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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. OK, it looks like I can't pull the wool over the eyes of you lot Today I tried the Precision again and as suggested, rolled the tone off a little and the volume to 80%. It sounded good and to be honest would probably work fine. It still have some of that clank but it was better. However, I just can't get my head around my Olympic White Precision with black scratchplate playing this sort of music. I just think punk. I guess I could put the tort plate on which makes it look cream coloured and more retro but in my head its my punk bass that I have slung low and play with a pick OK, so now I have confessed or shall I say, been found out, I may give it a go. However, I still like the idea of a 51 Precision for the retro look. I guess I got to get the gig first As for flats, I just don't like the feel of them and the tone is just dull to my ears.
  2. I was kind of sorted for basses with my MIA Precision, fretless Stingray and Jazz. However, an interesting project has come up that I feel non of my basses would suit. It's going to be fretted so thats just my Precision I have suitable but its a bit too punk, bright and clunky. The music is a bit Motown, Paul Weller, Carol King. Very acoustic so I think my Precision will just clunk too much. I think the tone I would be after is warm, smooth and full. Now before anyone say FLATS, may I stop you there and say, no way, I hate them. Ok, my initial thought would be a nice Jazz of some sort. However, I really don't want to spend much money as I don't have it. So, do you think one of those Fender 51 re-issue Precisions would do the job or is it going to be too bright and clunky still? I remember that chap from Oasis playing one and they had a sort of warm Weller/Beatles type tone. I get the impression that they might be quite retro and darker sounding rather than clunky punky sounding modern Precision. Any thoughts or should I stick with a Jazz?
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1129056' date='Feb 15 2011, 11:03 PM']That's it keep going. I have all sorts of little methods now, if you get plenty of D's your still onto a winner. Lol F lines up with the pips in the clef and I have only had E on a lower ledger line yet C and D comes up on higher ledger lines quite a bit, Obviosly not a five string fan [/quote] I want to get to the point whereI see the space or line the note is on and I know instantly what the note is like I am doing with some already like the low G, D and high C. I just need to keep at it and get it locked into my head.
  4. Had my first go at the Bass Cleff Apprentice and my average time was 2.12 second per note. Quite pleased as a starting point.
  5. [quote name='Doddy' post='1036168' date='Nov 25 2010, 12:10 PM']I'm a bit confused as to what you mean,sorry,but I'll have a go anyway If you have a bar of 4 crotchets you will play each note to the value of one beat. If you then change that to four quavers,played on the beat,you will be playing the notes in the same place,but they will last for half the duration-a quaver followed by a quaver rest. So it goes from playing 1,2,3,4 to 1(+),2(+),3(+),4(+) with a rest on the 'and' of each beat. If you go down to semiquavers it's the same thing- you'd play the first one and then rest for the next 3- eg 1(e+a),2(e+a),3(e+a),4(e+a). You are still playing on the beat,but only for the duration of a semiquaver. Hope that's not too confusing.[/quote] Bloody hell, I understood that I even tapped my thumb along as you explained it and then it was confirmed I was right when you explained the method.
  6. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1129032' date='Feb 15 2011, 10:42 PM']Oh no the addiction will kick in soon You have to crack 1.00 secs to get the top grade which took me about a week or two of playing it when I had a few minutes spare but it worked as I can get about 1.30 secs within one or two goes then down to just over a second even after weeks of not trying so I think I have the notes fairly well sorted at least good enough for working something out. I need work on the note lengths and rythms etc next. Next weeks lesson will either bring me on loads or make me give up![/quote] It is quite addictive. I found that some notes I just knew what they were and others it was a case of working out using either the D or low G as a reference point and counting up from there Its good though and enjoying it.
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1128753' date='Feb 15 2011, 07:11 PM']I'm right at the beginning too Linus and have my first lesson next week! And it's with a certain person in this thread he may of bitten off more than he can chew this time I'm going to put in as much time as possible but a hour every night won't be possible as I have other musical commitments although I will try and score that bands stuff and incorporate the two (the second guitarist is a classical teacher and makes his own chart to play from anyway so we will look like real musicians ) There is already a bass clef YTS thread Linus to tell us about your progress there are a few of us dropping in there from time to time and there is a link to the bass clef wizard tool online which is very addictive you have been warned![/quote] I just did that bass clef wizard test. It came back saying I am a Bass Cleff Apprentice and my average time was 2.12 second per note. To be honest, I am quite impressed I was that good. Just above average grade.
  8. [quote name='jakesbass' post='1128940' date='Feb 15 2011, 09:32 PM']This is an important point[/quote] I have that Rufus Reed book so thats a good start.
