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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='budget bassist' post='776630' date='Mar 16 2010, 07:52 PM']Not a chance![/quote] Bugger, that never worked What about if I give you Pompy football club, Jedwoods entire back catalogue and a signed picture of Posh Spice. Surely that has to do it
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='776253' date='Mar 16 2010, 01:39 PM']Listening to the clips, I like them all! I wouldnt have a problem owning any of them, but there is definitely a difference. The 2EQ is slightly more muffled and vintage, whereas the 3 just screams aggression with a pick. This is why I wanted a 2EQ classic. How would you compare your old Ray in Natural to the new Teal?[/quote] Both are very different. The 3EQ natural weights about 9.4lbs and the 2EQ teal weights about 8.2lbs. The natural also feels to have a fatter neck and more like a precision where as the teal feels thinner and flatter and reminds me of my original Stingray from 1998. The natural also sits nicer and balances better but its very minimal. My wife commented that I play the natural one more naturally. At the end of the day, the differences are differences and not faults so its just a case of getting used to them especially as the 3EQ will probably be sold and the 2EQ will be the keeper.
  3. Dave and co, here are a couple more clips as requested. The first is the 3EQ Stingray with full bass boost, mids and treble flat played with a pick. [attachment=44901:3EQ_Stin...ss_Boost.mp3] The second is the 2EQ Stingray with bass on full and the treble on about one third. This is my perfect setup. [attachment=44902:2EQ_Stin..._Perfect.mp3]
  4. [quote name='Musicman20' post='776221' date='Mar 16 2010, 01:18 PM']I have 2 3EQ Stingrays. One of them is ten years old, and Ive had them both from new. As they were classed as high end for me back when I was 18/19, Ive barely used them live, and they have been looked after like an expensive sports car! At the time, when I was buying, the stores never had the 2EQ versions....and all the internet advice was to 'go for the 3EQ as its more flexible'. I would like to have one 2EQ, but Id lose a lot of cash trying to swap for one. I wont be able to get one 2nd hand thats in the same condition as mine....id have to get one thats virtually new. So, im sticking with what Ive got. What I notice is the finish first and foremost. Despite Fender now having a better QC, the EB finish is IMO a touch better. It seems very very solid, and has that brilliant high gloss shine. My favourite? The natural with maple. The wood used is brilliant, and matches the shade of maple very closely. I now make sure I play them at home and wipe the chrome down to make sure it still shines. Sad I know. The natural is never getting sold, as it sentimental and my very first 'proper' bass guitar near the £1k mark. No one I knew at my age (18/19) had a brand new Ray as nice as mine so its going to be kept. The black? The finish is awesome. It is such a deep black, and the rosewood board is dark and well finished. If im honest, I couldnt sell it. Its again been looked after really well, barely gigged, and looked after at home. Again, sad I know hahah. A Ray cuts through the mix like crazy. Once the black Rays strings die, im going to change them for the EB Flats ive got waiting for it. A Stingray with flat sounds awesome. [attachment=44896:IMG_2575.JPG][/quote] The two second hand Rays I have are both in mint condition. Not a single dent, scratch, mark, blemish on either. Both are the same condition as my new one was. They are built very well and do last so I would not worry about getting a second hand 2EQ. Just check before buying.
  5. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='776188' date='Mar 16 2010, 12:56 PM']I must admit all this SR4 GAS is making me think the DD should go as well. Or i should just stick to what i have. But thats way to easy [/quote] Keep the DD, buy an SR4. If you find you don't use the DD once you get the SR4 then sell it. Like I said to you earlier, if you sell the DD and miss it, its going to be bloody hard to get another. I would not part with the DD until you have an SR4.
