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Everything posted by JPJ

  1. Thanks for sharing, I saw the same post and thought about doing the mod to mine, but to be honest, it's only used for home practice and the occasional 'acoustic' gig where it has the PA to do the heavy humping. I don't find the OEM speakers to be lacking in bottom end, and generally I find the combo to be a super little simple amp. I previously owned a PJB Briefcase, and whilst that is a great bit of kit, it really couldn't hack it next to a drummer, where as the bigger speakers of the BG208 can cope admirably.
  2. Radial Bassbone, not cheap but the absolute bassists 'Swiss army knife'
  3. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1482512916' post='3201236'] I think it is because of diminishing returns. A two pickup bass gives you a big variation over a 1 pickup. A 3 pickup doesn't add anything like as much of a difference again, so not really as significant [/quote] I beg to differ, I built a five string precision in the style of the Fender Stu Hamm (2xJ, 1xP) with a five way switch, and the variations are excellent. In fact the neck J + P is one of my favourites for a mud'bucker type Jack Bruce tone. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JPJ/media/PHammVFFFinished.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/JPJ/PHammVFFFinished.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JPJ/media/PHammVBodyFinished.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/JPJ/PHammVBodyFinished.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  4. Ah a thing of beauty! I still plan to do a headless T'bird one day (I know, sacrilege etc etc)
  5. The best is my Overwater J five string. How does it compare to the Fender Jazz V, well I owned an anniversary five string active (five in a line headstock), and as befits the step up in price, it knocked the Fender into a cocked hat. I should say that all of my five string basses are active, so I am no use to you when you talk of passive, but I find the 35" gives a much better B string than a 34". I have also owned a Musicman Stingray V and I found that that was the same as the Fender in that the B string took longer to bloom, which felt like latency when you were playing. All the 35" scale basses I've played don't suffer from this.
  6. I've got a 36" scale Overwater, 2 x 35" scale Overwaters, and a quad of 34" scale. Yes you can tell the difference if you go from the 34" to the 36" but as I normally gig the 35", the change to 36" is hardly noticeable at all. 40" though, that would be another thing all together!
  7. Cant believe how serious its become around here. 19 replies and no one has said "Eleven, because its one louder than ten" (c) Nigel Tuffnel
  8. My experience here in the NE is £250 is the going rate for a 4/5 piece, hauling own PA, lights etc. Some landlords might boost this if they have a really good take from the gig, but these are rare. If the venue is providing PA or lights or both, expect less. I've been back into regular gigging for about five years and the fee has remained the same throughout.
  9. Have you also considered this option http://stonehamamps.co.uk/YI200-Bass-Head(3023626).htm ? Martin Stoneham is a new name in the guitar and bass amp world but he is gaining a reputation for very well made good sounding lightweight valve amps. I've tested the prototype of this head and it's everything I'd want in a valve amp. The advantage with Martin is that as it's all handmade point to point wired, if you want any tweaks to the design, he can accommodate.
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1481202869' post='3190468'] Red hot chill peppers on Saturday Genting arena (NEC) [/quote] Saw them on Thursday night in Glasgow, simply awesome imho
  11. Andy, those powerfiles are a bit savage for finish sanding imho
  12. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1481055440' post='3189404'] Which version of the Bassbone have you got as the V2s have a similar high-pass filter as the Thumpinator - selectable to 80Hz or 150Hz (or off). Maybe the Thumpinator has better thresholds for 5-string at the low-B which is ~31Hz? [/quote] Mine's an early one, without the HPF, hence why I've gone for the micro thumpinator, but your post did send me scurrying off to check the manual
  13. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1480529125' post='3185156'] Thanks, I just emailed them to enquire and will report back. I rather like the 'natural' model from Rondo and have asked if they can get hold of that - [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/product7692.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/product7692.html[/url] [/quote] Never been a fan of violin basses but that one is rather tasty 😋
  14. JPJ

    Smallest rig

    [quote name='Jack' timestamp='1480969172' post='3188589'] No can do from me, we're in the slightly less prestigious Stone Trough that night! Good luck with the show though! [/quote] Still a good gig though, who do you play with?
  15. I've just taken the plunge and ordered the Micro Thumpinator. I know the positive impact the HPF on our Behringer X-Air XR18 has on the overall sound, so it seemed logical to add one to my backline too, especially at that price point. Playing five string basses on loud stages means I know I am only one ham fisted moment away from a blown cone or two, and having had to re-speaker a 4x10 due to blowing two cones, the price of the Thumpinator is a small price to pay. More reports to follow, but does anyone know of a power supply suitable to feed a Line 6 G50, a Radial Bassbone, and the Thumpintor?
  16. JPJ

