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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' post='872051' date='Jun 19 2010, 07:35 PM']If budget isnt an issue, another EBMM in fretless? I find the tone for a MM sounds great fretless. Another option, giving you jazz and p offerings plus a quality board would be the Tony Franklin Fretless.[/quote] I really did not want the same make again so a Stingray is out of the question. Also, is the Tony Franklin a Fender which if so rules that one out.
  2. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='872056' date='Jun 19 2010, 07:38 PM']Lined or unlined?[/quote] Lined
  3. [quote name='ahpook' post='871988' date='Jun 19 2010, 06:36 PM']maybe a warwick ? if your happy with your corvette...?[/quote] Idealy, my Corvette would be perfect fretless. However, I really don't want to get the same make again. I really want something different to what I aleady have.
  4. At some point I am going to get a nicer fretless than my Squire VMJ. The Squire has been brilliant and has serves its purpose of getting into the world of fretless. I am now finding that I am playing more fretless and at some point will buy another one. Top of the list is a CIJ Fender Jazz but I am just wondering if anyone can suggest some alternatives rather than getting another Fender. Below is a picture of my current basses. As you can see I like more traditional shaped basses rather than odd looking pointing things. Can anyone recommend some nice alternatives to fretless basses but still maintaining the classic look that I like. I already have a Jazz and a Precision, plus a Warwick and a Stingray so any suggestions for something else?
  5. I've had 3 Stingrays now. The first was a teal green 1998 3EQ with maple neck from the original Bass Centre in Wapping. It was a lovely bass and one of the nicest necks I have played. However the tone was very very thin and I never played it live because it sounded twangy and empty. Even on the record I recorded using it, it sounds thin and weedy. The second Stingray I owned was a natural 2005 with a maple neck and 3EQ. The neck was very chunky and very precision like. It also sounded very nice. Fat and punchy but with a lot of scope to change the tone. My latest Stingray however is the best I have owned. Its a teal green 2EQ with maple neck from 2008. The neck is wonderful like my original teal green Stingray and the overall bass weight is very light. About 8lbs. The sound however is out of this world. Big, fat, powerful like a precision but still with that typical Stingray slank. Truely amazing.
  6. I wonder what it would sound like de-dretted and what a de-fretted bass wih blocks would look like. Probably very stupid.
  7. [quote name='JTUK' post='869127' date='Jun 16 2010, 03:04 PM']Nope...does nothing for me. Nothing, zip, zilch[/quote] Yep same for me, boring. One mans poisen is another mans wine as they say.
  8. [quote name='johnnylager' post='866814' date='Jun 14 2010, 10:44 AM']Nope, Lee Sklar.[/quote] Yep have to agree with that
  9. Donald Duck Dunn as Chewbacca. Basschat Forum really is the Death Star Plans.
  10. One more, now with a black scratchplate.
  11. I think there are two types of signature models. The ones that are blatent copies and those that are similar. I would bet my house that if you turned up at a gig with a Lakland Duck Dunn, nearly everyone would think, oh he has a red Precision rather that, "look at him, he's trying to be like Duck Dunn". The same if you turned up with a Geddy Lee, Darryl Jones, Jo Osborne, Steve Harris and many other signature basses. However there are some signature basses which are a little more obvious. The Jaco bass, Sting's bass and King Bass. Again though, unless you know those people very well or are a bass player, most people won't really know those basses are signature models.
  12. Great stuff, just make sure you record a copy of it for keeps. Some of our songs were used on TV programs and adverts. The best was to advertise Casio G Shock watches in Spanish cinemas. I think we got paid £500 for it which we were quite happy about as it paid for our first single.
  13. [quote name='alexharvay' post='863101' date='Jun 10 2010, 11:34 AM']That's quite a change from the 3 blondes you had.[/quote] Yeah, you can never trust a blonde
  14. All lined up. I think I am pretty much GAS free now with this lot. All very different sounding but all brilliant.
  15. Awsome stuff. Try and get as much memories from it as you can. Photo's, videos etc. You will reget it later on if you don't.
