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Everything posted by JPJ

  1. Why not add extra laminates to the neck in the body region so that the neck remains continuous even after routing for the magnetic pickup? I'd also be tempted to commission some custom single pole /coil pickups a la Wal and the arrange them diagonally so you don't need to cut a big chunk out of the neck, just a series of smaller staggered pockets.
  2. JPJ


    What Dood said. I can't believe the difference this little pedal has made to my live sound
  3. Second gig tonight with the Micro Thumpinator and I'm hooked. After literally years of trying I've final found something which gives me that studio mastered type bass sound. So even across all five strings and without the subsonic rumble my bass is just sitting much better in the mix.
  4. That tuner assembly is just crying out for a nicely carved piece of neck laminate in behind it 'wedge' fashion
  5. Either a PJB Bass Buddy or the TC BG250. I have both and love them. The Bass Buddy is great for headphones and it can power a cab with its built in 10w amp. The key advantage is size because its tiny and takes up no space at all. But if you want the best of both worlds, then I'd recommend the TC BG250 in the 2x8 combo version. Cracking little amp for the money, and I have even gigged mine on acoustic gigs and full band rehearsals.
  6. Our PA lives in my garage. The key is that it is well ventilated, so no problems with damp. I keep everything off the floor on rubber mats, I don't know whether this helps but it makes me feel better Been doing this for four years now without a problem. The bins have no covers but the amps have been fine, the tops have canvas covers and have been ok too.
  7. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1491399722' post='3272723'] It also does confirm that the machining and carving is going to need to be sub-mm accuracy [/quote] and don't forget the extra millimetre or so for sanding
  8. I had the 1x15 combo version of this amp (I think it was a G120?) I seem to recall that with the shape 2 button depressed and the graphic set right it could do a more than passing resemblance of the de facto Trace Elliott tone that was popular at the time.
  9. Richard Turner of Blackberry Smoke had two of these in a rack sitting on top of an Orange 8x10 at last nights Newcastle gig. Sounded good where I was standing! I had the little Terror Bass 500 which was a loud but short on tonal diversity. Based on last nights show, I now have gas for the Four Stroke 500.
  10. I've just bought one of these from Thomann. Well I've actually got two, thanks to my friends at ParcelFarce who managed to damage the first one, and unbox the second one 😤 Seems well built and sturdy for the money, and it has a retainer to prevent the bass from being accidentally knocked off the stand. https://m.thomann.de/gb/stagg_sv_db_double_bass_stand.htm
  11. I'm a recent entrant into the KK world. I found the stock pickup has the thump but to dial in any mwah meant I lost the fundamental brutality of the thump. So I added a pair of J-Tone reds. I run both pickups through a Headway EDB-1 and mix them to taste. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JPJ/media/266D7700-684E-4ADA-9050-895C89CE06CD_zps1nzbrwdo.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/JPJ/266D7700-684E-4ADA-9050-895C89CE06CD_zps1nzbrwdo.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JPJ/media/646558A3-7BEA-4373-9D31-703C66A81AD4_zpspevvgedn.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/JPJ/646558A3-7BEA-4373-9D31-703C66A81AD4_zpspevvgedn.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I'm using mine for blues/country stuff and it works really well and one gig in, received a lot of compliments on the tone. Here's a phone video from her debut gig https://youtu.be/xNONsJBxTE8
  12. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1490879272' post='3268722'] You really are selling pretty much everything Never having played a KK bass before, but having tried a few EUB's Are these prone to the usual "swivel" problems? Or does the small body help to prevent that? Cheers HJ Marc (again) [/quote] Having just got the five string KK Baby Bass, and with the experience of exactly one gig (four songs) I can confirm that she stays where you put her. For me, the back of the body rests nicely against my thigh and so I'm not supporting the bass at all. My specially designed comfort waist line (aka beer belly) rests neatly on the upper bout locking her in nicely
  13. [quote name='BassApprentice' timestamp='1490712366' post='3267294'] I think that's what I'm looking at doing now...probably a Fender Rumble at some point as they seem to get glowing reviews Thanks for the advice all! [/quote] Don't rule out the TC Electronic BG250 combos. These are available with either 1x15, 1x12, 2x10 or 2x8 speakers. I have the 208 or 2x8 and its a fantastic little combo that works great for rehearsing and could easily gig with PA support.
  14. So a nice trip into GuitarGuitar in Newcastle after my contact lense check resulted in me being the proud owner of a Snark. Initial testing show the Snark is happy attached to either the bridge or the headstock 😎 I'm not sure the guys in GuitarGuitar were quite prepared from my arrival complete with dyed 'bloodshot' eyes 😂
  15. So I'm finding my reliable old Boss TU-2 is struggling with the KK Baby Bass, so what do you guys recommend. Will a clip-on type like the TC PolyTune cope better, or should I go for one of the newer Boss type pedals?
  16. Simply awesome, out with the nine piece line up at the Cluny in Newcastle, at least half the set was new material, and I played Db on three songs. Despite being up against a Thunder at the City Hall, we still attracted a sizeable and enthusiastic crowd, and made some great new friends. One of those gigs that make it all worth while.
