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Everything posted by JPJ

  1. I’d start here, as I had a similar problem in the past and this was the cause
  2. And sold pending the usual 😎
  3. I should have also mentioned that SFX are responsible for the much loved MicroThumpinator
  4. SFX Micro Mix Small mixer to mix two instruments together. I’ve used it to balance the output of my bass guitar and EUB but as I’m not doubling anything near regular enough and I’m not likely to be in the future, I’ve decided to let this go. These retail at £142 new and mine is unmarked save for the addition of Velcro on the bottom where it was mounted to my board. Price includes UK postage.
  5. JPJ

    The Twins

    There is this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Thunderbird-Bass-Bridge-and-Tailpiece-Set-1963-1969-Chrome-/121479626823 Also available from https://www.philadelphialuthiertools.com/bridge-and-tailpieces/bass-bridges-and-tailpeices/thunderbird-bass-bridge-and-tailpiece-set-1963-1969-nickel/
  6. JPJ

    NAD SWR content

    I’ve had an on/off love affair with various Redheads over the years, both regular and super, but I’m sorry to say I couldn’t get on with them live, even with an extension cab.
  7. JPJ

    NAD SWR content

    Maybe we need to start a self-help group?😂
  8. JPJ

    NAD SWR content

    I’ve got it already John, just ordered a flight case for it to ship it home in. I’ll let you know when she’s arrived in blighty and we’ll arrange a get together.
  9. I’m an SWR’aholic. There, I’ve said it, it’s out there and I feel strangely unburdened 😀 So as a few of you may recall, I own the daddy of all SWR amps, the SM-1500. This is an absolute powerhouse of a bass amp with 1500 real watts available if you ever need them, but that comes at a price, and that price is weight. A few years ago I was pairing the SM-1500 with either a Goliath Snr 6x10 or a pair of Goliath 4x10’s but eventually I learned that I didn’t need that type of stadium filling rig for my regular gigs and paired things back to a single Goliath, mated with an Aguilar AG500SC which is more than enough, even when headlining the Bulldog Bash to 4,000 last year. As a result, the SM-1500 lies idle most of the time in the man cave. But as good as the Aggy is, I still hanker for the SWR sound, and so I started to look for an SM-900. After a few wanted ads on here, I got a couple of leads but nothing that came to a purchase and then last night, whilst browsing a Facebook selling group I spotted what looked like a pristine SM-900 for sale in Holland. As luck would have it, I work in Holland Monday to Friday, and the SM-900 was unbelievably just 15km away from me. A few messages later and a swift trip up the road tonight and I own an SM-900 😎 Now all I need to do is ship it back to the UK and I’ll be one happy bass player.
  10. JPJ

    The Twins

    Tell me about it. I sprayed a telecaster in black nitro from rattle cans (Rothko & Frost) for a friend and I can’t tell you how many hours went into flatting and polishing to get to this.
  11. My back wants me to like Barefaced, but 40 odd years of playing through cabs with ‘baked in tone’ mean I struggle to hear what my brain wants to hear with the ‘clean’ output of the Barefaced range. i haven’t tried the Bergantino, but have played through the Vanderkley albeit at low volume, and I loved the sound. Very creamy and musical sounding, even with the matching amp set ‘flat’. If I was to be persuaded to move away from my SWR Goliath, then the Vanderkley would be top of my list.
  12. Just be careful with acetone near the bindings. Certain plastics react badly to acetone as do glues used to attach the binding layers together and to the bass.
  13. So you have a decent PA and an engineer to run it? If that was me, I’d seriously consider decent in-ears instead of a cab that I’m not really going to hear. Or as someone else mentioned, an additional monitor just for bass duties pointed at your face (as opposed to your derrière). Added benefit is less gear to hump and your back will love you for it too.
  14. I’m wedded to my old Goliath 4x10. It just works for me. I’ve been tempted by the newer vertical 2x12’s like the Barefaced etc. but not enough to actually put my hand in my pocket. For slap (I’m NOT a slapper) I think you’ll need a good quality high frequency horn and a fully adjustable L pad to be able to dial in just enough sizzle.
  15. There was a period in their history where they were a bit underpowered and mismatched speakers, especially in their combo range, resulted in a reputation for farting out at fairly low volumes. Personally, I owned the G120 1x15 combo for a lot of years and loved the sounds I could coax out of it. It just wasn’t loud enough to gig with. I did play a gig through the Nexus head and 8x10 cab at a multiband event and was blown away by the improvement, albeit at a slightly different price point 😂
  16. I can confirm that mine works beautifully with my KK Baby Bass
  17. Does this stack well with the Goliath I.e. are they the same width and depth?
  18. Dare I ask the weight, is it one of those ‘if you have to ask.......’ questions? 😎
  19. I’ve upgraded mine to 4 ohms (speakers purchased from Grandad above). Used it for rehearsals and acoustic gigs and it’s worked fine especially with PA support. It wouldn’t cut it with the full electric band but that would be because the guitards are wedded to their 2x12’s and 100w valve amps.
  20. So I continue to be impressed by my Sire v7 and I can’t find much to complain about apart from the cheap plastic knobs. Has anybody upgraded theirs to better knobs?
  21. Thanks for the advice. I’ve upgraded to the iRig HD2 and problems solved, loads of volume and no hiss😎
  22. We once played a bike rally where the generator tripped out every two or three songs, and it turned out it was whenever the burger van tried to use their microwave. On another occasion playing a rally for the National Chopper Club the sound man rushed to the stage near the end of our set to say there was enough diesel left in the generator for lights during the load out or an encore. Needless to say we loaded out in the dark!
  23. City centre bar on a busy main road so parking for load in/out is a nightmare. Stage area at the back of a long bar meaning a difficult load in/out especially as the bar was full of punters waiting to go to a gig at the adjacent O2 Academy venue. But what a cracking gig, more than made up for the hassles. Bar full of folk dancing and enjoying themselves, reminds you why we do it.
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