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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='1374810' date='Sep 15 2011, 07:50 PM']As I side note, i don't normally scrap with Pandas in Pubs.[/quote] Well, to me, he was not looking where he was going so you should have decked him. Oh and he gave you the evils
  2. Awsome, I loved that. Great video and top tune.
  3. So, I can see a bit of a pattern emerging here. It seems we are all drawn to having female singers as our front person and good looking ones at that. We clearly know our priorities. Top work fellow bass players
  4. On a different note, what does everyone think of this? Its the Warwick Artist Series P-Nut. I know its made in Korea and only passive but I think it looks stunning. Just wondering if its worth a punt or not.
  5. Here is Max, our singer. [attachment=89498:308296_2...391149_n.jpg]
  6. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1373509' date='Sep 14 2011, 06:28 PM']Hi, I tried to follow the link but got an error? Says the track is either private or removed Sorry [/quote] Me also.
  7. Liked the song very much.
  8. [quote name='ern500evo' post='1373181' date='Sep 14 2011, 01:22 PM']And as if in a act of god, i've only got to wait about 3 hours after picking it up before i'm letting it rip through my warwick rig at a gig!! Friday is gonna be a good day!![/quote] Great stuff, hope the gig goes well and the Warwick is awsome. I'm sure it will be.
  9. [quote name='ern500evo' post='1373169' date='Sep 14 2011, 01:12 PM']I've wanted a Streamer for 20 years(really, i'm not exaggerating!), but for various reasons it's never happened, so you can understand the excitement![/quote] HAHAHA thats the same as me. I was so excited when I got it. My sister picked it up for me but I could not collect it for about 2 months. The suspense was killing me. You will love it, they are awsome.
  10. [quote name='ern500evo' post='1373151' date='Sep 14 2011, 01:02 PM']I traded it for my P bass with a fellow BC'er. Be a bit sad to see the Fender go but i've played about 20 times in the 6 years i've owned it and the Streamer gas finally got to boiling point!! I'll put some pics up when i get it home.[/quote] Ace stuff, I can't wait to see it. I have GAS for a LX4 althought I love my Streamer Jazzman fretless, I quite fancy fretted one of those. Either would do I guess
  11. [quote name='ern500evo' post='1373131' date='Sep 14 2011, 12:51 PM']Well my Streamer LX4 is arriving friday, and i think if i was any more excited i'd p*ss my pants!! [/quote] Great stuff. Where you get it from? Please show piccies also in this thread.
  12. I adore all things bass and music although some of my friends and family have doubts and question my taste in music. On a seperate note, I also like drums
  13. I can't really play slap bass but to me your playing is really tasteful and spot on and something I would love to be able to do. Might give it a go myself later. What I like about it is it is more tonally orientated rather than look at me I can play 1001 really fast slap bass notes that you normally find in slap videos. Top job and has inspired me to give it a go
  14. For me I have to have a couple of working basses. Ones that I can take to gigs, on tour, get bashed and smashed about and be my best friend. After that then its a case of curiosity and collecting what I could never afford before. Out of the five basses I have, one of my working basses is my old ESP Jazz which is now fretless, 23 years old and is probably my best sounding bass. This bass has never let me down and despite having other basses to choose from in the past, nothing has felt as easy and as comfortable to play or as sounded as good. My other working basses seems to be either my fretted Fender Precision or my Fender Jazz, depending on the project. Both of these basses will cover pretty much all possibilities or senarios. I also feel most comfortable playing a Fender shaped bass. I also have a teal Stingray which was my dream bass when I was first learning bass. I bought it when I got my first record deal advance and then stupidly sold it when times were hard. My wife then bought me one again for my 40th last year. I love playing it but I can never feel 100% happy with the tone from it. It has sentimental value and so will never be sold. I have used it a couple of times in the studio and it has sounded awsome, I just can't crack it sounding good live. I have just bought a Warwick Streamer Jazzman Fretless at a bargin price. This was more a case of curosity and wanted what I could never afford before. I always loved the look of the Warwick Streamer and also the tone but could never ever afford one when first getting into bass. Now they are so cheap to buy secondhand I decided to treat myself. I may use it live at some point but I don't think it sounds as good as my ESP fretless. ESP Jazz Fretless - In use live and studio Fender Precision - In use live and studio Fender Jazz - In use live and studio Musicman Stingray - Dream bass/40th present, occasionally used live and in studio Warwick Streamer Jazzman - Collectable item but may use live or studio but too soon to tell As for other basses, I would love a Warwick Streamer LX4 and a Fender 51 Precision re-issue but they would both be for live use which would mean that the Fender Jazz and Precision would not have any purpose. Not sure I will ever get them but again, I could bag them both for around a grand so not really big money.
  15. Here's my current family. From left to right, 1. Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 3EQ in Teal 2. Fender Jazz MIA in Olympic White 3. Esp 400 Series Jazz Fretless in Black 4. Fender Precision MIA in Olympic White 5. Warwick Streamer Jazzman Fretless made in GERMANY The only other basses I quite fancy are a Fender 51 Precision Re-Issue and a Warwick Streamer LX4 in either natural or burgandy Red.
  16. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1369034' date='Sep 11 2011, 01:50 AM']Just spotted this one on our FB. (last nights gig) [/quote] Thats a great photo and great that you seem to be hunched over like the apes on your T-Shirt
  17. Well I am loving my Streamer Jazzman. Feels a little small with tight string spacing compared to my Fender Precision and Jazz but overall, its a very yummy bass. Its giving me GAS for a Streamer LX though
  18. [quote name='silddx' post='1368931' date='Sep 10 2011, 10:16 PM']I can see your penis! Just [/quote] Thats why I was so popular after the gig with the girls and a couple of boys
  19. [quote name='BottomE' post='1363365' date='Sep 5 2011, 08:13 PM']Me at a local festy in July. I have slated the shorts look in the past but it was damn hot...but i guess most of you are looking at the vocalist... [/quote] Well, now you come to mention, it would be rude to not ask, so, can you post some more piccies of your vocalist :)
  20. [quote name='Marvin' post='1325079' date='Aug 2 2011, 11:47 PM'][attachment=86175:FullBand2.jpg] Last saturday. That's what I look like without that metal suit I wear on Basschat [/quote] Marvin, you like like Flea
  21. Smallest I would say was about 1 or 2 or at least just the bar staff. The biggest was probably at least 10,000 either at a French festival in Belfort or maybe the main stage at a UK festival. Not sure how many Brixton Academy holds but that was rammed when we played. I do find playing to a smaller crowd of say 500 - 1000 the most enjoyable as you can see the whites of their eyes
  22. Here is my Warwick Streamer Jazzman Fretless. Gorgeous bass to play and look at.
  23. Thanks for the replies everyone. So it seems it makes no difference which ever way you choose to set it up.
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