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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='dood' post='942259' date='Sep 1 2010, 03:41 PM']Wow! FIVE threads on the go - maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan are you ALL bored today? ha ha ha ha!!! Tell ya what, if I needed to advertise a product or service - I'm going with Dave's *method!! *except for alienating myself completely and diluting any creedance to my opinions in one post. lolz[/quote] Don't be silly now, Dave is right, and we are all wrong, he told us in the first post of the other thread
  2. [quote name='jakesbass' post='942130' date='Sep 1 2010, 02:25 PM']No, it's the new Ampeg bass has lower notes than any other bass but with lighter gauge strings it's made from the same material as the sun though so it's bit heavy[/quote] Wow thats so cool. The question is, does it sound like an Ampeg or does it sound like a cheap alternative
  3. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='942209' date='Sep 1 2010, 03:10 PM']I've just filled my yawny boring old Eden with heaps of lead shot and some 25 watt candle bulbs - they sort of look like valves, and I've now got the weight right up there. The change in tone is staggering. As are the smoke and sparks pouring from the top vents. Just needs some cardboard to change the outline, a fire extinguisher and then we're done.[/quote] Good effort. You are clearly a trailblazer in these difficult times
  4. [quote name='jakesbass' post='942081' date='Sep 1 2010, 02:04 PM']Hello Boys... just saying hello cos haven't been around for a while (been busy) and I noticed that most of Basschat was in here anyway here's a nice pic of me playing a really beautiful 200 year old german double bass that was provided by the promoter at my gig in Hamburg over the weekend. I didn't use an amp so sorry for the topic derail [attachment=57893:IMG_0197.jpg] This bass is insured for €30,000 it was a bit heavy but not as bad as an Ampeg [/quote] Whats that in the background, it has 6 strings? Is that a geetar? You bad man, how dare you post that on a bass forum
  5. [quote name='Spike Vincent' post='942100' date='Sep 1 2010, 02:12 PM']I have an SVT. :snob:[/quote] You are saved
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='942103' date='Sep 1 2010, 02:13 PM']I also have an STD ... oh, no ... wait ...[/quote] HAHAHAHA
  7. [quote name='51m0n' post='942044' date='Sep 1 2010, 01:42 PM']Linus, mate, I just laughed so hard I need a new truss [/quote] No, you need an Ampeg hahahahahahahaha
  8. It's not been the same for a long time. I've struggled to overcome it and adapt but I just can't do it. For years I was happy but I have just recently been told that what ever I do or have done, it just won't sound as good as if I had an Ampeg SVT head. I now feel a failure, not only to myself but to all my fans who I have subjected them to the non Ampeg SVT tone. How they will ever forgive me. For years they surely were just listening to the bass as all music lovers do and I have clearly led them up the garden path with an inadequate non Ampeg SVT tone. I think its time now to bow out, ashamed and as a failure as a non Ampeg SVT playing bass player. I just hope others can find the strength to carry on with there rubbish sounding Traces, Ashdowns, Genz Benz, Mark Bass etc amps. Be strong boys, think of Blitey and I'll see you on the other side.
  9. I wonder if this is the same Dave74200 that was selling on Ebay a Squire Precision, a Warwick Bass Combo, a Trace cab, and an Ampeg SVT4 head and an Ashdown ABM head. He said the Warwick sounds lovely and the Ashdown is a professional gigging amp and sounds awesome and you can dial in any tone you want. Any tone apart from an Ampeg one I wonder if he used that along with the Squire when he played to those 10,000 fans. It does say in the advert that the band he was playing in folded. He's also sold about 15 Fender basses and a couple of Stingrays and a couple Ashdown combo. He sure likes Ashdown. Looks like he has been a busy boy. He's also sold a Vauxhall Corsa but alas, no Ferrari
  10. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='941028' date='Aug 31 2010, 02:57 PM']Ugly, Woolworth guitar looking things.....IMHO of course :-) Great tone though, from what ive hear. A mate has one and i cant stand the look of it but it sounds lovely.[/quote] Give it 6 months and you'll be asking the same questions and looking to buy one :)
  11. Been slightly interested in the Fender Jaguar but don't really know anything about them. I notice they have a ton of switches on them but again, no idea what they all do. I guess maybe an active passive switch? Anyway, what are they like tonally? Would they make a good alternative to a Jazz bass, being able to create similar Jazz bass tones? What are the necks like as in chunky precision or skinny Jazz etc. Should they be avoided? I kind of like the funky retro look. Any info appreciated
  12. [quote name='Foxx' post='938731' date='Aug 28 2010, 12:55 PM']Does this have a contoured body or slab sided as per the original, also does the price mentioned only reflect the value of a swap or possible cash sale price? Thanks[/quote] It will be slab body. They all were.
  13. For 20 years I played my black Jazz with rosewood board with no pickguard as I hated the white one. In the last year or so I have put the white one on and think it looks cool. It has to be an age thing. I'm getting a fretless neck made for it so I might get a black pickguard made as your Jazz look great with one.
  14. [quote name='spinynorman' post='938203' date='Aug 27 2010, 03:51 PM']2004-2005 according to guitar dater (and its a CIJ R serial).[/quote] OK, thanks, I think that would mean its the more Instant Whip Orange Butterscotch colour rather than the lemon yellow.
