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Linus27 last won the day on May 4 2024

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About Linus27

  • Birthday 09/06/1970

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  1. I tried one of these a year or so ago and I thought it sounded and played amazing. Way better than I was expecting. If I ever got back into a U2 tribute band then I would have one of these along with a Fender Jazz or Precision.
  2. Wow, what a track. Hard to tell if a real bass as for most it does sound real but at time it does sound processed but there is a synth sub bass running under the whole track so that might be confusing it. Mega track though.
  3. I think we need to understand what type of music you play. Many years ago, I went from two guitars, bass, drums and keyboards to one guitar, bass and drums and we were worried that our stadium rock sound would sound empty. It was the total opposite and the space was a wonderful addition to our sound and we had amazing seperation between the instruments. We went on to play Brixton Academy and many festivals and we had no issue creating a wide full sound and we never missed the other instruments. These days I play in a 3 piece which is a singer songwriter on acoustic guitar, drummer with brushes and myself on fretless bass. We play with so much space and dynamics that you have to be creative in you area, otherwise it's going to sound flat and repetitive. So to fill the sound out in certain parts, I will add an octave which just fattens the sounds and the next level up after that is to introduce a little envelope filter to the octave sound. Other times I'll use a little chorus and reverb to make a beautiful sweet tone and then some time it will just be a clean tone. So it really depends on what type of music you play and to decide on respecting the space or filling them but always try and maintain seperation between the instruments.
  4. It was certainly one of the major nails in the coffin. John Giblin did an incredible job on Once Upon a Time and Street Fighting Years and Malcolm Foster on Real Life. However, the final nail for me was when Mick McNeil left. They were never the same since.
  5. I asked him once in an interview and he refused to tell me 🤣 Here you go,
  6. John was also a composer and could play piano and guitar. During his time with Simple Minds, he played the following during the Simple Minds recording era. Mick McNeil, the incredible keyboardist from Simple Minds is playing it here. John also composed the following for Simple Minds. Sadly, during the recording process of the Street Fighting Years album, John and Trevor Horn fell out in such a big way that John packed up his gear and walked out and quit Simple Minds. Its possible to tell on the album what are some of John's bass lines for some tracks but not all. I have spoken to Steve Lipson who played additional bass if he knew but sadly he can't remember.
  7. I was super lucky to get to play one of his basses last year, in fact about 4 or 5 of his but this is very much up my street and I got to play some of his Simple Minds basslines on it 🥰
  8. One of the greatest bass players ever and to me, the most interesting and inspiring fretless bassist ever.
  9. I don't regret selling too much but I do wish I'd kept hold of my Warwick Streamer Jazzman fretless, my 1973 Fender Telecaster bass, my 1977 Fender Precision and my yellow Fender Japan 51 Reissue Precision.
  10. My current board for my fretless and I'm super happy with it now. Pedals are as follows, Zoom MS-60B - Tuner and TC Electronic Corona Chorus Ampeg Opto - Compressor Boss OC-5 - Octave MXR Envelop Filter - Used in conjunction with the Octave pedal for a slight tonal variation for certain songs Walrus Audio Slo Reverb - Used to create rising swirls, pads and to replicate a cello. Mooer A7 Ambient Reverb - Used as either a stand alone reverb or with the strings pad option. Sonicake Boost - Used to boost harmonics Sansamp Bass Driver DI - Pre-Amp My ideal set up would be a separate tuner, mini TC Electronic Corona chorus and possibly replace the Walrus Audio Slo reverb with a Strymon Cloudburst. Sadly I don't have the space and I don't want to go bigger on the pedalboard.
  11. As long as there isn't an Electrical Storm.
  12. That's his Desire but he's only been able to grow One but it was Magnificent.
  13. It was ok though as he thought it was quite Bad but as it was New Years Day, it actually turned into a Beautiful Day.
  14. I also where glasses and drive a Honda for extra nerdyness 😅
  15. Well, that's me screwed then as I play a Jazz, fretless at that and also an Ibanez EUB which is tripod mounted. Looks like I know my place 😁
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