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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1345308' date='Aug 19 2011, 12:04 PM']Agreed. Usually I think things look small, then I order one, and its larger than I expected and defeats the object. My RS210 is quite small (ish) so I think the Club cabs or NY cabs would be my best bet.[/quote] Yes and why I might go for two traveller cabs as they are a bit bigger and more in line with the size of my Aggy GS112 which they would replace. For small gigs then the combo would be fine.
  2. Ok, may seem a silly question but not being so clued up on this I thought I better ask. It says on the MarkBass website that, Markbass amps/combos are manufactured to be sold and used in the country of purchase, and they are factory preset to that country’s voltage. Due to homologation issues, the voltage may not be changed. So if I have some gigs in say Italy or Germany, can I not use my MarkBass Combo or LMIII head or is there a way around it?
  3. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1345300' date='Aug 19 2011, 11:57 AM']None of the combos have a tweeter control, but I think all of seperate cabinets do. I would like a very small light 1x12 for my current band, but no idea if ill actually go for it. At the moment, the PA monitors do the same thing if I use a DI pedal.[/quote] Ok cool, thank you. I would not say the CMD112H is small or light although compared to what combo's used to be then it is If you want small then maybe a Club or NY 12" and a seperate head would be better.
  4. [quote name='51m0n' post='1345293' date='Aug 19 2011, 11:52 AM']The main melody vocal and backingvocals/chord changes reminds me of Zepplin a bit - may be going mad though ) Thats a compliment![/quote] Cool, thank you. Personally I have not listened to any Zepplin but the two songwriters may have done. I am more into Pearl Jam, Starsailor, Natalie Imbruglia, jazz and a big helping of 80's pop
  5. [quote name='51m0n' post='1345274' date='Aug 19 2011, 11:40 AM']I wonder whether that grind on the full bass is actually the stingray preamp breaking up a bit due to the level its trying to produce. If the MB blue clip light is staying off then I would hazard a guess that that is the case. Could well be wrong though Either way its no bad thing if its a sound that works right for you in any given situation, in this one I preferred the tone with the bass on the preamp dialled down. Either way its lovely material, I'm sure it sounds fantastic live![/quote] Yeah the blue light is off as I have the gain only set at around 10 - 11 o clock and the volume is set at about 8 or 9 o'clock. As you can tell, its 3 acoustic guitars with only one very slightly miced up. Plus 4 vocals which non of them are miced up. Glad you like it, I might post up a couple more clips of different songs and see if you prefer the flat EQ over the bass boosted one.
  6. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1345213' date='Aug 19 2011, 10:45 AM']I'm stuck on my iPhone this morning so can't see the pics clearly. Sounds interesting though.[/quote] Dave it has in the cavity a small circuit board that says Lakland Hanson written on it which as warwickhunt as suggested in a Lakland preamp. Hope that helps.
  7. [quote name='51m0n' post='1345134' date='Aug 19 2011, 09:38 AM']2nd track is a lot better for me, I'm surprised by how much actually, I listened through the first one and really enjoyed it, lovely song, beautifully performed in both cases. Back to the bass, the 2nd track is warmer and sits in the mix better, its lovely and strong, but round and plummy at the same time, really really dig it, very old school. I would say I can hear the odd clack of the strings against frets in both, thats just how you play, its cool though, kind of reminiscent of someone digging in a bit on a db. Its not that toppy nasty metallic click (at least not on my cans), so much as a nice rhythmic chacchtk (?) sound. Personally IMO you can not beat a little Tascam or Zoom type device in the room for this kind of attempt at objective analysis of a set up, if that means the bass is on the rhs of the recording, that fine, because, guess what, thats where the bnass was from the perspective of the device/someone standing where the dcevice was. Frighteningly honest those tools are, every band should have on and use it for this kind of documentation I think....[/quote] Thanks Simon, really glad you liked it. So the second track is the flat settings as posted below, Bass: 12 o' Clock (FLAT) Mid Low: 10 o' Clock Mid High: 12 o' Clock (FLAT) Treble: 12 o' Clock (FLAT) VLE Filter: OFF VPF Filter: OFF Stingray Volume: Full Treble: 60% Bass: 20% I also found this setting a lot rounder and seemed to have a more balanced tighter sound. When the bass was on full bass it seemed to go a bit growly which was nice but it lost that warm defined tone. HEHE I see you could here the clank. Something I have always struggled with on the Stingray although not so much now I have got somewhere with the tone. I spent 20 years playing guitar punk pop with a pick and used to play very hard, breaking strings quite regular. Now I play with fingers, I have had to really work on playing gently and not digging in so hard but occasionally I still do At least it does not sound that bad then Thanks for listening.
  8. [quote name='JTUK' post='1345045' date='Aug 19 2011, 07:13 AM']2nd track is far better. But how it went down onto 'tape' and how it sounded out front may be two different things[/quote] Ok, so thats the flat sound then. I must admit, the first track with full bass sounded fatter naturally but with a lot more growl to the ears but also a bit over bassy at times.
