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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='guybrush threepwood' post='851345' date='May 29 2010, 06:49 PM']Fantastic to know it's back with the family. Can't wait until Felix Pastorius gets his hands on it![/quote] I'll be honest, I don't know much about the Pastorius family and Felix in particular. Is he any good as a bassist? I imagine for him, its going to be an amazing experience to play it. Goot on Rob in sorting this out.
  2. [quote name='merello' post='850569' date='May 28 2010, 07:25 PM']Utterly beautiful...I've got £450 saved for a strat....could sell MIM black Fender Jazz and....NOOOOOOOOOOO! Best of luck mate - I would totally love that piece of wood but I doubt mine would sell in time![/quote] Oh arse, thats now two Precisions on here that I want
  3. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='850624' date='May 28 2010, 08:25 PM']I thought that was his missus! BB[/quote] It is in this world
  4. [quote name='Clarky' post='850618' date='May 28 2010, 08:18 PM']has she seen your avatars? [/quote] Sadly yes Not sure how my apparent excitement of 19 episodes of Chuck, starting this Monday went down though. Not sure if it helped when I said I have 19 episodes of Agent Sarah Walker to watch
  5. [quote name='Clarky' post='850512' date='May 28 2010, 06:20 PM']Go for it, its a lovely bass and, after all, its only money - you can't take it with you [/quote] I said that to my wife and she said the problem is, she's not planning on me dying yet
  6. [quote name='M-Bass-M' post='850543' date='May 28 2010, 06:56 PM']You know what, I did see that Warwick and was very tempted! As you say, it looks like a great price, but I think for me it's the wrong time. I'm pretty sure that there's a Squire VMJ fretless at my local music shop, and possibly a Vintage, so I may see if I can try them out with a view to seeing whether a budget fretless cuts it for me personally. I have to admit that there seems to be something special about a Ray fretless - I think I've officially fallen in love with [url="http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/store/index.php?_a=viewProd&productId=4111"]this[/url]! Bit out of my price range, but if a second hand one came available... While we're on the subject of fretless, my experience is that there seem to be more 5-string than 4-string fretless basses. Why the love for the fretless low B string? Also, what views do people have on fretboard woods? My preconception is that rosewood is better than either Maple or Graphite, on account of it having a warmer tone. Finally, many of you have recommended Jazz style basses - be they Fender, Vintage, or otherwise. Now I can't help but think that the Jazz suffers from the Jaco effect, and that other style basses are equally suited (if not more) to fretless. For those of you who have played both Jazz and non-Jazz fretless basses, what are your thoughts? Does the Jazz win out?[/quote] I have a Squire Vintage Modified Fretless Jazz (the one that looks like Jaco's) and it is stunning. I went to buy a fretted bass and saw it and it caught my eye. After playing all the fretted basses I was interested in, I had a go on the Squire for a bit of fun. It was beautiful and sounded stunning. Next few weeks, I came home to find my wife had bought it for me. She said I just seemed so happy and natural playing it. It truely is a great instrument that punches way over its weight. For me, the next step up from a Squire Fretless would be a nice CIJ Fender 62RI Jazz. You can get one of these for around £400 and they are superb basses. If you are unsure about fretless, then go for the Squire. Its a cracking bass and sits really nicely next to my Stingrays, MIA Fenders and Warwick.
  7. Nick, you sir, are a bugger. I keep coming back to this thread to drool over the pictures. My head says no and my heart says YEAH BABY and my wife has just given up on me :)
  8. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='850382' date='May 28 2010, 03:26 PM']I think we're seeing a pattern forming here. [/quote] I know what it is. They all have a Ray34. Am I right, am I right, did I spot the pattern? What do I win?