  6. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='776171' date='Mar 16 2010, 12:45 PM']Ok, ill give you a discount on the DD and ill give Wayne a discount on the Sub. Cant say fairer than that now. Actually if Wayne hadn't persisted with getting my HW1 off me i wouldn't be here now. I would be happily playing my DD. Now that your happy with your SR4 you'll be wanting to buy a new bass lol, whats next? Maybe a "real" P ;-) I was also considering a G&L 2000 but i really cant get over the horrible looking headstock. Shallow i know.[/quote] True, we will blame Wayne. He can buy his SUB back for an over inflated price and as I have been dragged into this, he can buy me a Warwick Streamer $$ in Natural which is the bass I am gassing for but don't need. In fact, if he mugs Budget Bassist, he can get me his one for nothing :)
  7. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='776152' date='Mar 16 2010, 12:28 PM']Isnt that the BC way lol. All this MM/SR love going around at the moment is all down to Linus, make him buy it for you (and ill put the price up ;-)[/quote] You can't blame me. I'm just providing the information. It's like blaming a library for all the history in the world. I blame Dave for starting a thread a while back about explaining the whole Stingray thing Guilty as charged you are sir. You should be paying myself and Wayne compensation
  8. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='776142' date='Mar 16 2010, 12:15 PM']I shouldn't be tempted to buy this back but I am.[/quote] You know it makes to
  9. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='776110' date='Mar 16 2010, 11:29 AM']Fantastic clips. I'm sooooo glad I have a 2eq.[/quote] HEHE thank you
  10. [quote name='Duarte' post='776042' date='Mar 16 2010, 10:12 AM']Well for a start I never touch the mid knob (why I own 3 Bongos each with 2 mid knobs is anyone's guess....) but I also just prefer the subtle differences in the tone over that of the 3EQ. I'm talking those tiny differences you hear. Also I like how there are no detents, you just kind of turn the knobs until it sounds good, without being influenced by whether it is flat or not. The 2EQ also puts out more lower frequencies. It is literally subsonic in that respect, it goes down to 20hz rather than the 3EQ's 50hz. Not really such a big deal, I just prefer it's entire vibe. Plus, it looks cooler with the output jack on the front.[/quote] Yeah I've noticed the extra lows on the 2EQ. It was a bit weird at first as it had lots of lows and lots of highs where as the 3EQ was more even and balanced over the entire tonal range. Took a bit of getting used to. Have to agree with the jack socket on the front being a better place.
  11. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='776011' date='Mar 16 2010, 09:41 AM']Cheers Michael. So are you keeping the 2EQ? I really like the tone in all the clips. The first two are great and the 2 EQ one is pretty close to what im getting with my Sub. Any chance you can do another pick one with the 3 EQ boosted a little, something that sounds a bit meatier. Its the 3 Band EQ im more interested in as i dont have one. If ive got this right the 2 EQ is flat with both knobs turned down. How does that compare to your ears with the 3EQ flat? Should they be the same, more or less). Like you i find it a bit confusing not having any markings on the 2EQ knobs. But then i tend to run the bass almost right up. Keep up the good work, its been very helpful to a lot of people.[/quote] Hey Dave, my daughter is ill today and I have had to take the day off work. This has given me the chance to play both Stingrays a lot more. Last night I was really fed up with both and even more so as I was leaning towards the 3EQ. So today I've had a good play and I am now leaning more towards the 2EQ. If you remember, the original purpose was to have a bass I could play driving rock/punk on with a pick that would do the job of a Precision but not actually buy a Precision. Finger play was also required but less so as I would use my Warwick or Jazz for this. The 2EQ I am finding is more 2 dimentional and traditional sounding whilst retaining a version of the Stingray sound and despite not perfect, its giving me more of the tone I am after over the 3EQ. If I am honest though, the 3EQ is a much nicer bass and in my opinion a better bass. Finger style the 3EQ has so many more options and is easier to adjust as the dials having the centre indent when flat. Playing the 2EQ today, I had to keep adjusting the tone dial as I had no reference point. A case of a little more treble, oops, to much, a little less, nope a bit more now etc etc. Both basses make a great tone with a pick but as I said earlier, the 2EQ was more traditional, Precision sounding which was what I was after. The 3EQ I would say had more of an original tone with a pick and a lot more options to shape the tone differently where as the 2EQ was more traditional and simple with only the option to add/remove bass and add/remove treble. Not that I play it, but slap bass it totally awsome on the 3EQ. In fact the 2EQ was down right dissapointing. As I am after a one trick pony, something to play punk rock on with a pick, then for me the 2EQ suits me better but I am aware that its more limiting than my 3EQ. If I wanted a bass to do everything, finger style, slap, pick then personally I would pick the 3EQ. The 2EQ can do everything perfectly well but I think the 3EQ just gives you more options. Going back to your question regarding the 2EQ sound clip. No, the 2EQ had the bass turned up full and the treble around half. The 3EQ settings were flat. The reason for this was to try and mimic the sound of the flat 3EQ Stingray with the 2EQ Stingray and this was to my ears the closest match. No problem doing another recording with the 3EQ boosted. I will set it how I would run it if I was using it. Glad it has helped everyone.
