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Everything posted by JPJ

  1. My old KK EUB was a five and I had absolutely no use for the low B in a southern rock/alt country/bluegrass setting (yep quite a mash up 😂) other than for occasional dramatic effect. If I ever (likely) go back down the EUB road I’ll be sticking to 4 strings and probably like you considering a stand mounted NS or going the whole hog with a proper acoustic dB.
  2. Bought an MXR bass preamp pedal from David. Friendly communications throughout and fast turnaround. Top BC’r and highly recommended 👍
  3. So I used the combo at rehearsal last night (could have used the supplied Ampeg SVTIII through matching 6x10). All I can say is one is a happy boy this morning - two guitars playing through small valve combos plus acoustic drums and the Ashdown was hardly ticking over. Big fat authoritative tone, but the mids from my fretless were cutting through beautifully (unlike when using said Ampeg rig). Looking forward to gigging with the rig now.
  4. My small but perfectly formed board. This gets supplemented with a Geezer Butler wah pedal for a tribute gig but the rest of the time this covers my frugal needs.
  5. You know the old adage, if its too loud you’re too old 🤣
  6. I’ve got the Plethora X3 and the Sub n Up can do a nice sub only Octave with some tweaking, tracks well down to G, but isn’t as gloopy as the Boss
  7. Anybody using one of these on their board? I’ve watched @Doodreview which sounds really interesting, but is anyone using one in real world gigging?
  8. I’m happy to measure my collection if someone can provide a ‘how to’ guide and a link to the necessary software? My collection includes: 1) SWR SM1500 2) SWR Marcus Miller preamp 3) SWR Grand Prix preamp (Green face) 4) Ashdown Head of Doom 5) Ashdown ABM NEO 400 6) TC Electronics BG250 P.S. don’t show my wife this list 😂
  9. Having been playing for over forty years the thing I found hardest to learn was that what I consider to be a ‘good’ bass sound hardly ever translates to a ‘good’ band sound. When I started mixing bands about ten years ago I found that you have to ‘place’ every instrument in the overall mix and it’s very hard to place the bass guitar if all you are getting is a big fat 150hz signal and no mid-range at all. That said, manufacturers know that testing of their amps (and cabs) will most likely be conducted in isolation from other instruments at low volumes in the local music shop (remember them?) so it’s no surprise they voice the EQ to sound ‘good’ in that situation.
  10. Ashdown Head of Doom into SWR Goliath 4x10, or SWR SM1500 into the same cab 😎
  11. My new ‘small’ rig. This started as the quest to find a small powerful gigable combo that wouldn’t break either my bank account or my back. Basschatter FunkyDoug was selling the rather tasty ABM NEO 400 1x15 combo locally, and then I spotted that Sharkfinger was selling the matching Neo series 1x15 cab for a very reasonable £75. So this is now the go to small rig for tight stages 😎
  12. Beautiful work again @Andyjr1515sorry if I missed it but what was the final weight?
  13. I put two of those Fanes in my TC BG208 combo to drop the load to 4ohms and get the max out of the amp head. That combo continues to amaze folk with the room filling sound.
  14. Have a look at the Radial Big Shot I/O. I used to have one for exactly the same purpose. Totally passive, only needs 9v for the LEDs
  15. JPJ

    DIY Effects

    A little update. I contacted Julian at Schalltechnik_04 who very helpfully marked up some photographs of my PCB with joints he wanted me to resolder. Kit No2 came without the push button switch so I had incorrectly wired in a DPDT on/on in its place and Julian also helped me with the correct wiring. Unfortunately, during the desoldering of the switch I managed to cook the board (I know) so kit no2 is now in the bin and this spells the end of my DIY effect building career. It’s been fun and a huge learning curve but I will step out now and let those of you who clearly know what you are doing carry on with the electrickity 😎
  16. For me, TC got it right with the Plethora pedal. I can have multiple effect boards each comprising of three effect slots (mine is the x3 which fits neatly on my board, and there is the bigger x5 if you need more slots). As many have noted the biggest drawback is the lack of a good bass overdrive or distortion but for me my always on SansAmp takes care of that. There is no preamp either (it is just a multi fx) but for my needs it is more that sufficient. For me, the key to any multi fx is the ease of use, both in terms of setup and use. I don’t want to learn a programming language or remember a list of foot tap sequences to access a good compressor, a bit of tasteful chorus, and a little bit of octave action.
  17. Wow - but probably a bit overkill for my needs?
  18. Ooh this looks like what I’m after - thanks
  19. I’d looked at that one, but wasn’t sure of the suitability for bass and also put off by the price - I mean it can’t be any good at that price can it? 😂
  20. The traveller guitars and basses use a similar system
  21. I’m looking for a good eq pedal to help bring out the sparkle on my fretless when my rig is set for fretted bass. As the magic lives in the mid-range and lower high range, the candidates are the Tech 21Qstrip and the WMD utility parametric EQ pedal which I must confess I am leaning towards due to its smaller form factor. Another contender could be the Source Audio EQ2 but I cannot find much info on using this with bass guitar. Anybody care to point me at any better options?
  22. Without understanding the science behind this, I’ve recently gone from exclusively playing five-string ‘active’ basses with onboard John East tone circuits to playing four string passive fretted and fretless basses and the transition has been revolutionary for me. The best way I can describe it is that the tone of the passive is wider, breathes more, and feels more natural. As a result it cuts through the live mix more imho. If it were me, I’d be going with a passive onboard setup and doing the tone shaping either outboard or in your amp. That said, if you wanted a hybrid approach there is nothing to stop you using a stereo lead to run separate pickup signals to an outboard preamp box and doing active blending/tone shaping there.
  23. JPJ

    DIY Effects

    So kit no2 assembled and tested and……..well it works, but it is quiet, like really quiet. I’ve obviously cooked something or made some other error but I am going to take another look tonight to see if I can spot anything obviously wrong.
  24. Last nights rig, I love that Geezer Butler ABM - nearest thing I’ve played to a full valve head 😎
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