  9. [quote name='~tl' post='849821' date='May 27 2010, 09:23 PM']Depends if you want a matching headstock shape and neck profile. If not, an aftermarket Fender style neck might fit (Warmoth, etc) though you'll have to check the measurements. If you want something identical, your best bet would be to speak to a luthier in the UK who should be able to copy the current neck. Jon Shuker might be a good first bet, though I'm not sure if he still does necks to order (he has in the past, I guess it will depend on his workload).[/quote] I tried a Fender neck but I'm afraid it does not fit the pocket I would prefer also a matching headstock and profile or as close as. Where did you find out my ESP is 21 fret. That was a bit of quick investigation work. Even I did not know that
  10. Continuing on my search for a fretless, I know that my ESP Jazz, which is the best sounding Jazz I have heard, would sound amazing fretless. However, I really don't want to get it de-fretted as its super rare and has sentimental value to me. So, is it possible to have someone make me a neck, exactly the same as my ESP but lined fretless? That way, I can swap necks back and forth between the original ESP fretted neck and the newly made fretless neck. Any place that can do this?
  11. [quote name='M-Bass-M' post='849786' date='May 27 2010, 08:55 PM']Like many here, I love the sound of a fretless. I had one years ago, but was nowhere good enough to play it properly and so soon got rid. Years later, I'm up for the challenge again, combined with a good old dose of GAS. The "cheap" option would be to have my MIA Jazz defretted at the local luthier. However, this doesn't address any of my GAS, so the other option is to get rid of the Jazz and buy a true fretless. Generally speaking then, who would opt to have the Jazz defretted, and who would ditch the Jazz and buy a fretless? If the latter, then which fretless would you go for and why? If I were to go for a fretless, then I guess my budget would be around £800 or so. Thanks in advance! Mark[/quote] I am in the same boat as you but with out the budget. The two basses that are jumping out at me for fretless are either a Fender Jazz or a Stingray. With your budget, you could easily afford one of those. In fact I know of a very stunning mint Trans Orange fretless Fender Jazz with S1 switching that might be available.
  12. My very old band, The River Thieves playing Brixton Academy in 1992 when I was very much younger and with long hair My last band, Inter in 1997 playing a gig at Uxbridge Uni which was also part of a TV show presented by Gary Crowley, thus the proper TV production. We got signed on the back of this gig Bad hair, bad glasses and a Blue Peter jumper I'm afraid. I guess it was fashion back then
  13. [quote name='~tl' post='849343' date='May 27 2010, 12:37 PM']There are other companies who make aftermarket bodies/necks (WD, Allparts, etc), but I've not come across any that have the range of options that Warmoth do. Most seem to only offer bodies in alder/ash with maple/rosewood fingerboards.[/quote] Ok, thanks. After adding up all the bits, its going to be quite expensive but I guess thats its going to be very unique and very good
  14. [quote name='~tl' post='849236' date='May 27 2010, 10:35 AM']Since you're thinking about replacing all the hardware (and neck), why not just go for broke and get a [i]proper[/i] walnut body (rather than alder, stained to look like walnut). This has already been suggested, but Warmoth do them: [url="http://www.warmoth.com:80/Showcase/ShowcaseItem.aspx?i=B1771&Body=2"]http://www.warmoth.com:80/Showcase/Showcas...1771&Body=2[/url] You will have to pay shipping and import duty on top of that price, but it shouldn't work out TOO expensive. [b]Edit:[/b] You could also get a neck from them: [url="http://www.warmoth.com:80/Showcase/ShowcaseNeck.aspx?i=bn2249&Body=1"]http://www.warmoth.com:80/Showcase/Showcas...2249&Body=1[/url] [b]Edit (again):[/b] Warmoth will even veneer the headstock with walnut for $45 extra, which will get it looking like the original! [url="http://www.warmoth.com:80/Bass/Necks/BassPegHeadVeneer.aspx"]http://www.warmoth.com:80/Bass/Necks/BassPegHeadVeneer.aspx[/url][/quote] This could be an interesting project and quite fun. At least it would be my own personel fretless. Is Warmoth the only company that do this sort of thing or are there others?
  15. [quote name='Starless' post='849315' date='May 27 2010, 12:11 PM']This seems to be an incredibly handsome bass for not a lot of money..... [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Squier-P-Bass-Special---Walnut-Satin~ID~3573.asp"]Satin Bass[/url][/quote] I saw that last night also and thought mmm, fretless precision, could be interesting.
