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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='jakesbass' post='754829' date='Feb 23 2010, 11:23 AM']I generally let properly interested parties have a go, especially kids I'm with OG on that one, light the fire and all. I never let pissed punters near my gear though and will defend with considerable force if necessary. I once did a corporate gig for a leading firm of stadium builders (for the Manchester commonwealth games site launch) and a pissed up guy came up and asked the guitar player if he could have a go, the guitarist was a shy retiring type so I leaned over and asked the guy, "what car do you drive?" "Porsche" came the reply, I said, "tell you what, give me a bottle wine and your keys, and I'll let you go on his guitar" He declined.[/quote] That is excellent
  2. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='754750' date='Feb 23 2010, 10:04 AM']You, see i don't think you'd sell many of them as you've missed one massively important thing. The 440hz green LED. Meaning that pedal is only good for telling us where all sharp [/quote] HAHAHA I thought about putting the green light in but then I thought, nah, nobody would notice
  3. [quote name='Musicman20' post='754569' date='Feb 23 2010, 12:00 AM']Whats on the horizon next for you Linus? [/quote] HAHAHA oh no, it sounds like I am getting aname for myself :) To be honest, it changes hourly, ask Old Horse Murphy as he will confirm this. However, the whole list is as follows. I hope you are sitting down. Right, as my Warwick is so wonderful as a Jazz bass and my ESP is also an amazing Jazz bass, I might sell my MIA 75 Jazz re-issue and buy either a Lakland Precision or Fender Precision. However, as my Warwick is so amazing, I might buy a Streamer LX or $$ as my Precision type of bass. I am also having urges to get a Lakland Darryl Jones again so this might replace the 75 Jazz. However, I have been there done that before and have so changed my mind not to do this. I also thought about selling the Stingray and the 75 Jazz and buying a Precision and a Warwick Streamer but have now changed my mind on that. I might just swap the Stingray who's name is Keira Knightley for a black one who goes by the name of Sandra Bullock. However, if I did this, I don't think I could keep her as Sandra Bullock and would have to re-name her as Sophie Marceau. As of 12.10am the latest is just get a Precision, either a Lakland or Fender but this will change by the morning.
  4. Now Sold to Paul. Great to meet you, hope you have lots of fun with it and many thanks.
  5. **** NOW SOLD *** I have decided to sell my Stagg EUB. It is in wine red, mint condition and comes with the proper Stagg padded gig bag. It also comes with the chest rest but I do not have the arm rest. I have never used either of these attachments and have heard from other owners that the arm rest actually gets in the way. It also comes with a stand as seen in the picture. This actually keep the EUB upright when not in use rather than having to lay it on the floor or against the wall. I have had no problems at all with this EUB and it has served me really well as an introduction to double bass. The going rate for these seems to be between £250 to £275. So I would like £250 for mine which I think is very fair. I am based in Surrey and due to size would prefer either collection or am happy to meet part way if seller prefers. Thanks for looking.
  6. This is how I would had designed it :)
  7. I have a MIA 75 jazz, a 3EQ EB Stingray and a brand new German made Warwick Corvette Standard in Ash. The Fender new costs around £1400, the Stingray new around £1100 and the Corvette which I paid for at the beginning of Feb was £580. I would say that the quality of the Warwick and Stingray is equal. Both are amazing quality and can't be faulted. The Stingray however feels more solid and feels like it could take a bit more bashing. This might be down to the fact that the Corvette is much skinnier and feels a little more fragile. Overall, nothing at all wrong with the Corvette in terms of build and certainly not quality. Please note that they have now stopped making the German Corvettes. They are now made in Korea. They say the quality is going to be as good but to me, it had to be German to count as a proper Warwick. If you are luck you might still find a German one around. Maybe at Thomman, Andertons or dare I say it, the Bass Centre. Good luck.
  8. If the five in front of me don't want it then I will have it. I'm only up the road so happy to collect
  9. [quote name='machinehead' post='748329' date='Feb 17 2010, 12:44 PM']The Lakland are undoubtedly lovely basses but all three I looked at weighed between 1 and 2 lbs more than my US 75 reissue jazz? Work that one out. And I weigh using fishermans scales which are reasonably accurate - unlike the method of holding the bass while standing on the bathroom scales. I love the smaller body size on the Laklands. Frank[/quote] My MIA 75 Jazz is much lighter than the Darryl Jones I had. I think the DJ weighed about 10lbs from memory and the Duck Dunn was 9lbs. My MIA 75 Jazz feels light and well balanced. Saying that I am thinking about selling the 75 Jazz and going back to a Daryll Jones for some very weird reason.
