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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Oh arse, so want, even to try and you are in Surrey like me. Bugger. Is it active or passive?
  2. [quote name='WinterMute' post='1265878' date='Jun 12 2011, 11:44 AM']Geddy Lee says if you play fast enough it doesn't matter..... [/quote] Thats actually quite true. I have some really busy melodic bass lines that in my head would be harder and more prone to be out of tune on a fretless but I find I play them more in tune than the bass lines with fewer notes and more space. I put it down to get getting on with it and playing naturally where as the few notes bass lines I tend to over think more.
  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1265109' date='Jun 11 2011, 04:58 PM']I sometimes play fretless with a lap steel player. Some people would say that we are sometimes sharp or flat to each other. We prefer to call it spicy. [/quote] HAHAHAHA I love that, we prefer to call it Spicey. I am so going to use that.
  4. Linus27

    Bands Wanted

    Hey guys, I said I would let you know how my gig went at the Epson venue so here goes. In the 23 years of gigging doing hundreds of gigs, last night was the first gig that I have walk out on. We were told to get to the venue at 8pm for a 9pm sound check. We arrived at the venue to find it all closed. We awaited outside and at 8.45pm a guy arrived to open up. He said, you lot are early, we don't open until 9pm to which we told him what we were told timings wise. He then said ah yes, slight problem, we have no soundman for tonight, I have asked a mate to come down but he can't make it until 11pm. He offered to set us up but said he's only done a very basic sound course many many years ago and not sure where everything is. We also asked about other bands which he replied that there should had been but not any more, so its just you guys. So at this point a few alarm bells were ringing. We enter the venue and it is tiny and a total dump. The floor is all sticky from spilt beer and nothing has been cleaned or tidied from the previous night. We asked about the holes punched in the walls and he said that was from a fight they had last night. The stage was probably about the size of a drum riser. There were some amps on stage which I said we won't need so they can be moved to make more space. The guy said we can't move them as during last nights fight one of the wall socket boxes got kicked off, exposing all the wires so its hidden behind these amps but I can plug into the one next to it So at this stage we were really losing faith but stuck with it but then found out that they only had a couple of microphones and two DI boxes so we could not really set up and play anyway. We have four vocals but can get away with three but they only had two. At this stage we told the guy to forget it. What was also really annoying was part of the deal was that we had to do our own posters so they could promote us in the venue and around the town. They had to be good quality as well as a PDF to be put on the website. As you can probably guess, not a single poster advertising us was up in the venue and the gig was only put up on the website the morning of the gig. So no promotion or effort from the promotor or venue. After speaking to the guy who opened up, we got the general feeling that there is a difference of opinion between the owners/promotors of the venues and no one is communicating to each other which probably explains why none of you have had any replies to your emails. The Epson venue was also the original venue but has now been forgotten about. Plus its where everyone goes after Weatherspoons kicks out and is a rough old dive. The guy that booked us was Tristan but again we got the impression from the guy that he is very flakey and not really in charge. He was also the one who insisted we did the posters and sent them to his home address but had clearly done nothing with them or to promote us. So, anyone looking to get gigs, I would be very very cautious as if the management are in disputes and not communicating, you may find yourself having a wasted trip, especially if some of you would have to travel far like BigRedX. I have no idea what the Barbican venue is like but I did not get a positive impression about the whole setup. Plus our experience of this Tristan guy was not at all positive. Good Luck guys.
  5. I also have a Tascam DR07 Mk II and it is amazing. If you want me to post up some recording then just ask.
  6. I just bought a new one and it cost £340. If your one really is brand new and in mint condition then maybe between £250 and £280. Good luck with the sale, I love mine, just with I could find a fretless one.
  7. I actually got one of these cabs now and it really is superb. My only gripe with it is it is not super friendly to Precisions. They sounds good but only good. My two Jazz basses, one ESP fretless with Barts and one MIA Fender Jazz sounds truely awsome and that is with the amp set flat. I am quite blown away with it. If I was just a Precision player then I would probably look at other options but for Jazz and fretless then it is awsome.
  8. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='1261071' date='Jun 8 2011, 12:30 PM']Why not change the hardware on your ESP Michael? You're half way there with the bass colour etc.[/quote] My ESP is amazing and may well be my main bass but it has such sentimental value that I would be devistated if it was stolen. Especially as it can't be replaced. I may use it from time to time live but I am thinking of saving it more for studio work only now. Thus the reason to find something to replace it and get what I really want. Shame as I would love to use the ESP as its been my main bass for the last 23 years.
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1260749' date='Jun 8 2011, 09:12 AM']I would imagine that Overwater, Sei or Shuker would be happy to make you one exactly how you want.[/quote] I have just been looking at Shuker. He made me a fretless for my ESP and it is stunning. My only concern was it took 8 months to make. It is quite amazing though and worth the wait
  10. [quote name='Jamesrt2004' post='1260737' date='Jun 8 2011, 08:54 AM']why not get that + defret ?[/quote] That may well be something I consider.
