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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Have to agree that Basschat does have a bunch of superb people here. Molan let me borrow his Fender 75 RI Jazz bass to try and then pay him off in monthly instalments whilst keeping the bass. I had never met him before and it was a very kind gesture. Plus OBBM and Old Horse Murphy has lent me gear to try out in the past. Lots of great people here.
  2. [quote name='silddx' post='1190378' date='Apr 6 2011, 12:23 PM']Thanks Pete! Greatly appreciated! Nice isn't it! Cheers mate [/quote] Don't you bloody dare That bass has my name on it, I just don't have the money for it The only condition that allows you to buy it is if you sell it to me at a later date :)
  3. I so want this bass but have zero funds. I hope nobody buys it so I can one day
  4. Stunning bass. Unless its the photo's, it looks very blue and so is not trans teal. Trans teal is very green. Not sure what this is called though if its a very blue in colour. Stunning bass though.
  5. [quote name='farmer61' post='1189294' date='Apr 5 2011, 05:03 PM']Does that mean you'd have to take your cab to every event even if not playing...... Edit...Wristband is a cracking idea imo[/quote] Good point although I normally do
  6. [quote name='wal4string' post='1189995' date='Apr 6 2011, 02:17 AM']Hi Linus, I know your post is over a year old but I maybe trading your old Stingray from Rob, it's a bass he bought from you and was wondering if these are the sound clips of that actual bass, and if so would it be possible for you to email them to me as the attachment are not working here. Hopefully you may still have them and it would be great to hear the bass before I buy. My email is [email protected] Thanks for reading this and if you can sort it for me many thanks Ron If you can tell me anymore about the bass that would be cool[/quote] Hiya Wal4String, yes these clips are the natural 3EQ Stingray that I used to have. I do still have the clips on my hard drive ... I think. I will email them over to you in the next day or two. If you recieve nothing by the weekend then please drop me a reminder as I am very busy and I would had just forgotten. Not a problem either way if I still have the clips.
  7. Have to be stickers for me as I don't like things on my wrist, ears, necks etc. Its hard enough wearing a watch and a wedding ring is like torture. Basschat Sticker would be good as it could go on the grill of the cab, gig bag, flight case etc as well as the car window. Variety of sizes would be good also.
  8. [quote name='Paultrader' post='1183629' date='Mar 31 2011, 05:50 PM']And then there was The Doors... How did Ray Manzarek do that - he must have had two brains![/quote] Ah The Doors, I totally love that band. Riders On The Storm is probably in my top 3 of favourite songs. I find the bass tone smooth and creamy.
  9. [quote name='silddx' post='1188396' date='Apr 4 2011, 09:50 PM']True-ish. I need a recent Warwick, I want the dimensions of the Jazz neck which the recent ones have. Plus, I don't really want a wood finish, I want paint! Preferably white. Don't get me wrong, I love this Jazz. I think I've gone through so much foolishness about looks, brands, daft itches that need scratching, the joy of a new bass, the lust for a good Fender, that finally I may be calming down and simply need an instrument that allows me to just express myself with the tone I want, the comfort, the set up. Sod all that other sh*t that come foremost in the mind when lusting after a new instrument. Maybe I'll end up with a Goodfellow or a Mayones, who knows? I'm getting calmer and more sensible as I near 50 though, I think [/quote] Hey Nig, don't beat yourself up over this. You had an itch and you needed to scratch it. Its better to try and not like than never try and live in denial. No big deal if the Fender is not for you. Now you know and can move forward.
  10. I am now thinking about getting one of these for rehearsals and small gigs. It may be just what I am looking for.
  11. Open E and A all the time but fretted D on the A string and fretted G on the D string is my normal route. I can't stand the tone of the A on the E string. If fact I don't like the tone of many notes from the A upwards on the E string. Much prefer the tone on the A String.
