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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. If it is an 06 then it will be made in Germany. They only started making them in Korea in early 2010.
  2. [quote name='Jesso' timestamp='1316524256' post='1379139'] Thanks lads. So Mog, given that the bass is in Ireland... would you say €550 to €600? Luke, sorry to bother you with that PM, didin't realize it weren't for sale any more. [/quote] Well 600 Euro is 517 GBP so maybe go for 550 Euro. Oh and Luke's is not for sale, its actually sold to me but he just hasn't decided when he's going to let me have it
  3. [quote name='Mog' timestamp='1316523727' post='1379122'] £800 seems over the top tbh. I'd be thinking more along the lines of £450-£500. Theres Warwicks (German) and Spectors (European) going for as little as E400 over here, whats that in ££'s, 300ish? [/quote] Thinking about it a bit more, I think you could be right. I picked up a mint contion Streamer Jazzman for £500 and some of the Stage I's have been £800 - £1000. The LX is a cheaper model over those two so you could be right. Maybe £400 - £500????
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1316523228' post='1379110'] NOT FOR SALE NO MORE [/quote] GGGRRRRRRRRRRR
  5. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1316511189' post='1378885'] You mean Debra Stephenson? Been around a long time, must be about 40 by now. I first saw her in 'Playing The Field' but she went on to do more comedy based stuff, mainly doing impressions with Jon Culshaw. Didn't know she was a singer as well, though a lot of actresses of that age who have come up through drama school have trained in singing or dancing as well as acting. [/quote] Is she the same woman who was married to Bradley in Eastenders or Coronation Street?? If so then she was quite nice
  6. [quote name='Jesso' timestamp='1316507155' post='1378818'] Luke, can't find that thread. Do you have a linky anyone? [/quote] Here you go, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/103287-warwick-streamer-stage-one-from-1991-fsft/page__hl__warwick+streamer__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/103287-warwick-streamer-stage-one-from-1991-fsft/page__hl__warwick+streamer__fromsearch__1[/url]
  7. Oh and if you want to see a flashy gorgeous Warwick, do a search for LukeFRC's for sale thread for his Streamer. Best looking Warwick I have seen.
  8. [quote name='Jesso' timestamp='1316471890' post='1378640'] Ok ok.... tell you what. If I end up buying it, and you end up buying one in a different colour, we can do a trade! [/quote] HAHA ok its a deal
  9. [quote name='Jesso' timestamp='1316471401' post='1378631'] Would you consider it a crime to refinish it? I.e. take it back to the natural wood and use a light oil on it? [/quote] There would be two crimes comminted. One by you for doing it and then one by me to you for doing it I think I would cry if you stripped that back. The burgundy colour is gorgeous. Just don't do it, I'll get really really upset
  10. [quote name='Jesso' timestamp='1316471171' post='1378627'] I hear you on the hardware, it could do with being pimped slightly I reckon! The pickups say MEC but the gold writing has worn off quite a bit so it's not immediately clear. Anyone else with a price for this piece of wood? What would this have retailed at in 2006? [/quote] Ok, that good, it has the stock pickups still.
  11. [quote name='Jesso' timestamp='1316470453' post='1378615'] Dream bass? Wow I didn't think it'd be anyones dream bass.... surely there are much more flash Warwicks with gold hardware, inlays etc that'd float your boat? But then again... it is growing on me! Anyone know how much I should offer for it? [/quote] Yes, there are flashier looking Warwick's but I quite like simple looking basses. I admit, it would look much better with gold hardware as the black makes it look dull. Plus the fact its a bolt on neck which makes it much nicer for me than a neck through. I just prefer the look of bolt on necks Not sure on the value but I would say somewhere between £600 - £800 but happy to be corrected on this. That is the sort of price I have been looking at for them. Is there anything written on the pickups? They look very plain? Usually they have MEC written on them I think so just wondering if they have been changed.
  12. Oh bugger, my dream bass in my dream colour (as well as natural). I guess if you buy it, then maybe one day you can sell it to me
  13. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1316445605' post='1378078'] Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this was the one i picked up friday mate! [/quote] Bugger. Ok thank you for letting me know
  14. Can you tell me what year the bass is from or the serial on the back of the headstock so i can check on the Warwick site please? Also, does it come with the original Warwick owners manual, tools etc? Thank you.
  15. Damn, that looks sweet. Natural is my favourite followed by Burgundy. More jealous now Good job and thanks for sharing.
  16. [quote name='ern500evo' timestamp='1316425571' post='1377755'] Well collected my new Streamer LX4 on friday and got to use it through my tubepath rig the same night. all i can say is "Good Grief!!" It sounds awesome!! I always loved my Spector (even though its a cheaper NS2000 model) but the clarity and tone from the warwick blew me away! This could be the start of a very long relationship! Linus, i'm still trying to upload the pics, but it's not having it! [/quote] Great stuff, I am very jealous. Looking forward to the pics if you can get them to upload.
  17. I am considering one of these to go with my pair of GS112's which sound superb with my Shuttle 9. However, the MarkBass head thats in my MarkBass 121H combo which I believe is a Little Mark II sounds even better through my two GS112's than my Shuttle 9. So I was thinking of gettig a Little Mark II or III but have heard good things about these TH500 heads. Anyone compared them to a Little Mark II or III? My Shuttle 9 is a little dark and flatter than my Little Mark II head in my combo. The Little Mark is cleaner and punchier. Any ideas what the TH500 will be like?
  18. Dave, have you contacted Dave_Bass?. I am sure he was keen on your Duck Dunn.
  19. Hey Jim, Do you have any more photo's of the bass, especially full pictures of the body, front and rear? Cheers, Michael
  20. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1375886' date='Sep 16 2011, 08:02 PM']For the price Warwicks are going for second hand I'd say look for a SS1, there is just something very special about them even compared to the LX, and the price really is right at the moment. But I'd say live with the Jazzman for a while. There must've been something there to make you get the J, let the glow fade a little with the Streamer and make sure it's a long term thing you've got going on [/quote] The problem with the SS1 is its neck through and I really do not like neck through despite being the better bass probably. LukeFRC has got an awsome SS1 that I have fallen in love with though The Jazz is just not being used as I have gone back to a Precision which has surprised me
  21. Interesting settings you have there She's still mine also
  22. I really really do not know if I should sell or trade my brand new MIA Fender Jazz for a Warwick Streamer LX or stage I. Maybe even a Jazzman. My fretless Jazzman sounds awsome and the tone so suits the band I am in. Its so very tempting
  23. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1375026' date='Sep 15 2011, 11:17 PM']LX is bolt-on and Stage I is neck-thru[/quote] Which means different woods for the two necks. Is there any other difference in terms of wood for the body and pre-amps etc or are they exactly the same?
  24. [quote name='dc2009' post='1374913' date='Sep 15 2011, 09:50 PM']Linus that looks spectacular. I'd love a 5er, but not at the price! I love MM/J as a pickup configuration, it's invariably my favourite setup on the $$ tbh. Is that what streamer jazzmans have?[/quote] Yes, the same pickup config on the Streamer Jazzman. Here is a picture of mine and it does sound awsome. I have been playing it all night and just loving the sound from it. So much that I might sell my MIA Jazz and get a fretted Streamer LX4 or maybe a fretted Streamer Jazzman.
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