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Everything posted by JPJ

  1. I've just taken a punt on a fully finished custom P bass body from G&B Guitar & Bass Builds https://guitarandbassbuilds.com Can't attest for their quality yet as my delivery might be as much as 45-60 working days 🤔 so I will not see mine until mid/end of September.
  2. Very nice😎 “My 2nd, and last, project bass” of course it is………………😂
  3. Bartolini five string P pickups are in equal sized shells for those of us who suffer from OCD 😎
  4. So before this last week my lovely black Sire V7 has mainly been used at home, either plugged into an iPad/iRig combo or into my interface. But last week I plugged in via my pedal board and noticed the bass picked up quite a pronounced 240V hum when near the pedalboard power supply. Not deterred I still took the bass to my gig on Sunday safe in the knowledge that it wouldn’t be as close to my pedal board in a gig situation. However, during sound check I noticed the Bass was also picking up the same pronounced 240v hum from my venerable old SM900 amp head. My normal gigging bass is an Overwater 5 string J bass with DiMarzio ultra jazz pickups and a John East J Retro preamp and I’ve not experienced this hum from either the pedal board or the amp head when using the Overwater. My suspicion is that it’s the Sire pickups or the preamp. The bass has no shielding but as it’s active I’m not surprised by this. My question is have any other Sire users had this problem and if so, what did you do about it?
  5. You could always do what I did and recone it with Eminence Deltalites
  6. Well after much um’ing and ah’ing and a lot of emails back and forward with James, I’ve pulled the trigger on a five string PJ body from a one piece ash blank. To minimise the chance of pink torpedo-ups at my end I’ve also taken the option of having the body finished by them. Delivery is quoted at 3 months but hopefully quicker, but that’ll give me plenty of time to refinish the neck I have here. So, don’t hold your breath but stand-by for further updates.
  7. Well I’ve just played my first gig with a v2 BDDI and I bloody loved it. Just the right amount of old skool breakup when I dug in, otherwise just a fuller fatter tone akin to a nicely warmed up valve amp. Can’t see me switching it off anytime soon.
  8. Hi, I’m just north of Newcastle upon Tyne
  9. I’m tempted by the Sire P5, if it’s as good as my V7 I’d be a happy chap, but no info on delivery dates yet.
  10. 5 string split coil P basses seem to be fairly rare beasts. I know Fender and Lakland produce them but you don’t see a lot of them about (yes I know there’s a sunburst Fender for sale on here). I built mine a good few years ago but I’ve never been happy with the finish so I’m thinking of either a rebuild or buying new/used. Are there any other manufacturers I should be considering?
  11. So a while ago I built a five string version of the Fender Stu Hamm (2xJ + 1xP pickups). I made a few mistakes with the body but enjoyed the process however there is now an expensive assembly of pickups, John East electronics and various premium hardware sitting unused as the mistakes prevent me from enjoying playing it. I was thinking of getting a new body blank and remaking the body trying to avoid making the same mistakes when I spotted these bodies on eBay from G&B Guitar and Bass https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/114814090038?_trkparms=aid%3D1110002%26algo%3DSPLICE.SOI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20201210111451%26meid%3D7944b18f16924273a8b5ad44ffc694ef%26pid%3D101196%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D124730139220%26itm%3D114814090038%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DPromotedSellersOtherItemsV2WithMLRv3&_trksid=p2047675.c101196.m2219&amdata=cksum%3A1148140900387944b18f16924273a8b5ad44ffc694ef|enc%3AAQAGAAACAOb76QHAr8sDNZS8Pp4qkZL%2FI1q9IwwmEfIGOEukLv5G910HztGV%2F7kpisKTVrBpywTDSvO%2BBSMmK%2FB34OXUYJ7IKMeo9xqW36%2FRAhx3Ikx0ho5TNfHlYFClKroDFWkYvF%2FHbZKlev0gQRVpzOlrjCv39wTqSmkgbu2SABjVg6yS8eUEGgBT15loEhJaWzofSdlPnJtYdg%2BetsnORfOG1GfwfG7G4%2BLhtRph2Jn68rgoiK8YAobHWrXnQt%2BjYgaM0ZeT6tF4bi1KjIAebI9bq3g%2FY4l8y0yz%2F0C24w2Eh8tkZWf0dYScpVIRetoHRxnQA6JW753RIQz3L%2FC2pOcMD5WhbbhkmToGXsVFuxVUg34nkQ0DhuGOVEtFubtkcv1bb%2BrSDvuHN0WBekBxZywYBGuqHb2cP8HXXUiK4XT%2FeLSp1ICezctPKrtoRU6Cxw%2Ff%2BiTKPQ%2FXlgedkR%2Bnvp9iZdGYzh2W4s4urx0prp7YRrmQdh6YgCQNv27%2Ftvn7dxx0tyKXoASCFeT9EpRIwSWyHRM2OQCk6HhPO8CJQzHyJ1CXJcQiKOuqQYrQeoDAcGMpo9F0e5eLgPeqED%2Fc%2BK%2FwvXq%2FSLcYc8MVOGEGT%2BQ78ylpYch27os8cE9oC%2BYy1LstP6Eh0vO76nKxU9l4n%2FSicGvYo4%2BVJvZhMnDOA2E8354O|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2047675 Looks like an easy way to avoid any router pink torpedo-ups this time but before I pull the trigger, does anyone have any experience of these bodies?
  12. If it’s half as good as my old black HB five string acoustic you won’t be disappointed. As others have said, whack a set of flats on it and away you go.
  13. Loving my v2 Sire five string as much as I do, there was only one thing I disliked, the original plastic control knobs. I did try sourcing alternatives a while ago but I wasn’t happy with what I was able to source and then last week I bit the bullet and ordered what I needed from John East. Just installed them and I think they look rather spiffing even if I say so myself.
  14. Loving the sunburst one, but post BREXIT by the time you add the duty and the VAT it’s out of my price range. GLWTS
  15. Get Dave to paint it black and I’ll give you £850 plus a packet of Walkers salt n vinegar 😉
  16. Wow, thank goodness this wasn’t a black one otherwise I’d be £600 poorer right now
  17. Used to have serious gas for one of those 8 string Kramers
  18. Didn’t Shergold do a similar thing with their “modulator” guitars & basses?
  19. Interesting. One of my favourite ever cabs was the 2x10 + 1x12 Schroeder with the 12” on the angled baffle slanting back into the cab. Proper single cab room filling solution.
  20. JPJ

    Plate amps

    I used to run a PLX with the Marcus Miller but the combination was almost as heavy as my SM1500. I may however have solved my own problem as I’ve just scored a SWR amplite which is a lightweight 400W into 4R single channel power amp.
  21. JPJ

    Plate amps

    Great answer, thank you for taking the time to share this. I’ll be interested to hear your further thoughts on the Connex option. 500W in to 4R would work for me. I plan on building a 2x12 version of the Basschat 1x12, and I’m much handier with wood and metal than electronics so I’m confident I could rustle up a reasonable heat sink.
  22. JPJ

    Plate amps

    Thanks Phil, interesting stuff. All I know about our ZLX’s is the make a nice sound. I’ll be watching closely the development of the basschat plate amp option.
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