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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Gareth, my MarkBass combo is really starting to warm up and sound very good. I am doing my first gig with it next Saturday. I'll let you know how it goes.
  2. Let me know if this is still available as a friends is very interested.
  3. I think it was Inxs - Kiss The Dirt
  4. My new band, Cow will be playing at the Hobgoblin in Staines on Saturday 14 May. Doors open at 8pm and we are on stage at around 9pm. Please come down and say hello. [url="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=209625232399415"]http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=101...209625232399415[/url]
  5. [quote name='BassBus' post='1218727' date='May 3 2011, 03:47 PM']The WAV was made in China and NS Design were having quality control problems. The WAV was replaced by the NXT which is made in the Czech Republic in the same factory that makes the CR models. Essentially the NXT is the same bass as the WAV just better quality. All reports I've read on the bass have been good so far.[/quote] Excellent, thank you very much.
  6. Looking at buying an NS Design WAV and noticed they don't make them anymore. Instead, it seems to be replaced by the NXT. Is this just a name change or is there a big difference between the two models? Plus, is the NXT any good?
  7. Mini Disc recorder for recording all band practises. Also, compared to using cassette in the 90's, moving over to mini disc where you could wipe what you just recorded and edit, it was a god send. Plus the quality was so much better than a tape recorder. I have so many recording of rehearsals converted now as MP3's. It has been a lifesaver. I am now upgrading to a Tascam DM7 Mk II which I have used and is far superior to the mini disc recorder.
  8. I'm not desperate for anything but this is what I would like in this order. 1. Fender MIA Jazz Olympic White with Rosewood board 2. Genz Benz Shuttle 9 3. NS Design NXT 4. Warwick Streamer Don't want much do I :)
  9. [quote name='skej21' post='1209250' date='Apr 23 2011, 03:52 PM']Do you need photos without anything on them? (I.e. No text etc) If not, there's a good photo of JJ on the bass player mag cover - [url="http://www.imradio.com/webresources/image/user_uploads/0.61649900%201263848781BassPlayer_Magazine.jpg"]http://www.imradio.com/webresources/image/...er_Magazine.jpg[/url][/quote] Thanks, I'm afraid it has to have no writing on it and playing bass.
  10. Does anyone have or know of a good source for some high quality James Jamerson pictures? The famous one that comes up when searching on google that I have posted below is pretty low quality. I am happy to use that picture but it needs to be much higher quality. If not, then any other pictures would do as long as its high quality.
  11. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='1193956' date='Apr 9 2011, 06:19 PM']Here's one from 2008, though the DVD was just released last week. Playing my much missed, but sadly feedback inducing, carved bass I bought from Ken Smith. I can't blame it for my dodgy intonation tho Artist is Kieran Goss, with special guest Brendan Murphy [/quote] Really enjoyed that.
  12. For me, it would be Fender MIA colours and styles. The range that the MIA Jazz and Precisions have is crazy small. Then go and look at what Fender CIJ do and its amazing. I would personally like more matching headstocks and more binding and blocks on the Fender MIA range.
  13. [quote name='chris_b' post='1201920' date='Apr 16 2011, 04:26 PM']Jamerson wasn’t stupid, so with that number of people telling him his bass lines were great he must have known his worth to Motown. I think he knew his bass lines were selling the records and I think that’s why he got so frustrated towards the end when the arrangers were just giving the musicians the dots and that accelerated his self destruction. The Funk Brothers had 15 years to evolve and they grew around JJ. In LA he was just another guy, and one that didn't do as he was told! He faced competition for the first time in 15 years and couldn't meet the challenge or change to survive. Berry Gordy wanted to get into the film business which is why he relocated to LA. I don't know why he felt he had to trash Motown in order to do it! Not a good business decision.[/quote] Cool, thanks for the info. Is there any good books about Jamerson or the Funk Brothers?
  14. I watched it for the first time last night and wow, what an amazing DVD. The things that struck me was what a great bunch of musicians and all so supportive and friendly. No ego's or premadonna's. Just a bunch of guys who loved music. Also Jamerson came across to me as a very old fashioned, stubborn guy who had no idea how truely talented he was. Plus, why oh why did Motown just up and go to LA? Very strange decision.
