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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Two ways I would play it, as you really are not happy then just walk away. On the other hand I would be tempted to give the singer and guitarist a bit of their own medicine and play them at their own game. I would have some fun with it as you have nothing to lose as it will either improve or you will leave anyway. Your singer says if anyone wants to say something then they should get a mic so get a mic and do the talking between the songs, introducing the songs, thanking people, telling the crowd what the band are up to etc. He'll soon get pissed off that you are the spokesman and people are listening to you and not him. Again, these emails where he reviews the gig etc. Do your own and point out that he was late and this is affecting our performance as everyone is rushing and stressed. Tell him he's not commited where everyone else is and question his commitment. If he says you murdered a song, just say if you turned up on time, the rest of us might be able to focus on the songs rather than worry if you were turning up or not. Play the guitarist at his own game and say that some comments you got after the gig was the bass and drums seemed the most professional and locked in where the guitarist seemed to be doing his own thing and not part of the band. Even go as far and say he had no pressence Might get them out of their ivory towers and back in the real world and if not then find another band and be happy with them.
  2. [quote name='silddx' post='1146913' date='Mar 2 2011, 11:23 AM']I had a feeling it would be Rotos, don't know why. I hate them personally, and Elites, can't stand the way they feel. I love the new Black Beauties with the K3 coating.[/quote] I've played Elites all my life and I love them. However, everyone has been banging on about how great Rotos sound so I gave them ago and they sound way too nasely and middy. Going back to my Elite Stadium. I also tried those coloured DR strings but found them to deep and muddy.
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1145801' date='Mar 1 2011, 02:26 PM']I have a feeling.[/quote] I had one of those last night and it wouldn't go away and it got worse when I showed my wife
  4. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1145798' date='Mar 1 2011, 02:25 PM']They won't.[/quote] How can you be sure?
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1145756' date='Mar 1 2011, 02:06 PM']At one level, that's excellent news Michael. At a very different level, I start a thread complaining about "Lazarus" topics and [i]Gawdelpus [/i]you actually revive your own two-year-old thread! [/quote] Ooops sorry, hopefully, this topic will finally die as long as nobody replies again
  6. I use a Shuttle 6 and I have all settings flat, pointing at 12 o clock (somebody will now tell me that 12 o clock is not flat on this amp) and my Precision and Jazz has volume to full and tone to full or occasionally, the tone rolled back a little to reduce some of the clank. On the 2EQ Stingray, the volume is on full, the tone on 50% and the bass of 75%.
  7. Just thought I would post a little update to this story. After all that has happened and the total lack of dedication from my old band, The Fleas who I joined in March 2009 and left in August 2009, they have finally finished and released their 4 track EP. Only 2 years later and guess what, it sounds terrible. So glad I got out and took everyones advice. In the 2 years it took them to release a 4 track EP, I have managed to record a 10 track album on fretless which should be out in the summer, write another albums worth of songs for another project and possibly join a band who already have an album out, have done a stadium tour and are writing the second album. As most have said here, they were a bunch of wasters. Oh and even funnier, the guitarist and bass player that replaced me have both left the band. Maybe they got fed up to :) Anyway, thanks everyone for the advice and guidance. Sure was the right thing to do.
  8. [quote name='mart' post='1141899' date='Feb 25 2011, 10:18 PM']Have you got two of them?? [/quote] HEHEHE not anymore, I managed to shift one tonight. Who said we were in a recession :)
  9. Here is my 2008 MIA Fender Precision.
  10. Here is my 2008 MIA Fender Precision. I so love this bass, its the dogs dangly doo doo's.
  11. Here is my wonderful, gorgeous sounding 2EQ fretless Stingray.
  12. Thank you. I think I need to get a folder together with photos and serial numbers and contact the insurance company just to be on the safe side.
  13. [quote name='icastle' post='1140416' date='Feb 24 2011, 08:58 PM']Most of it is related to how the signals are processed within the amplifier. Class A amps are the 'bog standard' amplifiers that we've all seen/owned/used. Big box with a dirty great transformer to run the power supply inside which is switched on the whole time the amp is in use. Class D amps essentially switch parts of their output stage on and off depending on the signal being passed through them - the power supplies are smaller as they don't need to be on the whole time, therefore allowing smaller and lighter units to be built.[/quote] Ah ok, cool, thank you.
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1140409' date='Feb 24 2011, 08:54 PM']RH450 or Genz Streamliner 900. The RH450 total volume is huge....very honestly rated. Head to head it will push ahead of the 6.0 and match the 9.0.[/quote] See my reply above though. Are my cabs not powerful enough to take a Shuttle 9?