  16. [quote name='WalMan' post='861625' date='Jun 8 2010, 11:06 PM']I'd have offered with the bits'n'bobs I've got here, but I think my ears are too shot For free software Audacity is worth a look for the future. You can do quite a lot of clever stuff with it. Spent a while zooming in to milliseconds to cut out some nasty digital pops in recordings that were loud enough to be annoying, but short enough to make no difference to feel, flow, or notice when cut out. Been trying to get a load of old 8 track masters from around 20 years ago re mixed my self for the last 18 months. One day I'll properly knuckle down to it.[/quote] It will be worth it in the end for sure especially if the quality is improved.
  17. [quote name='WalMan' post='861573' date='Jun 8 2010, 10:17 PM']At the other end of the scale (and to be honest I have never been happy with the results I have got at, though only on a quick run it and see, not spending huge amounts of time on it) have you tried the tools in Audacity?[/quote] Thanks for the tip. I've not seen or used Audacity but will download and have a look. However for this project, Crez5150 has offered to help. Hope he's not going to be expensive
  18. [quote name='obbm' post='861315' date='Jun 8 2010, 06:28 PM']Not a peep out of him.[/quote] Ok, I'll go and give him a kick and wake him up
  19. Hey Dave. Has Nick (old Horse Murphy) not contacted you? He is looking for a Duck Dunn.
  20. I have a bunch of demo recordings of my old bands which I would love to have the hiss taken out of and made to sound a bit better. I guess some sort of mastering. They are all on tape or CD so no DAT's or masters I'm afraid. Is this something that can be done relatively easily and cheaply? Also, I have a ton of live recordings that I would love to take songs from and make into one live recording. So pick the best versions of each song from the various live tapes and make one complete live recording. Again, is this something that could be done quite easily with each song joined seemless with the crowd/audience clapping etc? Plus tidying up and make to sound a bit fresher?
  21. Here is my current collection. It's so very nearly perfect. The Stingray always was my dream bass and so I just have to own one. Been through a couple but have now finally settled on the 2EQ model in my favourite colour. It sounds amazing and is so incredibly light. This is my Warwick Corvette Standard. One of the last German ones made. I always fancied a Warwick and decided to take the plunge at the end of last year and certainly do not regret it. It sounds amazing and typical Warwick. I love playing Jamiroquia and Jazz type stuff on it. This is my ESP 400 Series Jazz. Made in Japan in 1989 and fitted with Bartolini pickups. Quite simply, my best bass. It sounds stunning and has been my workhorse for 23 years. It has never let me down from the hundreds of gigs I have done with it despite the dents, cracks and various battle scars. It has done plenty of radio shows and TV shows and lots of recordings. The only downside is the output is fairly low so I need to make sure the volume is up on the amp. This is my Squire Vintage Modified Fretless. This bass I fell in love with despite not intending to buy one. My wife bought it for me as a surprise gift. She said I just looked so happy and played it so naturally. This is my latest bass, my Fender MIA Precision. This is going to be my current working bass. Incredibly light and sounds superb.
  22. Yep, all the time in my driving guitar punk pop days. Used to break a string every 4 or 5 gigs but then I did play fairly heavy with a pick. Not heavy as in heavy music, heavy as in I play heavy. Got quite good as being able to improvise the bass lines with one less string. Quite a weird feeling when a string breaks. String goes all floppy and it feels like everything goes to jelly as both hands try to make contact with a solid string and trying to find the right note on a different string I have found that now I play with fingers more, I still dig in really hard and get a clanking sound as the strings hit the frets and pole pieces on the pickups. I tend to hit down on the strings rather that pluck them upwards. I guess its different if not ideal
  23. Once again, thanks everyone for the input in this thread. It really has helped a lot.
  24. [quote name='Musicman20' post='855158' date='Jun 2 2010, 06:06 PM']Linus, I was cheeky for you and asked on the pricing of that Olympic White P, and he said the price is pretty much firm due to the charges he has to pay. I doubt you would be able to talk him down much. The thing is, people who do not know the market would probably pay that, but we know otherwise. If he said £500 all in itd be good, but £600 is too much.[/quote] Thanks Gareth for doing the donkey work. Like you and otehrs have said, its too expensive and to close to a MIA price.
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