four string NS Design NXT advertised locally too me that’s been in the hands of a double bassist so the setup is perfect. The stand is working as expected for my dodgy thumb, and surprisingly the end pin also works because of the clever frame. Next challenge is to master arco, but that will lead me down the rabbit hole of bow selection, grip etc. First challenge - build up my chops to gig level.
  16. Thanks, that’s what I though but always worth checking with the knowledgeable folk on here 😎
  17. Anyone using these ACS in-ear monitors that retrofit to the ACS custom ear moulds. They are only single driver so I’m not expecting them to be up to much compared to the more expensive multi-driver options or indeed my ZX10’s but it seems such a shame to have my super comfortable custom moulded ear plugs rendered redundant.
  18. Drill a round hole, drop two ‘fillets’ in made from same diameter dowel as the hole you drill to make up the space between the hole and the flats of the shaft, put the end screw in, jobs a good’un. This will work if the screw head is larger than the hole you drill (which presumably it is, otherwise the tuner buttons would just pull off).
  19. Despite all of the advice to the contrary, guess who is going to look at a very nice NXT that is available locally this weekend 🙄😂
  20. My 8 3/4 lb fretless P suffered from mild neck dive until I removed the D tuner. Now she sits perfectly wherever you place her. For reference, the D tuner weighed 180 grams and the replacement 70's reissue tuner weight 100 grams.
  21. Another Katsu router user here too. My method used to involve templates but I now prefer the @Andyjr1515 method. First, mark out the pickup shape on the bass body then, if you are using Fender/Musicman style pickups with the semi-circular bump outs for the fixing screws, drill the holes for these using the right diameter drill bit (drilling the corner radius's at the same time). Then I hog out most of the remaining material with a flat bottomed Forstner bit, before using a sharp chisel to make the pickup square edges down to about 5mm before using this edge to guide the router bit that has a top bearing, to remove the remaining material down to the required depth. With this method there is no chance of your template being out, or moving during cutting, and because most of the material is removed before you go anywhere near the router, there is less chance of the router 'digging in' and going off piste. @Andyjr1515did a great explanation of his technique here showing how he uses it for neck pockets as well as pickup routes.
  22. Genuine question but has anyone experienced feedback between IEM’s and a vocal mic? Our singer isn’t the strongest vocally so I am running almost +35db on her mic to get a good level to serve the FOH mix. At our gig on Sunday, I was experiencing a short feedback every time she came on or off her mic (an SM58). She was also complaining that the IEM’s were much louder in one ear which has me wondering whether one of her IEM’s was loose and potentially causing the feedback as she approached or retreated from her mic?
  23. Paul, Mrs JPJ and I have been to a few of those Country to Country gigs up in Glasgow and you're right, not much double bass action. I'd put this down to the difficulties of travelling transatlantic with a double bass. Having said that, it's also where I first became aware of the Eminence EUB. All things considered, I think the double bass is calling to me. The country/Americana band had our debut gig yesterday up in the wilds of Northumberland and I received more comments/compliments on my fretless P bass than I have on any other gig/bass. So I'm not in a desperate rush and will just see what pops up on here and elsewhere in the coming months.
  24. Not really pucka Americana as the set is a right old mix up of Americana, country, and country blues but I hear what you’re saying from the purists view point. Your Kolstein Busetto looks ideal - the right compromise between double bass and EUB but way out of my price range and similar in look to the Eminence which is also on my radar although it seems fairly rare. Like you, I’ll be doubling so I need to think about space on stage too.
  25. Thanks for this. It seems its a common theme with EUB’s that they are all better once you change the strings for proper Db strings. I”m still undecided between the NS style EUB and going straight to full double bass although the lack of space is suggesting the NS will probably win.
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