  9. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1344997' date='Aug 18 2011, 11:54 PM']I guess second one is flat... But like you said apples and pairs. The difference comes in when the little melody line comes in. I prefer the second in that respect. My personal opinion is that that kinda of music is best suited to a phat warm P, but that's just me. Could you not have centered the bass track? I can't seem to hear it in my left, I would have also turned the guitar down a bit, but again like you said rough recording. With the guitar turned down a bit the lower end of bass maybe more audible, but this may not be a true representation of how the band sound loud at a gig.[/quote] Yes you are correct in the second one being flat No way to centre the bass track or turn guitar down in mix as this was just a digital recorder stuck in the room with record pressed so no more technical than an old tape recorder I also picked that track as it was the least complicated bass line with lots of space to let the notes be heard. I did start on a Precision and some songs it worked well on but I found the more intricate bass lines seemed to get a bit lost and the MarkBass and Precision combo did not marry up so well tonally. I will try again at some point.
  10. Never really been a RHCP fan although I do like a couple of songs and adore the song Aeroplane but I did really like that song. I thought the drums sounded amazing and the bass was groovy also. The thing that annoys me about RHCP is they have never matured and still jump around like they are 16 and think its cool to do. Just wish they would strip away also the gimmicks and sillyness and take themselves seriously for once. Good song still.
  11. [quote name='Hobbayne' post='1344942' date='Aug 18 2011, 10:37 PM']Has anyone had any experience with these strings?? - I normally use Elites, but I fancied a change and there was a good deal on amazon so I er...! [/quote] Blimey, you read my mind, I was just about to ask the same question on here as I use Elites but wondered what the stock Ernie Ball strings are like, especially as the medium gauge strings come with a 45 for the G string. Will take a punt on these also but have used Elites for over 20 years so might be hard now to change brands.
  12. Ok, so here are two live recordinsg of a couple of song from tonights rehearsals. Not going to say which is which but both MarkBass combo and both the same Stingray. To be honest, I don't think there is much in it and that much noticable in overall tone. Just sounds like bass to me but then again it is recorded on a little Tascam recorder so not the best setup. [attachment=87390:DR0000_0056_2.mp3] [attachment=87391:DR0000_0054_1_1.mp3]
  13. [quote name='gerryc' post='1344579' date='Aug 18 2011, 04:50 PM']Don't I know it , you beat me to it by a couple of minutes. Just about to bag it and the bloody phone rang, by the time I'd got rid of the twat you'd got it. That emoticon is supposed to be here, today I will mostly be a F@*kwit.[/quote] HAHAHAHA sorry. Just to make it worse, I even waiting about an hour, had lunch, pondered over the idea and then decided to buy it A minute longer to ponder and you would had bagged it
  14. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1344510' date='Aug 18 2011, 03:29 PM']Welcome to the club. I had a few strips of platfoam before getting mine but threw them away.[/quote] Oh gggrrrrr
  15. [quote name='MartyBRebelMC' post='1344555' date='Aug 18 2011, 04:22 PM']I think the 12" driver NY121 is the same but the tweeter will be different to the one in the 121H combo[/quote] Ok thanks. The tweeter can't be adjusted in the 121H combo. Can it be adjusted in the NY121?
  16. [quote name='51m0n' post='1344323' date='Aug 18 2011, 01:17 PM']Yes, and I think it would add to the effect as it goes, more foam = even less vibration based coupling. Should be a very cheap way to get your tilt on and improve on the already excellent GP.[/quote] Thanks Simon. I have now bought a Gramma pad
  17. [quote name='dangee' post='1344217' date='Aug 18 2011, 11:59 AM']£35 posted... [attachment=87330:IMG_1819.JPG] [attachment=87331:IMG_1818.JPG][/quote] PM on its way
  18. Do you think that a Gramma Pad plus an extra strip of Platfoam under the front to add as a tilt would work? I only use a MarkBass combo and have been looking at a tilt. I like the idea of this Gramma pad but it does not raise the combo up much. Adding another strip of Platfoam under the front to tilt it would be ideal but would it take away some of the effect the gramma pad does?
  19. Another rehearsal tonight and will start off fully with no VPF filter and the last settings I posted above. I may also then try Pete's settings and go large with the bass on full on the Stingray. Either way I will record the sessions and may post some sound clips up to see what you think.
  20. Yes and yes. The fretless is an ESP 400 series Jazz which I use all the time including gigs. I also have a Warwick and Stringray fretless. I also have a Washburn AB10 acoustic bass which I use at home but have not ventured out to a gig yet. I play in an acoustic band so it would work perfect but the G string is too quiet and a lot of my bass lines would loose out if the G string could not be heard. I do plan on getting this sorted, either by taking it to a luthier or trying a heavier guage string.
  21. Great news Dave. When we last spoke I was a little worried that your gigging days were over so this is fab news. All the best with your new band and with you.
  22. I've got my popcorn to hand. Looking forward to the ending
  23. I sorry to say this also but ....... Its the wrong way round
  24. [quote name='51m0n' post='1343000' date='Aug 17 2011, 12:34 PM']Ouch![/quote] HEHEHE only joking but yes, we must do some more racing. Maybe pick a car tuned to a certain BHP. Get a few of us on here maybe.
  25. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1342948' date='Aug 17 2011, 11:52 AM']I believe its exactly the same as the Traveler cabinet. The NY121 may be the same, but the recent 2x12s are different. Are you looking for an extension cabinet?[/quote] Thanks Gareth. I am looking at a rig for bigger gigs. The combo is great for most of the work I do but there may be a possibility that I may need to do some bigger gigs. I cuurently have a Shuttle 9 and two GS112 cabs. As I love the MarkBass gear I am going to get a a LMIII and I would quite like the same speakers (not 100% sure yet) that are in my combo. At least find out as a starting point. So maybe a LMIII and two Traveller 112 cabs.
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