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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='mcnach' post='932684' date='Aug 22 2010, 12:28 PM']yum! [/quote] lol you clearly have great taste
  2. [quote name='mcnach' post='932395' date='Aug 22 2010, 12:41 AM']Can I pay you a (small ) retainer so that you email me that post above every 2-3 weeks? [/quote] I will happily accept the following payments,
  3. [quote name='chris_b' post='931991' date='Aug 21 2010, 04:27 PM']I think the rest of my post answers that question. Charlie Watts' comment to David Hepworth sums it all up: 25 years of the Rolling Stones, 5 years playing and 20 years hanging around.[/quote] HAHA great comment
  4. [quote name='Doddy' post='931845' date='Aug 21 2010, 12:51 PM']I love it,but let's be honest it's not easy-especially if you are doing a self financed tour,with little money involved. By tour,I don't mean three or four days on the trot-I mean weeks. If you've got a decent gig it is certainly easier,although you may end up travelling on your own which can be very tiring. It's not for everone. People see the couple of hours on stage and hear the stories,but don't know(or want to know) about the other 22 hours a day-Alot of bands have split after doing badly run tours. I've grown up around touring-spending time in hotels and dingy caravans on theatre car parks,driving for ten hours a day and getting home in daylight-and I'm doing it myself now,so I have a pretty good idea how it works........And I wouldn't have it any other way.[/quote] It certainly has to be organised well. Our tour manager had the great idea of a bunch of gigs in Scotland, then a gig in London the next day and then down to Southampton and then all the way back to Scotland for some more gigs. Still, Father Ted videos kept up amused for most of the journeys I think its important to have a very strong unit where band members and crews have a good understanding of each persons personality as well as understanding your own personality and moods. If your feeling stressed, tired, fragile, no point putting yourself in a position where the other members can get on your nerves and likewise, they should be able to read the signs when you need your own space.
  5. [quote name='chris_b' post='931780' date='Aug 21 2010, 11:41 AM']Like the mooning in inappropriate places, the women and when you shaved the roadies eyebrows off when he passed out.[/quote] HAHA oh yes and much worse. Our singer and guitarist had a habit of taking their clothes off. Quite a few inappropriate photos of people asleep on the tour bus with body parts on their shoulders or and around the head. I'm amazed they never got arrested in France on one occasion. Oh and if someone is driving, its always a good laugh to post porno pictures on the back of their car or a sign saying I shag Horses, Honk if you think I'm odd especially if its a 3 hour motorway drive from Manchester to London. The whole journey they are confused at why they are getting lots of attention from other drivers You see, touring can be fun with the right people, just expect to get hit at some point. We had to do a showcase gig in the centre of Dundee. Live vocals and miming everything else. Our roadies set up all our gear upside down, back to front and just totally wrong. Strings very loose, drums back to front and bits made of cardboard. Oh and I think rolling pins for drum sticks. Plus interesting signs all over the amps :)
  6. I love it and appreciate it for what it was. I hate bands that slag off touring saying its hard work and really boring. If you don't like it then go back to your day job as not everyone gets the chance to be in a band and tour. It does take some planning though but we always had a selection of videos, books, magazines plus Ipods, games machines, cards etc. On days off we used to always try and fit it some kind of trip like Loch Ness, the beach, shopping, castles etc. Take a camera also for all the memories.
  7. [quote name='Telebass' post='927001' date='Aug 16 2010, 10:16 PM']Just a feeler for the moment... More dep work means I may need a 5er in the stable fairly soon, and about all I really want is a Precision 5... Grateful for opinions.[/quote] Don't forget to let me know a sale price if yo decide to sell. As I said a while back in PM, unlikely I can afford or need it but you never know
  8. Linus27


    Been away from the forum a bit and totally stunned to find out we have lost Si. When I read the news, I could not believe it was who I thought. Very shocked. Si really was an amazing person. He helped me and gave me some advice of Jap Fenders but was never pushy. His humour was great. Very very sad news indeed. RIP Si and thanks for all the help. I hope this is not insensitive but I never saw the original thread. Would it be wrong or rude to ask via PM what actually happened? Sorry if this offends and I will remove if it does.
  9. [quote name='urb' post='923460' date='Aug 13 2010, 07:36 AM']Thanks man - I have to admit I've been ignoring my fretless for a while so I put some new strings on it a week ago and have been getting back into it again - this bass has a wicked tone and it's very easy to get around on because of its narrow string spacing but I'm trying to play it with as much control as possible, and almost succeeding! I love fretless but I don't think it works all the time, but for lyrical melodic playing it's absolutely perfect... glad you enjoyed this I pleased with the backing as well on this too. Mike[/quote] It really does sound sweet. What bass is it?