  12. [quote name='Doctor J' post='775941' date='Mar 16 2010, 08:03 AM']We both know that's never gonna happen [/quote] HAHA yeah I know Good to see lots of love for this particular bass.
  13. [quote name='budget bassist' post='775707' date='Mar 15 2010, 09:16 PM']I think £350 is about right, i sold mine for about that much about 6 months or so ago, and that's what i paid for it as well. Lovely basses, sounds exactly like a stingray to my ear, and for half the price.[/quote] Sell me your Streamer, you really don't want it anymore :) Great basses these SUB's. Someone is going to get a cracking bass at this price.
  14. [quote name='Doctor J' post='775422' date='Mar 15 2010, 05:16 PM']Now you've seen two Like yours, mine is an 87 or 88, I got it in 93. I've done 100's of gigs with it too. In those years the likes of Sadowsky, Fender, Rickenbacker, Warwick, EBMM have come and gone, but this one stays. It's the bass for all occasions. Despite being a real prick for messing around with aftermarket bits, this one is still stock and it's the best sounding and playing bass I have. The headstock is a bit thicker than any Fender I've seen, I think this was as they were leaving the aftermarket parts business and becoming a full on manufacturer.[/quote] OH WOW :) That looking superb and I love all the battle scars. I know, very unlikley but if you ever have a moment of madness and want to sell, let me know
  15. As requested by another basschat member, here are a couple of sound samples showing the difference between the 3EQ and 2EQ Stingray. I always wondered the difference so hopefully it will help others. Its the same part played with a pick and with fingers on both basses. The 3EQ is totally flat and the 2EQ with bass on full and treble on half. The reason I did the 2EQ with these settings is to try and get an even tone with the pick and to match the same sort of tone as the 3EQ. I also left the EQ on both basses the same with fingers as it was set when played with a pick. Again, to show an even tone across both basses. I knocked these up pretty quick so sorry for the mistakes. Stingray 3EQ with Pick [attachment=44852:Stingray_3EQ_Pick.mp3] Stingray 2EQ with Pick [attachment=44854:Stingray_2EQ_Pick.mp3] Stingray 3EQ with Fingers [attachment=44853:Stingray..._Fingers.mp3] Stingray 2EQ with Fingers [attachment=44855:Stingray..._Fingers.mp3] Be interested in what others think.
  16. [quote name='bass5' post='774814' date='Mar 14 2010, 11:49 PM']Back in the early 90's I had the very same as yours, a ESP 400 Jazz to which I put Bartolini's and Bart pream, BadassII sounded awesome. Lost it in a house move. (stolen from the removal truck) unfortunately with the insurance money received a year later from the removal comapny I was never able to find another one. [size=4][b]R.I.P.[/b][/size] [/quote] No way, that is so bad :(:( I also put Barts in mine. Really gutted for you. Also, never knew they did matching headstocks. Where did you buy you're one from?
  17. One of my best sounding and playing basses I own is an ESP 400 series jazz, seen in the below picture (black with white scratchplate) and based on a 1962 Fender Jazz. Its from 1988 and is uber rare because it has the same headstock as a Fender. I think at the time, ESP were making parts for Fender Japan in the same factory so it could well had ended up as a Fender. I have never ever seen another ESP bass with this headstock. My bass has served me really well and done 100's of gigs. I would never ever sell it.
  18. Bought a Teal green Stingray from Tom. Great to deal with, very friendly, great communication, and quick delivery. Many thanks Tom.
  19. [quote name='bubinga5' post='772197' date='Mar 11 2010, 10:22 PM']Linus im interested to know why the 75 is not quite the 100% sound you want..im guessing the comparison between that and the SR4 is the slight thinness of low end punch...or am i wrong bro? I played an SR4 through an Ashdown for the first time in pub a while ago and it was incredible...love the low end of the SR4...what does a jazz sound like with a humbucker[/quote] I don't actually think there is anything wrong with the 75 Jazz, its just not quite perfect for me. It's very vintage sounding and a little muddy on the E string. This is a very good thing but not 100% to my liking. I posted up a bunch of soundclips of all my basses, the 75 Jazz, the Stingray, the Corvette and my ESP Jazz. The ESP Jazz was voted as the nicest sounding bass with some saying its the bass that sounds the most like a Jazz bass. Compared to the SR4, the 75 Jazz has a bigger bottom end but I am putting that down to the vintage tone of the bass.
