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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='chris_b' post='1367338' date='Sep 9 2011, 09:40 AM']There is no difference to what the amp or cab sees, so you can do either. Apparently some people have had a cable fail but I never have. I daisy chain my cabs because my current (OBBM) cables are too short to connect up any other way.[/quote] Thanks Chris
  2. [quote name='redstriper' post='1361930' date='Sep 4 2011, 05:15 PM']It's up to you. You sound just like me except I've been playing 35 years without a lesson or any knowledge of music theory. In fact you're ahead of me with all that major and minor pentatonic business. The main difference is I play mostly original material which means I make up the bass line and no one can say it's wrong - which is nice. Punters don't care about how much theory you know or how fast you can play, it's more important to have the right feel which comes from your heart and soul. Forget the destination, enjoy the ride and realise you're already there. Oh and practise, practise practise................[/quote] I would tend to agree with this. However I would add the following to help improve. Try and record rehearsals so you can listen back to what you are playing and see if better bass lines pop into your head or to hear how your bass lines work with the rest of the music. I am amazed at the amount of people who I have played with who never record anything and then only remember bits or forget what they were playing at the last rehearsal.
  3. What’s the best way to connect the speakers to my amp head? I have a Genz Benz Shuttle 9 which has to speakon connections and two Aguilar GS 112 speakers. Should I connect one speakon connection from the back of the amp into one speaker and the second spearkon connection on the back of the amp to the other speaker or one speakon connection from the amp head into one speaker and the from the back of that speaker, a speaker lead into the second speaker? Never really known which is the best way to do it or if it makes any difference.
  4. My band Cow will be playing at the Bed Bar in Woking on Sunday 11th September. We play a mixture of original acoustic pop/motown soul and supported Paul Weller on his 2010 stadium tour. Doors open at 7.30pm and closes at 11pm. We should be on stage around 9pm for about an hour followed by DJ Nick Butcher who will be playing floorshaking Northern Soul, Motown and scorchin Ska The venue is pretty much opposite the main train station and has links to London and most other cities. The address is, Bed Bar, 2 Church Path, Woking, GU21 6EJ Its a cracking venue and really hope to see some of you there.
  5. [quote name='throwoff' post='1365223' date='Sep 7 2011, 01:09 PM']I will not insult Warwick in anyway and of course as a private company they are completely within their rights to do business as they see fit however it is a shame to see such a gap in the UK market when their products are as good as they are, the new Artist and Pro-Series offerings (which I believe are available to anyone with an account with them) are incredible instruments and really showcase the fact that anyone who claims Made in Korea as being a mark of poor quality should really be careful about what they are saying.[/quote] To me this is the big problem. The price of a Pro-series Warwick being Korean made is just too high. The quality may well be good but the price is just too high. GAK have the Pro Series Corvette at just under a grand. Thats Fender MIA prices. With Fender being mainstream and Warwick being far less so, Warwick will find it hard to compete against a mainstream American made bass with its Korean made bass. I know where my money would go. You would not want to buy a Korean made Mercedez when you could have a German made BMW
  6. My new Warwick Streamer LX Jazzman.
  7. [quote name='silddx' post='1363980' date='Sep 6 2011, 12:21 PM']It certainly is Michael! Where did you get it from?[/quote] Hey Nigel. I got it from Ebay of all places. The owner was a teacher who had been made redundant. It is in mint condition and well looked after so I am very lucky. He also has a fretted Streamer which he said he would never sell.
  8. Well I finally picked up my Warwick Streamer LX Jazzman and she sure is a beauty It came strung with Labella Deep Talking flats which looked great being all black but sounded naff to my ears so I re-strung with a set of rounds. It also came with a Gator hard case, manual, wax, Warwick Strap Locks and a spare Just-A-Nut III. It has that typical tight Warwick growl but also has the ability to produce any sound you like so overall very happy. I can't believe I bagged this for £500 when they are around £2400 new
  9. [quote name='tom1946' post='1354115' date='Aug 28 2011, 09:39 AM']I'd jump at one in Renault liquid yellow :yes:[/quote] Now your talking. I love that liquid yellow. Might even change my own Renaultsport 172 for a liquid yellow 182
  10. Amazing and very talented. I also thought the tone in the first clip was horrible and wondered why she went for that tone. Oh and do you think she knows that her TC amp may not be giving her all the wattage that it says it should be :)
  11. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='1353071' date='Aug 26 2011, 09:36 PM']Makes me like my MIA Jazz all the more (Translucent Sunset Orange over Ash) [/quote] That is gorgeous. See why dont Fender do more translucent colours, they look stunning.