  15. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='938012' date='Aug 27 2010, 12:29 PM']Pics tonight. ill take a couple as it came but hoping my black PG will fit so ill get some of those as well. I might even put a tort on it if ti fits. I had one of these on my old black HW-one P and it looked pretty good. I do think this bass looks more robust than the MIA. The lack of gloss might help but ti looks very road worthy. Jazz basses eh? who'd have thought i would go back to these after the past few years of not liking them. Then again, im already thinking of a P body for this neck, but thats next year sometime. Oh, and another coincidence. I was also using my Behringer BDI21 last NYE. After not using ti for a while and getting a Sadowsky DI recently im now getting rid of that and going back to the BD21 (hopefully a BDDI). so, in effect i had my ideal tone last NYE and its taken me money and 7 months to realise that.[/quote] I've gone back to a Precision after all these years and loving it. I also play my Stingray lots. In fact the only Jazz I have is being made a fretless
  16. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='937980' date='Aug 27 2010, 12:01 PM']Well it looks like this saga might be coming to a close. The Highway-one just turned up and i must say its seems much better put together. Pups are where they should be, routing if fine, no gaps under any frets and it seems a bit lighter than the MIA (i will weigh it on our postage scales today, just for reference). The neck pocket is also spot no but so were the MIA's. The finish if good although there are one or two very, very light surface scratches. Im not in the slightest bothered about this as after the first gig im sure it will have a few more. I loved the shiny finish on the MIA but i do like this flat back finish as well. It looks very rock and roll. Ive not plugged it in yet, and the action is a bit high due partly to too much relief but thats all easily sorted. So, its been a trying 4 weeks but i think i got there. And considering my original budget was £500 im very happy to have only just gone over that, rather than double it. This all started because i was a bit unhappy with my CVJ and wanted a MIM 70's classic, mainly for the blocked neck, but due to these MIA issues ive been forced to play it more and im back in love with it, although the HW is going to be my main bass from now on (fingers crossed) Cheers for reading and letting me share my experience. Oh, and a big thumbs up to Reidys (especially John and Paul), the shop thats been dealing with all this. These guys have had to put up with me sending 3 MIA's back and not once did they try and get out of it, they have paid all the postage both ways and been very helpful. I will definitely use them again and will be my first port of call for my next bass. Funny thing. I started this year playing my vastly under used HW1, then got rid of it and had my first experience with a MM (Sub, and then Ray34), first time with a maple necked Jazz but i expect ill go out playing a HW-one (i know, there is still time to go through a few more basses before NYE)[/quote] Pictures?????????????????
  17. What year is the bass as the colour did change? They did a yellow which really was like a lemon yellow and then the more recent was Butterscotch blonde which is more like an orange or butterscotch instant whip.
  18. [quote name='wombatboter' post='937865' date='Aug 27 2010, 10:08 AM']If you don't have a lot of money to spend I would say an Ibanez Musician...I think it's up to the same level as very expensive basses. I've owned a couple of them and for around 350-400 £ you get an excellent instrument. I have owned four fretless Wal basses (two MKI, two Pro basses) and though they sound amazing with a tone of their own I was often disappointed by the sustain. I took a fretless Wal MKI to the studio once and I had to play a ballad in 3/4 and the notes died before I wanted them to. Luckily I had another fretless with me which did the job. I've sold all my fretless Wal basses, used a fretless Lefay bass for a long time (best sustain ever) but sold that one too. Now I stick to the Pedulla Buzz which I bought here on BC for 900£.. plenty of punch and a character of its own. My advice : if you have to think about your budget, an Ibanez Musician or a good Fender Jazz MIJ or MIM and if you have a bit more to spend : a Pedulla. But plenty of options left..[/quote] Did you ever try a Stingray?
  19. [quote name='Chris2112' post='937739' date='Aug 27 2010, 01:35 AM']I'd still love to sit down with a Fender Jaco signature and have a proper go of one, rather than just 10 minutes in a shop. I fear though I might be disappointed given that the other fretless basses I like are all high tech, hand made affairs. IIRC Guitar Guitar in Newcastle had one a couple of years ago, one of the most beautiful fenders I've seen![/quote] Yes, I would also even to just clarify what tones I can get from it. A stingray fretless is another I would love to try especially to compare tonally against a fretted Stingray.
  20. [quote name='risingson' post='934925' date='Aug 24 2010, 04:01 PM']Touring is a good laugh, although you need to be prepared for hanging around a lot of the time which can be such a pain. I love seeing new places on the continent though, that's what's great about it... being places you're unlikely to have seen had you not embarked on a tour in the first place.[/quote] Yeah, thats something I love also.
  21. oh, we also had fake names when we booked into hotels and B&B's etc. We used the following names, Colin Quartercheese (Reference to Knob Cheese) Ginger Burns (My sideburns are ginger) Quentin Carruthers (Can't remember, porn name I think) Stewart Farquare (From the Carry On Abroad film and sounds like Stupid f***er when said fast)
  22. Really bad news about your basses Dave. Quite shocking also. My MIA Fender precision plays superb but I'm not very good at looking at QC issues. If it plays nice, feels nice and sounds nice then I am happy. Maybe I should pay more attention to build quality in the future.
  23. I am blown away with my 2EQ. Tonally it is 1000 x better than the two 3EQ's I had. I can't get a bad tone out of my 2EQ where as I struggled to get a good tone out of either of my 3EQ's. Its so good than I am thinking of selling my Warwick Corvette as my MIA Precision, ESP Jazz and 2EQ Stingray are all I need now.
  24. Thanks for the input everyone. I had forgotten about Wal basses. My favourite bass player, Derek Forbes used to play a fretless Wal and many other 80's bassists played fretless Wal's. Such a shame they are so expensive.
  25. Probably not a right or wrong answer to this question due to personnel preferences, but however, what is considered the best fretless bass? Musicman Stingray, Fender Jazz, Status or even something older like an Ibanez Musician or Aria Pro? Any thoughts? Maybe a better question would be what are the best fretless basses?
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