  20. I guess kind of but all my basses are different. My stingray looks the best. Perfect shape, angles and design but the sound has never been 100% to my liking although its better now through my new Aggy cabs than previous cabs. My Warwick Corvette on the other hand looks stunning and sounds stunning but its a smaller body and longer neck which is not the most comfortable to me. Plus the sound is amazing but can sound a bit thin for heavier rock type stuff. My Fender 75 Jazz is the nicest, easiest, most comfortable bass I have ever played. However, the sound is good but not 100%. Plus the natural look is not as nice as the natural look on the Warwick. So they all have pros and cons but non are 100% perfect. If I had to pick one then it would be a close call between the Fender 75 Jazz and the Stingray.
  21. [quote name='witterth' post='770602' date='Mar 10 2010, 04:34 PM']Forum member "linus27" is your man....I think he is (considering) of selling one. PM him, its a really lovley bass if he IS letting it go. plus you can hear it being played via his own you tube links. like others a have said, highly recommended these guitars, Ive got 2 at the moment and owned 4 in totall over the years.So good luck,cant see you regretting it really. ATB W p.s. proper gent to deal with too!![/quote] HEHEHE you are far to kind to me sir. However, you are correct in saying that yes, I will be selling my 3EQ Stingray in Natural once my teal green one arrives which should be anyday now. To the thread starter, my experience of Stingrays is very similar to what others have said. They are built to the highest quality and I have never had a dud one either. Personally I prefer the maple neck as to me, this is the Stingray look along with the single humbucker. However, nothing wrong at all with the rosewood neck. With regards to the weak G string, I also have never experienced this. However, what I have noticed is if you dial the mids out, it really does affect the volume of the D and G string. What I tend to do is leave the mids alone and boost the bass. Out To Play Jazz helped me with this and my Stingray tone has really improved. Something else I have noticed which ties in with what Alex Claber told me is a Stingray really benifits from a cab that can reproduce the low frequencies. The mids are very prominent on a Stingray and can swamp the tone if the lows are not coming through the cab. My Genz Benz cab was not so hot and kicking out the lows despite being a very clean tight cab. My new Aggy cabs have much better lows and my Stingray sounds awsome though it. Anyway, I don't want to influence you to much on buying my one which is for sale. However, please be aware that prices for Stingrays new have shot up. One shop was quoting me £1400 for a new one. Darren at Bass Merchant seems to have the best price so its worth talking to him if looking to buy new. Second hand prices have unfortunately risen also. I am not sure what I will put mine up for sale yet but if interested then drop me a PM. Here is a picture of the her. Good luck with what you decide to do. They are amazing instruments.
  22. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='770550' date='Mar 10 2010, 03:55 PM']So you find the model you want and then decide if you want it with 2 or 3 Band? Cheers. when's the new toy arriving? You really shouldn't even see it until the 9th June. Tell you wife she can store it at my house lol.[/quote] Yes, that is it exactly, 2EQ and 3EQ is pretty much same. What you really want though is a 3EQ in natural Toy might be here tomorrow I am half tempted to keep it locked away until my birthday but then thats 3 months away which will be a killer.
  23. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='770210' date='Mar 10 2010, 11:48 AM']Silly question but if i was looking for a 2 band ray are there specific models i could google for or do they do the same ones in 2 and 3 band? See, silly question.[/quote] Exactly the same Dave.
  24. [quote name='alexharvay' post='770461' date='Mar 10 2010, 02:42 PM']Does this mean you won't be selling your '75 Jazz?[/quote] At the moment no. However, I might at a later date but no at this moment.
  25. [quote name='Higgie' post='770266' date='Mar 10 2010, 12:28 PM']Jesus that was quick! First dibs when it next comes up! [/quote] HEHEHE I'm afraid it won't be coming up for sale. Its a 40th birthday present from my wife and to replace the one I stupidly sold when times were hard that I bought with my first record company advance. So, my dream bass will be back in my hards again soon. I kind of call it fate I will have a mint condition 3EQ in natural with maple neck for sale though )
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