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Everything posted by phsycoandy

  1. [quote name='Clarky' post='534043' date='Jul 6 2009, 06:46 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Fender-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-1973-Sunburst-OHSC_W0QQitemZ130317081895QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item1e5780dd27&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A10%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Fender-Jazz-...%3A1%7C294%3A50[/url] Very WaterofTyne Photos very Lysdexia-like![/quote] does the wear and tear look a bit too ordered to folk? maybe my cynical side spoting forth, no offence if the seller is a BCer
  2. Count me in Alex, Ipswich Suffolk Area
  3. [quote name='Toasted' post='532581' date='Jul 4 2009, 07:21 PM']Before you get involved in any complex plans like that I'd give Kevin a call about international shipping.[/quote] I did that and said i would whip the neck off and stick it in my suitcase and try to avoid import taxes, he said not to worry and he would discuss it with me when I got there! not sure what he has in mind?
  4. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='532476' date='Jul 4 2009, 03:28 PM']As promised, here's the GB van. Bling. [/quote]Is that extra aeriel sticking out of the middle of the roof standard on all Vauxhall vans now?
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' post='531645' date='Jul 3 2009, 01:25 PM']IME people who are unhappy with their custom-made basses have over-specified them and got too far into the fine details that should be left up to the luthier who ought to have far more experience than you when it comes to knowing what will make the right bass for a given customer. They specify woods, based on examples that may well have been grown in a completely different continent to the stock their luthier is using, and electronics and pickups based on word of mouth and sound clips off the web rather than actual first hand playing experience. As a player pick what you know about. The look, the playability and how you want it to sound. It's up to the luthier to then turn that into the right bass for you, and a good one will be able to guide you in the right direction. You should know what you want the bass to sound like and so the luthier will be able to pick the right woods and pickups that will give you the correct end result. If you want fancy wood finshes remember that there are plenty of different timbers that will give the same look and if for instance you want a flame or quilt top it doesn't have to be maple - there are plenty of other woods which will look the same but may be far more appropriate for the sound of the bass. Don't push your luthier in building an instrument they don't feel comfortable with. There's plenty of luthiers to choose from - over 10 first class ones building basses in the UK alone. Someone will be willing to build what you want, although I think you should decide based on what they've made previously that matches what you want. And once you start looking world-wide (a much easier proposition nowadays) someone somewhere will already be building something that is pretty close to your dream bass.[/quote] I picked my GB Spitfire up very reasonably from Bernie and no where near some of the £'s quoted here from a chance call to Bernie. It wasnt built for me or over specced by me, but by G@d its all I would have chosen and would wish for. GBs are IMHO and a lot of others a bit special and set apart from other luthiers.
  6. Guys, the good lady has said I can have a new bass for our 25th wedding anniversary when we go to NYC in October, Im in love with Sadowskys, I have an RV4, those Will Lee models look fab and I love a narrow neck. I reckon i have 1 afternoon of our 4 day visit to nail a new bass, where should I go, straight to Roger or try some used Sadowskys somewhere, would love an NYC, but new theyre a bit out of my bracket. HELP. and how do I get it home?
  7. pmd
  8. Im using a Schroeder 410L 1200 watts at about 25kilos.
  9. [quote name='darwin' post='524167' date='Jun 25 2009, 10:09 PM']I'm going to give these Zoot cabs a miss and head to the Bass Merchant tomorrow as I've got the day off (it's my birthday !) Hopefully they'll be able to help me out...[/quote] Hi Darren, I've just bought a Schroeder 4x10L, i was finding the MB 15s a tad wooly, so wanted a tighter sound, I guess some 12's would be a nice compromise from ur 15. Big wedding gig outdoors tomorrow, first big test, but at 1200w I dont think volume will be a problem (probably have Alex on here now and talk about excursion, xmax and thermal ratings!) I saw Mike making the first Zoots last year and tried some 15s ABd against the MB cabs i finally bought, they were good, but I went for the MBs mainly for resale residual values and size. Good luck at BM, Daz is great to deal with.
  10. The 3015LF has an Xmax of 9.6mm, which gives you 15 x 15 x 9.6 x 1 = 2160. [/quote] 9.6mm is a hell of a distance of travel and keep all things parralel and true, i think my old MB 15s must have travelled that much from memory I remember thinking it was scary to watch sometimes, I think they are BC drivers.
  11. I bought a BLX80 off here a while back and although its just fine, the speaker is a tad tired to my ears, can someone recommend a replacement 10" driver, could I use a neo one? has someone got one suitable for sale? Ive pasted this in the amps and cab section aswell, Help please!