  15. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1200945' date='Apr 15 2011, 04:49 PM']How can it be too bass heavy, at 12'o clock the dial is flat and at 1' to 2' o clock is just barely over the flat setting. I could agree if you were talking about a bass with a ballsy preamp, but not a passive one like P bass, which actually needs that bit more of bass presence.[/quote] Oh, I find turning the low dial up makes it very bassy. Its either flat or at 11 O'Clock. At the moment I have it set at 12 O'clock and the Low Mids at 9 O'Clock. Maybe I have overly bassy fingers
  16. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1200935' date='Apr 15 2011, 04:42 PM']TIP: If you keep the VPF filter off the tweeter does not come into play, so no need to disconnect it[/quote] Thank you, did not know that.
  17. [quote name='molan' post='1200459' date='Apr 15 2011, 11:20 AM']Wasn't one recovered about a year or so ago? Bass Player Mag ran an article on it - way over the top editorial about you could [i]feel Jamerson't presence in the room[/i] sort of stuff[/quote] Was that not one of Jaco's basses?
  18. [quote name='LawrenceH' post='1200927' date='Apr 15 2011, 04:34 PM']Much earlier it was mentioned and you seem to have found a solution...but disconnecting the tweeter, and potentially a crossover if there is one, is definitely worth a shout here to get a smoother old-school thump. Also, I personally think the Markbass cabs are excellent but rather forward and detailed sounding, so it's not surprising that if the strings don't give you the sound you're after you will really notice it on their cabs.[/quote] I don't think you can diconnect the tweeter on this or if you can then I have no idea how to Yes I think you are right in saying that because the cabs are forward and detailed, any change is noticable. Something I need to keep in the back of my mind and not just brush it off as sounding crap.
  19. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1200390' date='Apr 15 2011, 10:38 AM']You are welcome to experiment with my settings below, bear in mind that I have the CMD102P (2 x 10") and that I have changed the head to a Little Mark Tube, but with the tube turned off it's exactly the same as a Little Mark II or Little Mark Combo head. Ignore all the controls with a big X as they are obsolete on a Little Mark II or Combo Head [/quote] Hey thanks. I think that might be a bit bass heavy for my liking but I will give it a go.
  20. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1200394' date='Apr 15 2011, 10:40 AM']Well your Ashdown was probably hiding all the good stuff from you ;-)[/quote] HAHA I liked my Ashdown I hear you are thinking of selling your MB SA450 and going back to Ashdown. Do you have a suitable wooly jumper, Blue Peter style maybe or will you try the Val Doonican cardi this time
  21. I'm just amazed at how sensitive the amp was to the different strings, it really was like chalk and cheese. I've never had that before in any amp, combo, rig I have owned previously.
  22. Just wondering, did Fender ever do a James Jamerson signature model? If they haven't, I wonder why as he is so well known and respected among bassists.
  23. I can't believe this has not gone yet. Cracking bass. Have a bump on me.
  24. Thats another 30 minutes playing and it really does sound like a totally different amp than before. Becomming very happy now
  25. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1199984' date='Apr 14 2011, 09:35 PM']Great EB Group III flats are lovely. Not as costly as most and very very underrated. I am mellowing out some on my USA P Bass. They have some zing for a few months but they are calming a bit now. Try Dave's chromes too. I am at the same crossroads as yourself, and Im a bit worried going any smaller than 1x12 is pointless. I do play with a drummer, so I may as well go DI with a quality DI like the Tonehammer. So, Im on the fence as to whether I get a nice 1x12 cab and add my amp, or just go DI. There are some nice 1x12 combos, but much more costly than I want to pay for what it is going to be used for.[/quote] I don't think I could cope without an amp. I'm very old school We also play with a drummer but using brushes and hot rods so still soft and acoustic. I am undecided at this stage if I will use the MB combo for gigs. I would like to as it would make life so much easier but I need to get used to it more first before deciding.
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