  10. [quote name='Marvin' post='747954' date='Feb 17 2010, 05:32 AM']I don't think you were being naive at all. You had a verbal agreement and as such I would have expected them to stick by it. I always stick by ' if you say you're going to do it, do it. If not, keep your mouth shut.' I've got plenty of bricks, if you want some [/quote] HAHAHA thank you, as you can tell, after all these years, I am still bitter, probably because it was inheritance money they had ripped me off with. I may call you for those bricks
  11. As I posted in the best and worse music shop thread. I hate Music Ground in Doncaster with a vengence. Totally ripped me off back around 1999. I had some inheritance money so wanted to buy a couple of basses. Decided on a 77 MIA Fender Precision but could not decide on a Ricky or a Telecaster bass. The guy there, probably the manager said hey, don't worry, we do a 30 day return so if not happy, bring it back and we will refund you. Cool I thought. So bought the Ricky and took it home back to Surrey with the Precision. After a week, decided the Ricky was not for me so phoned up and they said yeah bring it back no worries. So drove all the way up from Surrey to Doncaster to be told that they don't do returns or refunds but we can exchange for something else. I was furious and ended up letting rip but he just said it was my fault. Plus I should had phoned before leaving which I informed him I did which he then denied ever having a phone call. Ended up swapping it for a Fender Telecaster bass but I was furious. Maybe a little niave on my part but they still lied to me and treated me like sh*t. I promised myself that if I ever drive past that shop, it will be very hard to not throw a brick through the window. Sounds like its gone now anyway.
  12. Linus27

    Jazz clip

    Ped, now you have a super duper sexy new car, you got no excuse now to give it a nice run up to Preston :):):):)
  13. Now sold. Many thanks to lownote and nice to meet you.
  14. [quote name='Wil' post='746417' date='Feb 15 2010, 08:00 PM']Well, now it's been demonstrated that it was a scam, I can only say, what a c***.[/quote] Now don't hold back, tell us what your really think
  15. [quote name='Marvin' post='746349' date='Feb 15 2010, 07:28 PM']+1. Although a little sad that all the intrigue is now over That said, he's either a conniving git or needs help, who knows.[/quote] I actually think he needs help or is in quite a state, possibly finacially that he needs to pull something like this. If non of those, then possibly he's not actually a bass player and just a simple scammer.
  16. Yep, also feel a bit of a mug but hay ho, we are all helpful souls here and never thought something like this could happen here, especially as something as sick and low as claiming a suicide. I really wonder what was going through his head to make him want to pull such a sick stunt. Baffles me. Congrats to the mods, admin team and anyone else involved. Sterling job and yes, this forum really is the best I know thanks to you guys.
  17. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='746059' date='Feb 15 2010, 04:31 PM']anyone know when to expect an announcement ? I 'm planning the rest of my evening around this[/quote] HAHAHAHAHAHA
  18. [quote name='FLoydElgar' post='745904' date='Feb 15 2010, 02:39 PM']I might be selling a fretless one[/quote] I bought a brand new one in the end for £560 Thanks anyway, superb basses.
  19. [quote name='retroman' post='745759' date='Feb 15 2010, 12:32 PM']Yeah, there does seem to be a real buzz with the vintage Fender thang at the moment Main thing that concerns me is build quality. Don't want to end up with a dog!! As my user name suggests, I really dig anything with an old skool vibe to it. Have to admit, to be different, I am also considering saving the pennies for a Zon. Don't see many of those about! The build quality of Zon's seems to be impeccable, which really interests me Then again, there's something uber cool about a '70's Jazz, with the ash trays, and big block markers I really like the feel of Jazz necks as well.[/quote] My MIA 75 Jazz play beautifully. I can't fault it.
  20. [quote name='lownote' post='745695' date='Feb 15 2010, 11:38 AM']Hi Micheal Managed to get together £430 and got s friend to drive me or maybe able to borrow a car Would you be available tonight for pick up if you agree on price Paul[/quote] Hi Paul, Yes, thats fine with me including price and tonight. What sort of time are you looking at? Cheers, Michael
  21. [quote name='cetera' post='745671' date='Feb 15 2010, 11:23 AM'] You're just down the road..... but no cash available for this....[/quote] Bugger So where abouts are you?
  22. [quote name='lownote' post='745592' date='Feb 15 2010, 10:00 AM']Hi Micheal I thought I would mention I do have a EA clx 12 there is one on here for £245 We could do a trade and i'll give you the cash difference,, Only an idea? Paul[/quote] Hi Paul, Many thanks for the offer but I am moving over to a GS112 which I already have from Old Horse Murphy. Thanks for the offer though.
  23. [quote name='lownote' post='745573' date='Feb 15 2010, 09:42 AM']Hi Micheal Thanks ,, I'll try raise some more cash,,where abouts in surrey are you, paul[/quote] Hi Paul, I am in Camberley. Any trial is welcome, just drop me a PM. Thanks, Michael
  24. [quote name='witterth' post='745449' date='Feb 15 2010, 12:52 AM']Linus.... I'm still thinking about that Kiera Knightly/Sandra Bullock swap? do you? naaa? (its between us guys) a stingray thing.....[/quote] HEHEHE I must admit, it does cross my mind also, in fact Saturday night. I could quite happily have a bit of Sandra Bullock :) I gave Keira a bit of a clean and wipe down and new strings and she is singing real sweet
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