  10. Arse, I would love that natural DJ4. I would have to sell my Warwick to get it
  11. [quote name='silddx' post='923010' date='Aug 12 2010, 06:12 PM']Thank you mate! Feel free to chuck us a bassline and I'll give it the silddx analysis [/quote] Your welcome and I may well do that
  12. [quote name='silddx' post='922988' date='Aug 12 2010, 05:53 PM']Erm, thanks I'm not sure what to say to that, it wasn't anything clever, it's just what I heard from one listen. I don't know squat about theory except some of the very basics so I don't know what Mike is actually doing. I just use my ears. Maybe it's years of listening to Zappa and stuff and reading loads of sh*te about music I'll take your comment as a very nice compliment, thank you very much! Maybe I do have good ears after all![/quote] It certainly was a nice compliment. Quite impressed me. I can pick out if someone plays melodic, driven, funky or plays around the root, but to actually notice that someone sounds very dark and ends a lot of the runs descending was quite detailed. Very impressive.
  13. [quote name='silddx' post='922877' date='Aug 12 2010, 03:49 PM']That is a lovely sequence, and your playing is, as always, excellent. Your modal harmony (if that's the right expression) sounds very dark to me, and I notice you end a lot of your runs descending. Does this say something about you do you think? Is it a conscious choice?[/quote] Blimey, how do you analyse it into that much detail? Quite amazed at that. Might have to ask you to analyse some of my bass lines. Would be amazed at what you find.
  14. [quote name='urb' post='922747' date='Aug 12 2010, 02:01 PM']A little solo on my fretless over some nice chords from a Gary Willis tune called 'Speak' - with some trip-hop drums and funky Rhodes chords... hope you like it. In case this ain't working try this [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeZDJi6CdgU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeZDJi6CdgU[/url] Cheers Mike[/quote] Very nice, really enjoyed that. As someone who is currently working on an album and playing fretless on it, this has been very enjoyable to listen to. There really is not enough fretless bass playing around so thanks for posting.
  15. You are also welcome to view the PM I got from this scammer. Just don't look at the ones I've had from, Keira Knightly Yvonna Strahotski Natalie Imbruglia Neve Campbell Laetitia Casta Jennifer Love Hewit Estelle Skornik Alicia Silverstone Billie Piper Debbie Gibson Marget Thatcher (Don't ask, its a long story, complicated and could cost me thousands)
  16. Yep, I also got that message in response to my wanted add. I also ignored it.
  17. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='910613' date='Jul 30 2010, 08:07 PM']Cheers guys. Sounds like i should keep the CVJ. Michael, Thanks for the offer but my mind is made up to go fretless and I'm not too good at waiting. I might see if there are any necks for sale on here over the coming week, for less than what its going to cost for a re fret but if nothing turns up by Friday I might pop over to the gallery with the CVJ.[/quote] No worries Dave,the offers there. Either way, you will love fretless.
  18. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='910583' date='Jul 30 2010, 07:46 PM']Can I ask where you are getting your neck - is it a custom build? I'm thinking of getting one for my Cort GB75 - I love my VMJ fretless but I need 5 strings otherwise I can't play in D or E![/quote] Sure. Shuker is making me a custom neck for my ESP based on the existing ESP fretted neck. I did not want to get the ESP neck de-fretted as the bass is super rare and has sentimental value so if something goes wrong I am buggered. So the fretless neck will be pretty much the same as the existing fretted neck but fretless.
  19. Hey Dave, If you can wait anything from 3 to 5 weeks until I get my fretless neck for my ESP, you can borrow my VMJ Fretless and compare. That way you can see if you like the VMJ and how you feel about fretless.
  20. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='910323' date='Jul 30 2010, 03:03 PM']Hey Michael. Great song and very nice playing. I get the M Karn references, although i would add your playing sounds in tune so different from Karns ;-) Actually it reminds me more of the Ultravox/Gary Numan with Pino sound, although the bass is less prominent. I dont think it needs proper vocals, it perfect the way it is.[/quote] Hey Dave, Thanks very much. I do have another track which I think is much better from a fretless point of view. As soon as its finished I will post it up.
  21. [quote name='silddx' post='910193' date='Jul 30 2010, 12:52 PM']Interesting you think it pedantic. To me there are fundamental and very important differences. The difference between a mechanic and a composer.[/quote] Me neither. If someone says what do you do, what hobbies do you have etc, what do you say? Nothing as thats pedantic or do you say play bass or play music, write music etc?
  22. In line with the best bass for you thread, whats the worst bass you have owned and why? Mine would probably be the Status Shark that I very briefly had in 1998. It just sounded thin and cheap and felt even worse to play. Shame as I love the shape of the headstock but it really was very rubbish.
  23. [quote name='purpleblob' post='798164' date='Apr 6 2010, 10:46 PM']Wow - it was that bad ! google is your friend in tracking down this review - I won't spoil the surprise if people search for this review Support was particularily bad. EDIT: I love the Heath Robinson comparison - [/quote] I hope its not Shuker as he is making me a custom neck
  24. Dave, what you've done there is made the mistake of buying a bass with frets :)
  25. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='902374' date='Jul 22 2010, 09:23 PM']The body is Swamp Ash, the Ray is Ash. I haven't a clue what the difference is. I don't think it comes from a swamp [/quote] HAHAHA this has to go in the best quote thread. Awsome comment.
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