  15. [quote name='MOSCOWBASS' post='1140361' date='Feb 24 2011, 08:12 PM']I have a Shuttle 9, although I haven't tried a 6, I've read it's a warmer and fuller sound. Perhaps a 9 max if you need more flexibility? I like the 9 because it gives me 500 watts@8ohms into a Midget T for small gigs.......good thing is it covers larger gigs as well and is really portable. I have a Tecamp Puma 1000 ,which I really like, but I find I'm taking the shuttle to gigs at the moment.[/quote] I was just looking at the Shuttle 9 but its 900W @ 4 ohm and 500W @ 8 ohm. My Aggy GS 112 are rated at 300 watts each at 8 ohms. So if I run one cab, thats going to be 500W into a 300W cab. Likewise, if I run 2 x cabs, thats going to be 900W at 4 ohms going through the two cabs. So is the Shuttle 9 not going to be a bit too powerful for my cabs?????
  16. I currently have a GB Shuttle 6 which really is a cracking amp. I run it through 2 x Aggy GS112's and its very warm and punchy. However, I am thinking about having either a backup amp or have the Shuttle 6 as the backup and something else as my main amp. Anyone got any suggestions on what an upgrade over a Shuttle 6 would be? I like the look of the Aggy AC500SC and I hear great things about the TC Electronics RH450 or Classic 450 but are they pretty much the same as the Shuttle 6 in terms of build/quality/tone etc? The other option would be to just buy another Shuttle 6 or look at the GB Streamliner. Also, whats the difference over a Class A and Class D amp?
  17. Does anyone know if you should notify your household insurance company that you own a musical instrument or would they just cover it under household content insurance?
  18. Thanks everyone, some great help for me. What I am trying to do is get my head around and trying to understand the basics of what makes a Motown bassline but it seems to me it can be pretty open to anything depending on era and artist. It seems a lot of the early Motown is kind of groove or swing based with roots in Jazz and Blues. So a walking type bass line in places but not as obvious or full as a Jazz bass line. An example is Tears Of A Clown or Heatwave which are very swing orientated. Later on it seems to soften and go more pop/soul and reliant on the vocal. Some artists like Stevie Wonder and the Jackson 5 seem to go more towards funk feel. Of course I could be talking total rubbish but from my brief listening today, this is what I seem to have noticed.
  19. My new project is very Motown influenced and has mentioned James Jamerson etc in conversations. Can anyone recommend some really good tracks, songs, CD's/DVD's etc I should listen to/get to really absorb the whole Motown vibe. I do have the Standing In The Shadows book which I will go through but anything else anyone can suggest to help get really into the Motown thing would be really appreciated. Oh, and before anyone says Flats, don't ok :):)
  20. [quote name='silddx' post='1136497' date='Feb 21 2011, 11:02 PM']I'll unruin it, Bob's playing a tort plate. I'll ruin it again, you already have a tort plate. Fit it! I'll ruin even more, you won't like the 51 P, they play like dogshit. It will be for sale after you leave your new project [/quote] HEHE tort plated was fitted last night and its made the bass look creamy rather than white and more retro looking. Plus its sounding ace with the rotosound rounds on and the tone turned down about 40%. However, over my dead body with this bass have flats on it Still want a 51 Precision.
  21. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1136122' date='Feb 21 2011, 08:05 PM']Bob Babbitt, Motown bassist. [/quote] You are not helping you know I've set my heart on a 51 Precision and now you have gone and ruined it :)
  22. [quote name='mcnach' post='1136013' date='Feb 21 2011, 07:24 PM']There, I corrected that for you. Now it says what you really meant [/quote] You see, among all the other comments in this thread, your one is the only one that makes sense :)
  23. Stunning. I've just got a fretless neck for my Ray and it sounds totally amazing. Good luck with the sale.
  24. I must admit, looks play a massive part for me. Around 30% looks, 25% feel and 45% tone. Just check out my other thread where I can't get my head around playing Motown/Joplin/Acoustic type stuff on my white with black scratchplate Precision as it looks too punk. For me, I got to feel comfortable getting up on stage with a bass that I can wear with pride.
  25. [quote name='chris_b' post='1133316' date='Feb 19 2011, 12:56 PM']All the guys you mention played Precision basses, and all the music was created on Precision basses so I'm not really sure why you think that a Precision bass isn’t the right tool for the job!![/quote] I think its because my Precision looks really punk and because its strung with Rotsound rounds, it sounds very clanky and punky. Sure I can dial out some of the tone and smooth it a bit but I kind of fancy a 51 if it can create the more mellow tone I am after. Plus it looks more retro.
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