  16. [quote name='Starless' post='849176' date='May 27 2010, 09:25 AM']Just using the body on a 'cheaper' bass is a good idea. I am in a phase of trying to mix'n'match my basses to get the correct combination of instruments so that I finally have my perfect set-up. I have a 62 Jazz (CIJ) and the neck is just perfect, but I prefer the shape and simplicity of the P body (and single pick-up). So my ultimate quest is to find a P body to go with the Jazz neck. The Jazz neck is a vintage tinted job so finding a P body that goes with that look is tricky. I recently acquired a 'natural' fretted P and have tried that body with the tinted Jazz neck, but they are not a close enough colour match (headstock/body either has to match totally or be completely different to work IMO - something that doesn't [i]quite[/i] match just looks like it's been stuck on). The ideal body would be a sunburst P, but finding that difficult to source without a neck on it, but have also been looking at white bodies and that could work. So far I have been looking at Fender Japan, but a Squier body in white might just be the answer (buy the whole thing then [s]throw the neck aw[/s]... sell the neck on). Does the quality of the body of a bass really matter that much? It's just the lump that all the important stuff (neck, pickups) is attached to surely. There is also the issue of getting screw holes to line up, pocket tightness etc.... nightmare.[/quote] This is also what I wondered, if the body is really going to make that much difference. The Squire is made off Agathis which if my Squire VMJ is anything to go by, sounds superb. However, I have heard the wood is very soft and crumbles like powder. Last thing you want is to strip it and find the new hardware won't hold because the threads have crumbled away and the wood is to soft. Another option I thought of last night is getting a Sterling RAY34 and defretting that but I do really fancy the Jazz tone for my fretless.
  17. [quote name='Starless' post='849151' date='May 27 2010, 08:48 AM']It's interesting that the Satin Jazz is mentioned in a fretless thread. As the previous owner of the little beauty, it had sat in a bag for months while I had mulled over converting it to fretless. I already have a workhorse CIJ 62 Jazz so the satin was in effect a duplicate. I came very close to making the journey to Glasgow to discuss removing the fretboard (completely) and replacing with an un-lined rosewood slab. It would then have been the coolest fretless Jazz in existence. The cost of that on top of its original value (not to mention the shipping/charges etc from Japan) would have taken it over my self-imposed limit for carting around to gigs (i.e. I would have been 'fretting' about anything happening to it). I'm determined to find a half-decent looking un-lined fretless Jazz somewhere, as my current fretless is a P, and I just don't get on with the neck as well as a Jazz. I tried to find a trade for it on here last year sometime - anyone remember this? - Once again, it's another one sitting in a bag doing nothing..... (I really must stop acquiring stunning looking Japanese Fenders). For the amount of money involved, those Walnut Squiers actually look like a no-lose situation no matter what is eventually done to them - the only restricting factor is the word 'Squier' on the headstock. I know they are perfectly good guitars, I know they are well built, I know that 'name-on-the-headstock' snobbery is evil and self-defeating... but... but...[/quote] Interesting story. When I saw the pictures of your Walnut Jazz, I imagined it would look stunning as a Fretless, either unlined like your idea or with walnut coloured lines. I think it would had looked super cool especially with all the black hardware. However, if I had got it from you, still not sure I could had gone through changing it to fretless as its such a great looking rare bass and not 100% I would had wanted to muck about with it You have now got me thinking again about pimping the Walnut Squire Not so worried about the headstock as I would buy a lined fretless Fender neck for it. In fact everything would be changed on it, only leaving the Squire body.
  18. [quote name='dlloyd' post='849060' date='May 27 2010, 12:10 AM']There was one for sale up until Monday. It's sitting a couple of feet away from me and the frets are staying on it (for the time being). Having done some homework on them, I'd say it's going to be quite difficult to get a hold of another one in the UK. They're non-export and they aren't made any more. I get the impression they're fairly rare. Fender Japan do a gloss version of it, but it's not cheap... at recommended retail it would cost around £1000 to import a new one, but you could probably source one for around £850 all told.[/quote] Damn, its you that bought it To be honest, if I had bagged it, I would had probably kept it fretted and de-fretted my ESP ... maybe. I agree, it is going to be pretty impossible to find another. One of the Jap import websites has the gloss one but thats at £899 and way more than I wanted to pay. Unless you sell your one, I can't see me ever finding one. So how is it the bass? Does it sound good and look as good as the pictures?