  11. [quote name='Tait' post='1260605' date='Jun 8 2011, 01:19 AM']You could make a project out of one of these? [url="http://squierguitars.com/products/search.php?partno=0300574506"]Squier Deluxe Jazz[/url][/quote] Yes, that is exactly what I'm after but fretless
  12. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1260594' date='Jun 8 2011, 12:54 AM']I expect Sandberg could knock one up to those specs without costing a fortune if you're looking for one rather than idle curiosity. it's unlikely you're going to find one as a stock model anywhere, rosewood boards aren't very common from what I've seen (not that I'm a fretless player so I don't go out of my way to look), mixed with a black neck and matching headstock, never mind with the other total blackness and you'd have to get very lucky. Or you could go with a defret, then there'll be loads of options.[/quote] Yes it was more curiosity at the moment but possibly reality in the near future. I should had said Ebony for the fingerboard or similar rather than rosewood. Any dark wood suitable for fretless will do though.
  13. Just thinking about my perfect fretless and wondering if anyone made it. It would have to be based on a passive Fender Jazz, all black, with matching black headstock. Rosewood board and idealy black neck but would happily accept maple. Plus black scratchplate and black hardware although happily accept chrome. If anyone remembers the old Fender Power Jazz from the 80's or maybe 90's I think then it would be like that but fretless. The thing is I don't really know of Fender doing matching headstocks on their current MIA range. I think the old Lakland Darryl Jones had a matching headstock but not sure if you could get them fretless. Stingray do fretless and matching headstock but its active and not a jazz Any other ideas or does my dream fretless exist?
  14. [quote name='krth1985' post='1259892' date='Jun 7 2011, 04:37 PM']I doubt they would be that different. Mass produced on the same machine most likely. I've never tried GHS strings though, but do play with Elites. I prefere them over ernie's and rotosounds.[/quote] Yeah I've used Elites for over 20 years now and found they are the only strings I like. Only ever had one dud set which was last year.
  15. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='1259873' date='Jun 7 2011, 04:16 PM']There you go. They are made by GHS for the Bass Centre.[/quote] So Elites are a Bass Centre product made by GHS. Cool, thanks everyone. So I wonder if the GHS strings are any different to the Elites in anyway.
  16. Does anyone know who owns Elite Strings or is the distributor/owner? I need to contact them but there seems to be no webpage or information on the internet anywhere for them. Thanks
  17. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' post='1255346' date='Jun 3 2011, 12:38 PM']I don't disagree, but i think they have stood the test of time, and they still produce original material, i think the '....Atom Bomb' LP, is their best since Achtung Baby, so maybe theyre getting better?? At least they still produce new material, and don't go round the stadiums, playing their 'hits'. At the end of the day, you start a rock band, because you want to play music, preferrably your own material, sell loads of albums, get lots of recognition, sell out stadiums, put on huge shows etc. Theyve done that, and some, and continue to do so. Their live shows are very entertaining, they dont just stand there and play the songs as they were released, like many, so-called 'big bands'. I think they get over criticised alot. As a band, they work, simple as that. Best Rock Band on The Planet? No, not for me, although who would you put against them??[/quote] I find that most people who slag Adam's bass playing off either do it because they don't actually like U2's music and have no knowledge of Adam's playing or just don't like him because he is in a band with Bono and its Bono they really dislike. Either way, none of them have sat down and studied Adam's bass playing or even listened to his bass lines and learnt to play them. Far to much believing the Daily Mail U2 headlines going on and not enough finding out for themselves. As for the best Rock Band On The Planet comment, well is it a Basschat competition now. WTF is that all about? I thought music was music and personel to the listener and not about who's the best.
  18. [quote name='jonthebass' post='1253920' date='Jun 2 2011, 01:21 PM']Not for me but what do you reckon? [/quote] About bloody time although its the wrong bass its better than nothing. Finally Fender
  19. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1252639' date='Jun 1 2011, 01:15 PM']Well, ill leave that bit to you lol.[/quote] HAHAHA ok no worries. I PM you soon about sorting some dates etc. Maybe see if Nick wants to come round also.
  20. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1252618' date='Jun 1 2011, 12:59 PM']Sounds like a good plan. I could bring the Streamliner over as well.[/quote] Ooh that would be nice as we can compare it back to back with the shuttle and even do some sound samples to post on here.
  21. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1252482' date='Jun 1 2011, 11:06 AM']You seem to be really getting in to the Fretless side Michael. Something i need to dip my toe (or finger) in at some point.[/quote] Yeah I love playing fretless, most amazig thing ever. You will have to come to mine one day for a cuppa and some playing of gear. You can try out some fretless's and bring your MarkBass head if you like. I can pick you up from the station also.
  22. Linus27

    Bands Wanted

    [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1252400' date='Jun 1 2011, 09:49 AM']Good luck. Let us know how it goes. I've just emailed Epsom as it's near our drummers manor and we could probably get a turn out.[/quote] Will do.
  23. First rehearsal last night with the acoustic bass (amped up) and it was not bad but the G String really was still a little too quite for my liking. Not wanting to fiddle anymore with this, is this something a luthier/tech would be able to fix or am I pretty much stuck with it like this?
  24. Linus27

    Bands Wanted

    I am playing at the Epsom venue next Saturday, June 11th. My band is called Cow. Looking forward to it.
  25. This is a cracking bass. Someone is going to get a lot of bass for very little money. Have a bump on me.
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