  12. One more download added to the tally. Just don't tell Keira
  13. I will be using it with an amp. I will not be gigging without an amp as I know they are pretty much useless unless at home on your own. I am more interested in how they work live through an amp. Probably my own fault for not saying this originally
  14. [quote name='icastle' post='1180267' date='Mar 28 2011, 11:39 PM']I have an acoustic bass guitar that I use if pushed but have to admit I don't really enjoy playing it very much. My feeling is that as it's pretty useless unless you have it plugged into an amp so I may as well just play a natural coloured (i.e. wood finish instead of painted) electric bass and have done with it. I play in a lot of acoustic/folk type acts and am really getting some really positive feedback (and a stupid amount of work) using an EUB. [/quote] It would be plugged it all the time with a small combo as like you say, it would be useless without. The main reason for me is to complete that acoustic line up look.
  15. [quote name='mybass' post='1180158' date='Mar 28 2011, 10:08 PM']Played on a fretless Washburn AB 20......... Martin make a good 'bronze' acoustic bass string. Think I also had Guild acoustic bass strings a while back. Try getting acoustics strings as the usual electric bass strings don't seem to have the sound for acoustic bass.[/quote] Do you still have the fretless Washburn or was it one you just played but not owned?
  16. I've joined an acoustic band and at the moment I am playing my Fender Precision. To fit in with the image of also playing an acoustic looking instrument and maybe to do something different, I kind of fancy getting an acoustic bass, probably a Washburn AB10. I'll still play through an amp though. Anyone do this and have any thought of playing acoustic bass especially live? Does it work or just a gimmick and better to stick with an electric bass? Plus, does anyone tried flats on their acoustic bass and does it work and sound ok?
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1174890' date='Mar 24 2011, 04:44 PM']I am just finishing a book called 'Saying Something: Jazz Improvisation and Interaction' by Ingrid Monson and it has got me thinking about improvisation. When we talk about improv. in Jazz, we are talking about a intense and on-going dialogue between all parties involved in the music making (and some beyond). What one musician does creates the impetus for the others to respond and vice versa in a 2,3,4 or 10 way dialogue. My belief is that, in most other genres, a soloist who improvises does so on a pretty fixed backdrop; straight backbeat, set chords etc. I know there are exceptions: King Crimson, some Zappa etc but, mostly, improvisation is two dimensional in popular music. As for Jazz, the more I think about, the more I realise how damned hard it is.[/quote] Yep, thats how I would see it. To me, in more traditional formatted music, improvisation would be to play something different than what is normally played with the only condition that its thought up on the spot or live as such rather than pre written or arranged. In the Jazz content that you are describing, that to me is more like a group of musicians comunicating to each other and have a musical conversation, reacting instantly to what the other musicians have played in the same way a verbal conversation happens among people.
  18. Yep, having the exact same problems. My band is looking for a keyboard player but there is a total lack of anyone around. Last year the band played a stadium tour including Wembley Arena plus other cool things yet nobody is biting. Personally, when looking to put a side project together, again I have found it totally impossible to find people who want to do originals. Its either covers or 13 year old metal bands.
  19. I use Jim Dunlop 1.14mm Nylon. They are purple with a rough face so it has great grip and hard to drop.
  20. Linus27


    I can play and double the ESP Jazz basses in this thread.
  21. Great stuff Clarky, really happy you had a great time. Bet you are pleased you said stuff work and went now.
  22. [quote name='chris_b' post='1169338' date='Mar 20 2011, 11:39 AM']As you've discounted the TC I'd say the Shuttle 9 would be your best bet. It's supposed to have a bigger fuller low end than the Shuttle 6. I would expect that you'd run the 9 at the same volume as the 6 so the extra 300 watts wouldn't be an issue. The benefit of the 9 is the better tone and the extra headroom.[/quote] Yep, it looks like a Shuttle 9 is going to be on the cards for me I think. It would be nice to have that extra grunt if I ever need it which may be required later in the year.
  23. [quote name='Raggy' post='1169396' date='Mar 20 2011, 12:33 PM']That's what I thought when I tried it.[/quote] Glad I am not the only one as others were raving about it. I must admit that it was a beautifully made head and looked stunning, just a shame the sound was not up to much.
  24. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1168913' date='Mar 19 2011, 09:58 PM']IMO, they sound very different. The Streamliner sounds much richer more lively than the TC...[/quote] The TC sounded really dull and muffled to me. Really dissapointing.
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