  9. Me and a mate got robbed at knife point in Barcelona. I had a knife to my throat and the other guy tried it with my mate also. Le Ramblas can be dodgy as hell especially the side streets. My ex boss went there with some ex army friends and they got attacked by a very large gang on Scooters down one of the side streets. Plus when I went to the GP, quite a few people who got on the train found they had been pick pocketed so yes, take extra care.
  10. NOW SOLD TO Floyd Pepper. Many thanks Jim and great to meet and chat to you.
  11. [quote name='kerley' post='1128245' date='Feb 15 2011, 12:39 PM']I would also think you need to quantify the 12 months. Quite a bit of difference between 4 hours a day for 12 months and 2 hours per week for 12 months. What amount of time would you realistically being putting into it over the 12 months?[/quote] When I get focused on something then I really dedicate as much time as possible to it. I imagine at first its going to be slow and I will get tired quickly so possibly an hour a night at first. and then expanding for longer after that. It won't be every night but some nights will be longer than an hour I would guess.
  12. Thanks guys, really usefull answers. If I go down this route then I have already conisdered a tutor.
  13. I am considering learning to read music for bass parts. OK, naturally the answer is going to be based on everyones own ability, but generally, do you think its possible to learn to do it within 12 months to a standard that will allow you to read most parts from sight?
  14. First Bass Owned: Avon Epiphone Copy (Can't remember the model) 'Go To' Bass: Fender MIA 2008 Precision 'Your' Bass: Musicman Stingray Fretless
  15. I am similar a little to the OP. I don't play in a band but currently recording an album. Plus, you never know whats round the corner and may join or form a band. I am currently writing material for two project so I may get a band going at some point. So with that in mind I have the following, a 2008 MIA Fender Precision which is my main workhorse. A 2008 2EQ Stingray that is fretless which is for pure pleasure and any freltless work I am doing. It also has a fretted neck if needed. Plus an ESP Jazz which is my old workhorse and has sentimental value. It also has a fretless neck. So really 3 basses to cover all occasions. I have been slimming down though and have sold or selling some off. I only need 3 basses, fretted, fretless and my old ESP.
  16. A few things are jumping out at me here. I have never seen that bridge on an ESP bass and is nothing like the one on my ESP 400 Series Jazz. I have also never seen those tone and volume dials before. Plus, I have certainly never ever seen that head shape on an ESP bass. It might all be 100% genuine but its worth checking out first. The back of the neck should have a serial number stamped on it. Plus, the neck plate should have the ESP logo on it and a serial number. Does it have any of these?
  17. [quote name='ash' post='1123626' date='Feb 11 2011, 10:30 AM']Sorry to hear about your job losses, I'm interested in the bass but could you tell me the weight please?[/quote] Hey thanks. I think its around 9lb 5 if my memory serves me. I can confirm when I get home later today.
  18. Big weekend bump, more than ever now. Got told last night that we are all being made redundant so, I could really do with selling this now. My wife also works at the same place so we are both going to be out of work soon
  19. [quote name='martthebass' post='1121930' date='Feb 9 2011, 09:25 PM']Pity you're not in the Market for a Ray5 fretless Linus or I'm sure we could have come to a deal.[/quote] Yeah, 5 is to much for me and tonight I just got a fretless neck for my Stingray. Thanks anyway.
  20. [quote name='silddx' post='1121896' date='Feb 9 2011, 08:46 PM']Does your wife know you're a Pete Burns fan, mate?[/quote] SHOULD OF BOUGHT THE WHITE FENDER :):):):)
  21. [quote name='Marvin' post='1121831' date='Feb 9 2011, 07:50 PM']Oh and look, she's back [/quote] I knew you would like that
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='1121574' date='Feb 9 2011, 05:05 PM']Yes Cheers! It's hard to understand but I always did want a Fender, I was just put off by the random quality of them, and some a just plain rubbish, I've only played one USA one that had me thinking about it the next day, and that was a new USA Standard out of four I tried. But this, this is wonderful! It's like coming home. Although I am having to do lots of work on the POD to get it to sit in the mix right. No mad guitars to battle with but lots of keyboard, strings and vocal. I do one thing and it cancels out another, or I get a good audible eq but don't dig on the actual sound. These PODs can be wonderful but they are also a great way of disappearing up one's own arse.[/quote] Still prefered the white one
  23. [quote name='Marvin' post='1119625' date='Feb 7 2011, 11:12 PM']I'm just waiting for some strange natural phenomena to occur now. Like all the grass turning blue or animals starting to speak Spanish or something equally weird.[/quote] You mean that the animals don't speak Spanish? What is it then as I was convinced I could understand them.
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