  12. Anyone else struggle with the standard Fender colours for their American standard Jazz and Precisions? I mean, for what is really the top of the line before going into the re-issue and specials, the choice is so limited and not very exciting. Black, Olympic White, Candy Cola, Blizzard Pearl, Charcoal Frost and Sunburst. Most are just block colours and pretty uninspiring to. They could at least have a natural option.
  13. I think for me its also around £1600 which would be something like a Stingray or Fender Jazz/Precision. I can't see any benifit in paying much more for a working bass unless its for a very specific personel reason like a super rare African wood that only sounds good in your hands
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1349026' date='Aug 23 2011, 02:37 PM']IMO The best reason to get a new bass...[/quote] Top man, and my thoughts exactly
  15. This is all very well, but what if the bass is not the right colour Thats more of the problem I have these days
  16. I would make a label for a Five String bass. You would stick it at the back of the head stock under the B string tuning peg and say something along the lines of, WARNING: Do not waste your time adjusting this peg to tune the string, the string is only used for resting your thumb on and not actually played
  17. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1348721' date='Aug 23 2011, 09:32 AM']Any hot tips?[/quote] Drink lots of beers and when waiting for the ferry, don't challenge the England female netball team to a game of netball or football like we did as you will lose very very badly
  18. What you doing Pete, that the best looking Stingray you got? As already said, the best colour on the Stingray ever. Stop being silly and take this advert down
  19. My band Cow played at Jagz in Ascot which is basically a Jazz venue that does have a wide range of acts like latin, blues, folk, funk etc. The support act, Natalie and the Long Wait pulled out a few days before as the singer had to go into hospital. When we arrived at the venue, we got told that the stand in support act has also just pulled out So it was just up to us. The thing that was weird about this gig is basically the punters come in for a meal and listen to the bands as they drink and dine. So a bit odd to be playing whilst everyone is sitting at tables. However, it worked out great and we went down brilliantly. Big applauce from the diners and I think they just enjoyed listening to great music. Cracking little venue and really enjoyed it.
  20. Tonights the night, hope to see some of you there.
  21. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1345870' date='Aug 19 2011, 09:30 PM']Get your glasses on, this is the 3D version :-)[/quote] HAHAHA crikey DM
  22. Dave, can you send me some more popcorn, I did not realise this was the director cut
  23. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1345471' date='Aug 19 2011, 02:15 PM']Was you using the Shuttle 6.0 with the bass on the Ray full? I know weve discussed this before but if you put the bass on full with a Ray, say through the Rh450/750, Streamliner, or LM3, it really is insanely bassy. The Shuttle 3.0 and 6.0 have a hi pass filter so they dont damage the small cabs/speakers they are mated with when it comes to the combos. Obviously you can dial up bass etc, but it might be why you can go full tilt with it....although some people might just do it anyway! [/quote] I never really used the Ray with the Shuttle 6 or 9. The Shuttle 6 I only used my Precision with really and a little playing at home. The Shuttle 9 is even newer and has not been out of the house. I have only just started to use the Ray since getting the MB combo. I kind of new what tone could be had from the Ray as well as the general feeling that the MB gear works really well with a Ray but I had no idea how to get that tone or how the 2EQ preamp in the Ray worked. I do now though
  24. Thanks everyone, a great help as per usual. My Shuttle 9 has 110/240 volt selector switch on the back so I could get away with just that but it would be nice to use the MarkBass gear. At least I know its possible.
  25. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1345381' date='Aug 19 2011, 01:02 PM']Nice clips Linus I have just done a gig in the park for the people queing for coaches for V festival and used the 1x12 cab and Im not sure it can take the bass on full that I advocate to everyone else When I use the 2x12 or even my old Ashdown rig they can produce all those lows nice and tight, the Genz 2x12T is an amazing cab in that respect but it get quite farty using this new 1x12 so the next time I use it I will try running the bass flat (or whatever on the indent may or may not mean) and see how it sounds. The Ampeg fans would probably like it but for a phat but smooth bass its not doing it. Anyone using a 2x10 or smaller cab set up will probably have similar issues trying to run flat out boosted bass but for those who say its unusable what you mean is you have not got a rig that can take it [/quote] Groovy, thanks Pete. So it looks like I am sorted. A pretty much flat setup which thankfully sounds great also. Thanks again everyone. Amazing input and what a great discussion we have all had. I have certainly learnt a hell of a lot and more importantly, found a way to finally use my Stingray. Only taken about 13 years
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