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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1168850' date='Mar 19 2011, 09:12 PM']I have a feeling if you don't like the darker warmer TC, the Streamliner might not be your thing. I'd try the Shuttle 9.0 [/quote] Nice one Gareth this was my concern. Think I will go for the Shuttle 9. I love the all black look
  2. Well I gave the TC Classic 450 a go and to be honest, I really do not like it. Its a beautiful looking amp but sound wise it is just muffled and dull. Very dissapointing as I had high hopes for it. It seems the Shuttle really is so good and right for me. So I will send it back to Thomman for a refund. I now need to decide if I should get a Shuttle 9, Streamliner 6 or another Shuttle 6.
  3. I just bought a TC Classic 450 as a back up or even main to my Shuttle 6 but to be honest it sounds horrible despite being a beautiful amp and will be sending it back. So now I am not sure if I should get another Shuttle 6 or a Shuttle 9 or take the risk and get a Streamliner 6. My concern with the Streamliner is I really like the Shuttle 6 and worried the Streamliner will be different enough for me to not like it. Leaning more towards the Shuttle 9 at the moment.
  4. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1166747' date='Mar 18 2011, 09:46 AM']According to the sticker on the back, one of my basses was "Forged in the Fires of Ecstasy by Virgins.... in the UK" [/quote] The back of my Status says "built in Essex by a geezer innit so alright m8 whatever luuurvly"
  5. Also, just seen this, anyone got any thoughts on it? EBS Classic Session 60 [url="http://www.bass.se/2009/session60.htm"]http://www.bass.se/2009/session60.htm[/url]
  6. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1165625' date='Mar 17 2011, 12:12 PM']If it's just for practice then you won't need that much power and you have more options. Warwick do some small combos, as do Hartke with their A series. I have the A70 which gets very loud, even the 35 is surprisingly powerful and is both small and light. I'd check out that Line6 i linked to earlier though, that's a good deal and much cheaper than buying new.[/quote] I do like the look of the Line 6 Studio 110. Good price and seems to be just what I am after. Will look into the HArtke and Warwick stuff also.
  7. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='1165593' date='Mar 17 2011, 11:36 AM']To play with two acoustic guitars you don't need more than a simple practise amp! Even a 15W s/h quality amp would suit you just fine! I can't avoid recommending my own choise, a Trace Elliot Boxer15 - only 15W but a huge punch with great quality - you'll be able to find them in the region of £50 in the sales section or fleabay. edit: it WILL sound a lot better (and probably louder) than your Laney![/quote] It would have to sound a lot better than the Laney as it does sound dire. Still not convinced 15W would be enough. Two acoustic guitars, two vocals does get quite loud. Plus the possibility of keyboards along the way.
  8. [quote name='razze06' post='1165568' date='Mar 17 2011, 11:14 AM']Do you really need 100w to practice in somebody's front room with 2 acoustic guitars? I would have thought a 30w practice amp would do the trick...[/quote] I have a horrible Laney RB2 combo which is 30 watts and it sounds terrible and like a wet fish. It sits on top of the waredrobe never to be used again as it it awful. I want something that has a bit a meat behind it.
  9. [quote name='alexclaber' post='1165567' date='Mar 17 2011, 11:14 AM']In that case, get a thin sheet of foam and a length of webbing and strap your Shuttle onto the cab with the foam sheet under it so it grips and doesn't move. Shorten the speakon lead so there's minimal slack and you thus have a reasonably lightweight combo, for about a fiver! [/quote] HAHAHAHA your good. So if we see something like thing from Bareface, then we will know where the idea came from
  10. [quote name='JTUK' post='1165524' date='Mar 17 2011, 10:47 AM']I was going to say you have a 42lb GS cab and a lightweight amp so a 2 handed carry. How much lighter can you achieve to a real cost benefit? £250 to duplicate what you pretty much have..???[/quote] Yeah but I only need about 100w to take to a practise which is in somebody's front room and just two acoustic guitars. Everytime I go which can be twice a week, I have to dismantle half my rig, pack it all away and then rebuild it again when I get home. When I get to practise, I then have to unpack the shuttle 6, leads etc, set everything up and then dismantle and pack it all away again after practise. It would be great to just chuck the bass and leads in the gig bag, grab the combo and go. A combo which is just plug in and play would be so more convenient. This is also why I want to keep to a limited budget and why spending £600 - £800 on a MarkBass combo would be a bit over the top for what I need it for.