  12. I bought a BLX80 off here a while back and although its just fine, the speaker is a tad tired to my ears, can someone recommend a replacement 10" driver, could I use a neo one? has someone got one suitable for sale?
  13. What is there stopping a 10" driver being made with equal excursion, surely its just a case of getting the right amount of cone suspension and a deeper voice coil arrangement.
  14. You have stated several times that one of your 1x15s will out perform a 4x10 excursion wise as apposed to thermal rating, which you say in someways is inconsiquential. Now my probably ignorant mind says 4x10 equals cone area of 40, 1 x 15 is cone area of 15 simple! (cant get into areas of circles etc but u get my drift) surely a 4x10 shares the input equally and therefore the excursion equally aswell and so they have to only work a quarter as hard with a given input therefore their excusion per driver is a quarter of a single driver, am i barking mad or what?
  15. [quote name='alexclaber' post='498516' date='May 27 2009, 09:10 AM']To continue repeating myself, the power rating of a cab is a thermal rating - it does not take into account how far the woofers can move without distortion. So a 1200W rated 4x10" is unlikely to handle more than about 300W in the lows without distortion. (And I'm not just referring to run of the mill 4x10"s, I mean the boutique neo ones as well). Also the power rating of a cab does not tell you how much power is needed to 'push it properly' - in fact the larger the cab, the less power you will need to get to gig volume. Alex[/quote] Alex, Im sure all this thermal rating stuff is perfectly valid etal, but all us guys want to know is how the f@ck does it sound in practice, Ive had a 4 hour praccy tonight with a schroeder 410 and its bloody amazing and apparantly gets better as time goes on, do u have a scheme to trial stuff, as ive just got shot of 2 MB 15's in favour of a tighter 410 sound and cant see how a 115 can sound as totally puckered ars@ as what ive played tonight.
  16. Matt kindly lent this to me tonight sort of bump! for a band practice and its a mighty pretty bass to be sure, fabulous birds eye maple neck in a nice dark maple thats worn and loved!, badly needs a new set of strings IMHO but other than that its superb, Matt has taken my Sadowsky in exchange for a week just for a try, This is what basschat should be about a community of like minded saddo bass players willing to share andpool info and instruments. BUMP, he wants a Bongo, he's gotta be mad!
  17. If ever I was to be tempted back to a Status it would be one of these me thinks.... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Brand-New-Status-Kingbass-MkII-4String-Bass-Mark-King_W0QQitemZ200351444397QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item2ea5e06dad&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1688%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A0%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Brand-New-Status-Kin...%3A1%7C294%3A50[/url]
  18. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='514626' date='Jun 15 2009, 07:29 PM']Still got the yellow and black theme going on![/quote] You're right, not noticed that!
  19. It's a long story, for perhaps another time, but at last some pics of my new rig, with the new 410L! Hoping for great things as I get the vibe that these are well matched
  20. New rig is born, gone are my MB 15's and in comes a Schroeder 410L for a tighter punchier sound I was missing. Hopefully a match made in heaven with the LM11, basses you've seen before. I much prefer the old fashioned carpet covering to the Rhino finish, I think it looks better and lends itself to a more rattle free cab IMHO.
  21. You have different "incomings" everytime I look, ur worse than me! it was schroeder cabs a day or two ago! mind.........
  22. [quote name='josh3184' post='511789' date='Jun 12 2009, 06:38 AM']you take that back! [/quote] No he wont, he speaks the truth! wheres my tin hat?
  23. [quote name='voxpop' post='509428' date='Jun 9 2009, 07:40 PM']Well I've had a really crap day........picture this. 10 miles from home get to a set of traffic lights and I hear a clunking sound then a whir then a much bigger clunk and then the gear box implodes on its self in the most awkward place, right in front of a red light...........lights turn green and I'm holding up the rush hour traffic with a F**ked gear box in a car thats going nowhere fast. To the point of this tale....................... I now need to sell a bass very quickly..........so who would like a Spector NS-5xl maple for £1450. [attachment=26808:ns5.JPG] [attachment=26809:ns5_3.JPG] [attachment=26810:ns5_4.JPG] Please Pm me if you are interested............................I'm now going to kick and beat the car with a very large stick.[/quote] Basil!
  24. I'm liking your taste, she's a beauty, love the Leo Fender thing but like the modern take and sound more that the vintage vibe, hence my RV and Spitfire, active would be a nice addition perhaps, I love the urgency of a few volts behind you! Sweet well done.
  25. Googled Schroeder and saw this [url="http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/msg/1208623143.html"]http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/msg/1208623143.html[/url] nothing to do with me, but thought it looked a damn good price especially if u could do a deal for the two.
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