  17. I'd say go for it. But please remember we are a Rickenbacker free forum after several threats from the Rickenbacker organisation. I have had the displeasure to play an original Ric five string and the the string spacing was so ridiculously tight it went straight back on the wall.
  18. First outing and happy ending to the ParcelFarce debacle (with appropriate head gear?) [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JPJ/media/6FE5D889-32FF-4E9A-890D-E5511750C344_zpsj8cdnv2h.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/JPJ/6FE5D889-32FF-4E9A-890D-E5511750C344_zpsj8cdnv2h.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JPJ/media/6338B3D5-1A94-43EA-BB3D-11673E75F915_zpsavpr67wx.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/JPJ/6338B3D5-1A94-43EA-BB3D-11673E75F915_zpsavpr67wx.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  19. So, as some of you know by now, I recently bought a KK Baby Bass. Now whilst this sounded pretty good on its own, and has tons of 'thump' from the stock under bridge magnetic microphone pickup, I couldn't get enough 'mwahhh' without dialling out the 'thump'. Talking it over with a more knowledgable friend, he suggested adding a bridge wing pickup, so I took a punt on one of the J-Tone Reds being sold on eBay. Straight out of the packet, the transducers (yes two, because two have to be better than one yes?) were too thin for the bridge slots, and whereas the J-Tone fitting instructions refer to 'baize' material in their installation guide on Facebook, mine came without this material. Fortunately I had some 4mm balsa wood that I was able to sand down to about 1.3mm to shim the transducers into place. Second gripe was that the supplied washer and rubber piece designed to clamp the jack socket between two strings was too small for the gap between my strings, so a trip down the shed later two new rubber faced aluminium washers were fashioned and are doing the job perfectly. With it all in place, I fired up the bass through my Headway EDB1, running a stereo OBBM cable between the bass and the Headway and instantly I had the tone I was after. Lovely big thump at the beginning of the note but enough mwah to let even my dodgy vibrato shine through. Whereas the KK on its own is either really dark or quite thin, the J-Tones have a sort of fretless bass sound to them. But mixed in combination, and the tone in my head is there at my fingertips. All in all, for the price you pay, these J-Tones seem pretty good. Proof of the pudding of course will be tomorrow's gig, but first impressions are very favourable! [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JPJ/media/646558A3-7BEA-4373-9D31-703C66A81AD4_zpspevvgedn.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/JPJ/646558A3-7BEA-4373-9D31-703C66A81AD4_zpspevvgedn.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JPJ/media/266D7700-684E-4ADA-9050-895C89CE06CD_zps1nzbrwdo.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/JPJ/266D7700-684E-4ADA-9050-895C89CE06CD_zps1nzbrwdo.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  20. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1489659549' post='3258674'] JPJ - what pickup did you upgrade it with? Any recommendations (from you or anyone else) for beginner's technique material? [/quote] Congratulations on the purchase, the Stagg is a great starting point imho. My 'upgrade' was out of necessity as the bass side piezo on mine stopped working. I went with a locally sourced Artec unit which proved to be warmer sounding and higher output, so a win-win. As to beginners technique material, our own Geoffbass has some excellent YouTube videos on hand position and techniques etc here [url="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUXgtLdATSU6LQLd6Qlp0bQ/videos?feature=guide&view=1"]https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUXgtLdATSU6LQLd6Qlp0bQ/videos?feature=guide&view=1[/url]
  21. I am feeling the gravitational pull of the big old doghouse, but I need one or both of my daughters to leave home before I dare bring one into this household 😎
  22. Hi Al, Well my other thread 'Beware of ParcelFarce' tells the sad tale (and happy ending) of the KK Baby Bass purchase. Because of the repairs, I've only managed one rehearsal with her so far but she did sound amazing and matched the tone and thump I had in my head. In truth, I'm finding it difficult to get sufficient mwah out of the upper strings without dialling out the thump so I will be trying a wing pickup in parallel with the stock mag microphone pickup to see if I can coax this out when amplified as its there in spades acoustically. First gig with her will be this coming Sunday. I'll only get to use her on a couple of songs, but I'm still really looking forward to it. Its a strange thing, but despite having played normal electric bass off and on for the last forty years, the upright 'feels' more natural to me.
  23. I think the issue here is that the Cetus is actually a semi-acoustic instrument meaning it's too loud to be played comfortably for late night practice whilst the rest of the household sleeps. I had a Stagg EUB and that was virtually silent when unplugged (or as near to silent as you are going to get) whereas the KK Baby Bass is loud enough to be heard throughout the house in the dead of night.
  24. So she's reunited with her fingerboard and restrung and sounding as I hoped she would. Now all I have to do is work on my hand strength! [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JPJ/media/64981F55-2EDB-4B24-804F-5A9326B4C49B_zpsszri2mi8.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/JPJ/64981F55-2EDB-4B24-804F-5A9326B4C49B_zpsszri2mi8.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  25. Well the clamps came off and the fingerboard stayed attached, so I'm calling that a result. A little bit of fine filler in one or two spots where I may have been a little enthusiastic with the glue removal and a lick of lacquer and she'll be as good as new. I have some enamel paint inbound too to touch up the chips on the body, so hopefully by next weekend she'll be back together and looking good.
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