    Smallest rig

    [quote name='NoirBass' timestamp='1480926268' post='3188015'] Nice one, I've been playing this setup for the last few weeks now and really enjoying it: [/quote] Ah another Flyrig user! A bass playing friend up here in the frozen North has just bought one of these and uses it as his whole rig. Bass -> Flyrig -> FOH -> in-ears. I'm such a luddite I don't think I could ever go that far, but he is well impressed with the Flyrig and he knows his bass onions.
  17. JPJ

    Smallest rig

    No website at the moment but we're on Facebook as dirtysouthrock Next gig for us is a big one, headline slot at the Newcastle O2 Academy on 27th December. Full nine piece Skynyrd tribute show, with four other quality local tributes.
  18. JPJ

    Smallest rig

    It's a Radial Tonebone Bassbone, a two channel DI box with EQ, effects loop, and boost. I use it to balance the output of my fretless electric and the electro-acoustic, and to DI into the FOH
  19. JPJ

    Smallest rig

    Believe it or not, we're a southern rock band 😎 The only 'issue' I have with the TC is the DI is a bit noisy but as I'm using the Radial to balance the acoustic with the fretless so I just used the DI from that. Other than that, the TC is all you need on a gig like this. I'm going to add the foot switch to get the mute & two TonePrints although to be honest, I only use a little bit of chorus with the fretless.
  20. JPJ

    Smallest rig

    So last night I played a gig with the physically smallest rig I've ever used live......and I loved it! TC Electronics BG250 208, Radial Tonebone, and Tanglewood Acoustic Bass. Great fun, might have to do it again :-) [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JPJ/media/E7D97C2C-3928-4756-BA22-6CAB49FD070C_zpso6b36drd.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/JPJ/E7D97C2C-3928-4756-BA22-6CAB49FD070C_zpso6b36drd.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JPJ/media/7C5854C4-5111-4F71-9D0A-412A0F18BF09_zpshsg2rkdl.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/JPJ/7C5854C4-5111-4F71-9D0A-412A0F18BF09_zpshsg2rkdl.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  21. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1479047201' post='3173496'] and even with all the tone pots set to detent positions, there is a bit of a baked-in eq curve. [/quote] That's why John offered two versions of the U Retro, one had the vintage sound of the J-Retro built-in, and the other one was a flat response version.
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1480095520' post='3181676'] 1200 grit wet and dry up and down the playing area, gloss gone. Bit of cutting compound at a later date and it's glossy again if you want to sell it on. [/quote] As Dood has already said, THIS Or if you don't have 1200 (or 1500 grit) wet & dry, use some wire wool (mask your pickups and electrics first though)
  23. Here's my experience. I work away from home Monday through Friday and I needed a bass to keep at the apartment to noodle on and learn new songs etc. Not wanting to spend a lot, I bought a nice black Harley Benton five string acoustic from Thomann (review here http://basschat.co.uk/topic/289575-harley-benton-5-string-acoustic-bass/). For what it is and at the price point, its a very playable little instrument but it isn't going to keep up with a well strummed six string, but I can't put the bloody thing down. Its so much fun to just pick up and noodle away. I had a Stagg EUB that had the same affect, and both have been a stimulus to me improving my playing and my knowledge of the instrument (I'm a 30 year plus 'ear' player). So much fun in fact that today I've just picked up a Tanglewood four string acoustic to have around at home, and to use on our rare acoustic sessions albeit through the PA or my little TC 208 combo. As Burrito says, acoustic basses definitely improve with a set of flats replacing the phosphor-bronze strings they are shipped with. Yes, a little quieter but much warmer and 'open' sound.
  24. Anybody suffer with a painful thumb joint on your fretting hand? Lately, I'm beginning to suffer with mine (the big joint at the base of the thumb) and the feeling is like an instability in the joint which gives me sharp stabbing type pain when my hand is in a certain position. I've found taping the joint (like a boxer) helps, so have been considering buying a support bandage. I am allergic to some of the neoprene type joint supports, so really need something that is cloth based. Is anyone else having similar problems or have a solution?
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