  19. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='849053' date='May 26 2010, 11:55 PM']I'm quite sure there is a CIJ walnut satin jazz in the for sale section(try a search) it's fretted however but it would save you time to just defret the neck than huntfor a fretlezz one.[/quote] That original picture and link I posted is from that thread. I would had bought that bass for sure but I missed it by a whisker. Really gutted to be honest. Its stunning
  20. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='849023' date='May 26 2010, 11:09 PM']I wish I had this schedule.[/quote] It was very hard work and very tiring, but we made it that way ourselves. We knew we were very fortunate and lucky to have a record deal and tried not to abuse it. We chose our own routine and stuck to it. Even on days we did not rehearse, I still set myself a routine of being up by 10am to spend some hours songwriting or working on songs. It would had been very easy to fall into the trap of staying up late and getting up late in the day and sitting back doing nothing all day. Looking back and knowing what I know now, to be honest, I would had worked twice as hard at it but hindsight is a wonderful thing. Not so much at the rehearsals but the bussiness and managing side of things. Still, best time of my life but also a massive release of pressure when it ended if I'm honest.
  21. [quote name='Musicman20' post='848977' date='May 26 2010, 10:05 PM']If I was signed I'd be more than happy to devote my life to it! Alas, the band I have left were nowhere near that stage. I envy your experience The main problem is now I feel very apprehensive joining other covers bands.[/quote] I can understand that. I joined a band last year that turned out to be full of losers. Total wasters in love with themselves. Dented my confidence and desire to join another band. Just hang in there, put it down to experience and look for the next challenge. Stick with it, your a good bassist and some band will be more than happy to have you playing for them.
  22. When signed, we would rehearse every week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for around 10 hours a day. This would be working on the set, especially if gigs coming up, writing and working on new songs, record company bussiness and the odd game of headers and volley. Friday, Saturday and Sundays would be for gigs and Monday we would have as our day off. Plus studio, promotion etc could be on any day it happens on. We did work very hard at it.
  23. Thanks for the input guys. Rich, that was kind of what I was worried about. My VMJ is very good but I would like something much better and I was worried the Walnut Squire may not give me much more than what I already have. I may have to give up on the idea of Walnut Satin as I really do not think I will find a CIJ model. Such a shame Fender only do their standard Jazz basses in two colours, black and sunburst. Back to the drawing board.
  24. I am on the hunt about for a half decent Fender fretless Jazz bass. I have fallen in love big time with the Walnut Satin colour as seen in the bass in this thread. [attachment=50643:bass02.jpg] However, this colour only comes in the CIJ Fender Re-Issue Jazz or the Squire Jazz bass. The CIJ Fender is going to be pretty impossible to find. So, would it be a bad move to buy the Squire Jazz and pimp it? I would change the neck to a lined Fender fretless, the pickups to a set of Barts (my favourite pickups) and the chrome hardware (tuners, bridge, neck plate, controls and plate) to black/gunmetal Fender ones. So the only Squire part remaining would be the Agathis Walnut Satin body. Is this a really dumb thing to do or am I going to get a half decent fretless bass in the end? I already have a Squire VMJ Fretless which is very good but compared to my Stingray, Warwick, ESP Jazz, you can tell the build quality is not on the same level. This is the Squire I would look to pimp. [attachment=50642:40767_l.jpg] What you think. Stupid idea or a good plan?
  25. Just noticed that Squire do a Jazz bass in this Walnut Satin Colour but it looks like Fender don't do anything in this colour. I so love this Walnut colour and gutted I missed this one. Half tempted to buy the Squire model just for the body and then pimp it with a fretless Fender neck and a set of Barts. Don't really want to do this but as Fender don't seem to do this colour and the CIJ model is super rare, not really sure if I have any other options. Bugger
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