  11. [quote name='Hot Tub' post='1165504' date='Mar 17 2011, 10:33 AM']The Ashdown Perfect Ten weighs more than an average 2-bed semi, so I'd assume the 5-15 is even heavier. Brilliant sound though, absolutely lovely![/quote] Oh, thats a shame. It is only shortish lifts but the point was to go more lightweight.
  12. [quote name='alexclaber' post='1165499' date='Mar 17 2011, 10:30 AM']Well it isn't lightweight... Cheapest way of going light will be to find a small secondhand cab, use your Shuttle with it and just be careful how loud you turn up![/quote] To be honest, that is what I am doing at the moment, using one of my GS112 and the Shuttle 6. It's only used at rehearsals at the guitarists house (all acoustic guitars) so it would be nice to just be able to pick up the combo and bass with leads in the gigbag rather than having take half my rig apart, then pack the shuttle 6 and cables and amp leads. Then after practise, put my rig back together again when I get home. Its more for convience really.
  13. Talking of Ashdown, what about the Ashdown Five 15 100 watt 1x15 Bass Amp? Any good?
  14. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1165130' date='Mar 16 2011, 11:15 PM']Line 6 Studio 110 for sale here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=125327&hl=line"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=125327&hl=line[/url] Not that light at 24lbs but not heavy either and certainly compact. Also look at the Roland Bass cube series. The only other tiny lightweight combos i can think of are the Genz Benz Shuttles and the Ibanez Promethean, both of which are way over budget[/quote] Nice one, thanks. Just seen the Roland Cube 100 100 Watt 1x12 Cab Combo which is £279. Might just do the trick.
  15. Thinking about get a small lightweight combo that is around 150w and uses either a 10" or 12" speaker. Something medium to good quality that is not really expensive and is compact and light. Do they they exist? I see MarkBass do some small lightweight combos but they are way out of my price range. Any other options or is lightweight not really going to be available to me.
  16. [quote name='Johnston' post='1159895' date='Mar 12 2011, 09:36 PM']But you kept the Alonso ones. There was a guy called Sigmund he would have had a field day with that [/quote] HEHE nope all gone, zip, zero, nothing. Not a single file left
  17. Just cleared 20MB, mostly pictures of Natalie Imbruglia and Yvonne Strahotski. I'm sure this is the wrong forum for me
  18. [quote name='c_mike' post='1156165' date='Mar 10 2011, 07:04 AM']Just got main Classic 450 yesterday [/quote] Let me know what you think of it.
  19. Like that a lot. Thanks. I have contacted the video producer for possibly doing a video for my band depending on budget etc
  20. I currently use a Shuttle 6 which really does sound good. However, I am looking for a backup or even a main. I am seriously considering a TC Classic 450.
  21. [quote name='TCEUKH' post='1155612' date='Mar 9 2011, 05:24 PM']Hey, I am Uffe from TC, sorry to hear that the BH500 crashed on you. Very curious to find out the cause of that. Did you get it replaced at your dealer or how did you deal with it. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. /U[/quote] Great to see some precence from TC here showing some concern for their product and the owner. Top stuff from TC
  22. [quote name='machinehead' post='1133364' date='Feb 19 2011, 01:55 PM']Thanks for all the advice everyone. Much appreciated. I seem to be leaning towards the Classic because I honestly don't think I would ever use the extra functions on the RH so I might as well save the money. Like dave_bass5, I tune before sound check and during the break only. Also, I tend to use one setting unless it's a reggae song and even then, I might just play at the neck. I'll report back when the moneys been spent. Thanks again. Frank[/quote] So what did you get in the end?
  23. [quote name='silddx' post='1147155' date='Mar 2 2011, 02:32 PM']And you can use the gap in the neck socket as a money clip, if you've got any left after the extra £600 for the [u]slightly better finish[/u]*. *citation needed[/quote] Well, I never buy new so my MIA Precision was £600 and my Jap one was £400 so only a small gap is needed
  24. [quote name='Earbrass' post='1147157' date='Mar 2 2011, 02:34 PM']Why don't we ALL just leave our bands? Right now. A national bassists' strike. That'll show 'em. B*st*rds. ( )[/quote] Nobody would notice as nobody listens or pays attention the bass player. Only the really clever people would say to the band, I see you lost one of your guitarists :)
  25. [quote name='Fat Rich' post='1147136' date='Mar 2 2011, 02:18 PM']I am honestly baffled as to why anyone would pay big money for a US Fender when the Japanese ones are often much better (except maybe an old 60s vintage one).[/quote] To be honest, I've noticed a big difference in quality over the MIA stuff and the CIJ stuff. The MIA just seemed better finished and nicer.
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