As you know Ive been longing for an early 70s Pbass for a while now, and kulled one a month or so back. Shes a 75 body and neck and all that was missing were some knobs and the pup and guard and pup and bridge covers (winging there way from the states as i speak) Knobs were missing so sorted that, pup was not original so sourced an original 1975 pup and pic guard and controls complete from the states and she is re born, if not as born, at least from the right era.
She has some wear to the usual places and some varnish checking to the rear. The grain of the wood actually follows the contours of the pic guard which is cool, and above all she sounds fab and vintage, or as the guitarist in the band said on Sunday. "it looks like crap but sounds as it says on the tin" complement indeed.