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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. I think, my problem has been solved. It was strings all along. I never mentioned this before as to be honest, I really did not think it would be such a big factor, certainly not in terms of how vastly different the frequecies are. Anyway, I have always used Elite Stadium rounds. They have been the best strings and only strings I have used for the last 20 years. However, after doing a lot of reading and recommendations from people here, I thought I would give a set of Rotosound Swing rounds a go. They seemed popular and the industry standard somewhat for rock music, especially for a Precision. So when I fitted them, I remember at the time thinking, mmm, ok but not as impressive but give it time and maybe they need to settle but the mids are certainly a bit high. Naselly is how I would describe them. As time went on, I got used to them but now having got this MarkBass combo, everything started to sound pants again which I thought was down to the combo. As a last ditch effort to try and fix the problem and before giving flats a go, I found a set of my favourite Elites and fitted them and WOW, it sounds superb. I can just about get away with running the combo flat and it sounding impressive. The tone is balanced, calm and if I want to smooth things off and get a bit more Motown thump, I just dial the tone off on the Precision and it sounds fab. I am totally amazed at the difference in the strings, its like chalk and cheese. I never ever expected that much difference in a set of rounds. I guess it really is a case of better the devil you know. Anyway, thanks so much for everyones input and probably for wasting everyones time I may still give some flats a go just to be curious to how they would sound.
  2. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1199818' date='Apr 14 2011, 07:40 PM']Michael. Ive got a set of Chromes (got them off Nick last year) sitting around. Your welcome to borrow them for a few weeks if you like.[/quote] Dave I have sent you a PM
  3. OK, so I had another play tonight and the only way I can get it to sound half decent is if I run everything flat but with the low mids to off or even maybe at 9 O'clock. VLE and VPF are off. I thought I had some flats but when I went to fit them, the G string was not long enough. I did re-string the E, A and D and it sounded ok but to be honest, I am not sure they were flats. They were smooth to touch but if I run my nail over the string, it still had a rough edge. Not as rough as my Rotosound rounds but still a bit rough. So I am going to buy some flats. Anyone recommend some that are fairly good but not really expensive in case I hate them???? By the way, really appreciate all the help and advice. It has been interesting. At the end of the day, its just a combo and if I just use it for practise and home then so be it. At least for gigs I can go and use my Shuttle 6 and Aggy GS112 so its not the end of the work. A bit expensive and over kill but as JTUK said, you have to try these things and if it doesn't work out. It makes you rethink what you have which is the upside.
  4. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1199217' date='Apr 14 2011, 11:30 AM']Yeah, like i say ive used flats in the past, and still have a set of chromes that i know ill use again. I just find that it gives a certain tone that while it sits well in the mix, i miss the overtones you get with rounds. I do love the feel of flats though. I guess for Michael its worth a try. I find flats are great for getting rid of clank and fret buzz so maybe they will work.[/quote] My worry with flats is it will sound too boomy and dull. I love a really balanced tone and I am worried that I will loose the clarity with flats. Plus I hate the feel of flats but I guess I can get used to it. Maybe its time to move on and find a new sound. Smooth and warm. Of course if flats work out, I won't admit it. I'm too punk to admit to using flats
  5. [quote name='skej21' post='1199166' date='Apr 14 2011, 10:51 AM']I play a Precision with flats into a LMIII/Aggy GS112 and I've never had a problem finding any sound that I'm after. Maybe it's just the combo that's the issue and a seperate speaker is the answer? As for the issue of just wanting to lug a combo to practice. Stick the amp head into the front of your gig bag and take one GS112. Will be just as easy to carry as taking a combo.[/quote] I'm interested to hear how the MB head sounds with my Aggy cab so I will try that at the weekend. Trust me, taking a combo is much easier. With the combo, all I have to do is pick it up, put in boot of car, plug it in at practise and I'm ready to go. With the seperate head and speaker, I have to unplug the speaker cables and mains. Bag up the cables and amp head. Lift the speaker off from the other and load car. Then unbag and re-connect all the wires at practise. Then bag it all up again after and re-connect it all when I get back home. OK so its not a major hassle, but twice a week for practises, the time probably adds up and its more of a pain taking my rig apart and rebuilding rather than just chucking a combo in the boot of the car. I think the way forward is to try flats as a lot of replies here have been people with flats.
  6. [quote name='51m0n' post='1199061' date='Apr 14 2011, 09:26 AM']Linus, I'd seriously investigate hooking that amp up to a different cab. IME MB analogue heads (that combo has a 'digital' power supply but analogue poweramp IIRC) are really good at amplifing a nice warm version of the sound of the bass you plug into it. The cabs aren't the best out there (not as good as the amps IMO), they are OK but not worth the immense price IMO.[/quote] The only thing is, that goes against the whole point of having a combo. I already have a Shuttle 6 and a couple of Aggy GS112 speakers so I might as well stick with that if I was going to start using the MarkBass head with a seperate speaker. The reason for the combo is the band I have just joined is an acoustic type setup and so I wanted a nice easy option of one bass, one combo, plug in and play and no complications. We rehearse in the singers from room as its acoustic so having a combo is just so much easier rather than taking my rig apart, setting up in singers house, practise, take it all apart again and assembling again at home.
  7. Thanks Steve. I will give flats a go tonight and if that does not work, then it might just be a case of using the MB combo for practises and I go back and gig with the Aggy cab and Shuttle 6. I had hoped to just use the combo but if its not to be then its just not to be.
  8. [quote name='JTUK' post='1199035' date='Apr 14 2011, 08:42 AM']I like a P-bass sound and I have liked a few MB amps...not sure I would put them together though. Context is everything but the LMll doesn't amp up that well, to my ears, but sounds great at lower volumes and with a P-bass, I would want a tad of break-up in the sound, so..it wouldn't be my idea of a match-up in theory. But if it works for some, then..??[/quote] I have found this also. It sounds good at low volume but as soon as you amp it up, the tone goes all over the place.
  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1199030' date='Apr 14 2011, 08:34 AM']How loud are you playing? A small box will sound boxy(!) when driven hard.[/quote] Not loud at all. The gain is at about 1 O'Clock which is way before it starts to clip. The volume at zero is about 7 O'Clock so I probably have it at 8 O'Clock. I might had made some progress last night by having everything flat (at 12 O'Clock) apart from the Low Mids which were set to 9 O'Clock. The VLE and VPF were both off. I am still going to try flats though as I do want that warm smooth sound.
  10. I have just got a MarkBass 121H combo which generally is very nice. However, I am struggling to get a sound that I am happy with from it with my Precision. If I run the EQ flat with no VLE or VPF it sounds very boxy, boomy and clanky. Very messy, aggresive and unbalanced. I find I have to turn the low frequency down a little as the bass frequency is massive. The low mids to 9 o clock to reduce the boomy boxy sound and the high to around 3 o clock to get a bit of clarity. If I use the VPF, then it sounds a bit better but I loose all the top end and expresion. I have read another comment that MarkBass and Precisions don't mix too well which I find hard to believe. I am trying to get a smooth, warm but balanced tone but at the moment it seems to be a bit all over the place. I am even considering trying flats as well as a Jazz bass but as my main bass is a Precision I would like to get this to work first. Anyone have any advice or can share their setup?
  11. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1198278' date='Apr 13 2011, 03:26 PM']Thanks! Yeah its refreshing and the P bass sounds beautiful with a quiet drummer and an acoustic. Definitely keep flats on it. I was tempted to look at larger combos as well, for bigger gigs, because they seem to be doing quite well, and the drummer may be giving up his main band to put more into it.[/quote] Yeah I am using a Precision as we have a very Motown/Soul vibe going on although I am refusing to use flats (It has crossed my mind but don't tell anyone). I also fancy trying a Jazz as there is a lot of melody in my bass lines and fancy a bit of honk and attack.
  12. Hey Gareth, thats so cool, you have joined the same band as me apart from we do originals only. Male and female singer, both playing acoustics. me on bass and we auditioned a drummer who will play with brushes and hotrods or just percussion. Its so nice and relaxing and refreshing. Anyway, I was in the same situation as you and settled on a Markbass 121H combo. Way louder than what I need but does not mean I have to use it. Plus, we are planning on doing some festivals this year and may be doing some area's so I wanted something with a bit of balls. Plus my old 30 watt combo sounded like a wet fart.
  13. As both parties have responded, I really think this thread needs to go private and possibly dealt with out of basschat or with a mediator. Nothing good can come from keeping this thread open I feel.
  14. Just a quick question, do MarkBass make covers for their combo's? I can't see anything on their website. Thanks.
  15. [quote name='Hobbayne' post='1196707' date='Apr 12 2011, 12:41 PM']70,s also have that nice binding on the edge of the neck with those pearl block inlays instead of dot markers.[/quote] Was that on all 70's Jazz basses as standard?
  16. Just wondering what the difference is between a 60's Jazz bass and a 70's Jazz bass. Is there any difference in neck radius/profile, body shape and profile, pickup and bridge placement, tuners, pickups used and the differences in tone? I see Fender do various 60's Re-Issue's and 70's Re-Issue's and so I was wondering what the differences would be. Thanks.
  17. Looking at a few festivals and ways to go about playing at some of them and one of them said the best way is to use the Get Me On Stage and Sonic Bids websites. This is all very good but I see you have to pay them. Is this another rip of for the hard working musician or are these websites really good and worth using? Any one used them before and had any success?
  18. Here are my three lovely basses in the garden. On the left is my 2EQ Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray fretless. In the middle in my MIA Fender Precision and on the right is my ESP 400 Series Fretless Jazz. The only other bass I would like to add to this is a MIA Fender Jazz.
  19. [quote name='jakesbass' post='1192609' date='Apr 8 2011, 09:33 AM']I've played this bass... It made me sound great Great instrument.[/quote] I've not played this bass but I have played with Jake and I can confirm he is great
  20. I wonder how this affects MarkBass. They are very expensive anyway so what sort of price hike will they have I wonder.
  21. [quote name='silddx' post='1190919' date='Apr 6 2011, 07:49 PM']Can't Pete Burns afford to lend you some? [/quote] HAHAHA now that was subtle and very cleverly put. You are a comedy genius
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='1190596' date='Apr 6 2011, 03:26 PM']Don't worry mate, not going for the S1, it's nearly fretless [/quote] HEHEHE cool, not that I can afford to buy it
  23. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='1190498' date='Apr 6 2011, 02:05 PM']If only this was a Double bass... [/quote]
  24. [quote name='karlfer' post='1190500' date='Apr 6 2011, 02:06 PM']And they are under starters orders........................... Pass the popcorn nursey please .[/quote]
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