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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Could not find a GAS hits thread for 2010 so I thought I would start one. Not sure whats happening to me but I seem to be going through a faze of vulgar greed and just want to keep buying lots of basses, despite havings some wonderful, amazing basses that I am truely happy with. It's like I am having a second childhood of bass buying. I love my MIA Fender Jazz 75, my Stingray 3EQ and my newly purchased Warwick Corvette standard. However, I now want the following for no reason at all apart from just wanting them. I just want to own and play lots of basses. Well, maybe around 8. 1. Fender Precision MIA or Lakland Duck Dunn. I so want that Precision tone in my collection. 2. Lakland Darryl Jones in black with maple neck and matching black headstock. I used to own a Darryl Jones and it was not to my liking but the black one for sale on here looks stunning. I just want it. 3. Warwick Streamer $$ or LX is red like Stuart Zenders. I so love my Warwick Corvette that I just want another Warwick. This time a Streamer. I even looked at a Hohner Jack bass for some bizarre reason. Maybe I just want to own a headless bass or maybe it was because I was watching some Curosity Killed The Cat videos. Over it now. Anyway, can't afford any of it for a long time but the GAS is there. Whats on your GAS list at the moment??
  2. [quote name='Marvin' post='745251' date='Feb 14 2010, 08:46 PM']I wouldn't be surprised if someone was trying to pull the wool over our eyes. It is after all a well known fact that bass players are some of the kindest and most generous people you are ever likely to come across. In all seriousness though, what Hamster has done is indicative of how the forum is run, and makes it what it is, a place to be proud of.[/quote] Quite possibly. I've just had a nose around the local Guernsey new sites and I can't find anything about a suicide or the name Jimmy/James Preston.
  3. This bass keeps coming up for sale. I contacted the seller back in October when I was looking to buy a Corvette but he never replied back to emails etc.
  4. [quote name='Hamster' post='745038' date='Feb 14 2010, 05:51 PM']I have given maddude16 24 hours to answer my simple questions and to provide evidence to refute some serious allegations I have made to him. If I don't hear from him by 10am tomorrow then I will make a statement (but I will be at work then so it might not be until the evening) Hamster[/quote] Thanks Hamster for keeping us informed.
  5. I had one of these and it was a wonderful bass. Not quite to my liking but an amazing bass. I would love to buy this to just look at it and hang on a wall. I think it even looks nicer than my MIA 75 Jazz re-issue which looks great in natural. Would probably swap it for this also
  6. [quote name='witterth' post='744731' date='Feb 14 2010, 01:07 PM']Great choices Mr B I love most of those tunes ..... I think the CKTC bass player has passed away, if I remember rightly, so thats well sad cool player though everyone had a short strap/Aria in those days Pre-status!! Mark Kings heyday!!! Pino IS THE MAN inne? and the recording techs for bass seem lost to my ear.....(what..?) good god that sounds FINE!! as for Hucknall... I've met the man, and played ( Very briefly) with him.I found him to be very talented but utter a gobsh*te & twat ( sorry for the language) but its an informed opinion........sue me .....you bugger No Its not cos he dissed my playing btw, he was just a twat. end of.[/quote] Are you sure the CKTC bass player has died? I was reading about them and it said nothing about Nick Thorpe being dead. It did say the band all got heavy into drugs, especially Nick but nothing about dying from them.
  7. I to would like to know what is going on. I spoke to maddude16 last night with regards to what happened to Jimmy and everything seemed above board. I also made a donation which has now been refunded. It would be nice to know what is going on?
  8. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='744738' date='Feb 14 2010, 01:14 PM']Thanks green. Since i started this thread ive now gone back to a plain old P bass as my main bass but i have been playing my Sub quite a bit and although ive only gigged it once so far i can see that a SR4 will be on the cards at some point, maybe this year.[/quote] Dave, a SR4 this year? So you are not planning on trying my Warwick this year then
  9. [quote name='lownote' post='744675' date='Feb 14 2010, 12:06 PM']Hi Would be interested at £400? Let me know if this sounds ok to you. Paul [/quote] Hiya Paul, I'm afraid £400 a lower than what I would like to get for this. If you can get nearer to £450 then we might have a deal. Thanks, Michael
  10. maddude16, Please do let Jimmy's family know about this thread and basschat, where he was equal among friends and will be missed. Might help them in knowing that he did have friends here and was welcomed into this community, even if the outside world was less welcoming. I'm sure they will take some comfort in knowing that.
  11. Very sad news indeed and quite upsetting. From the way he has been described as timid, the poor lad must of being suffering a silent hell. RIP Jimmy. Will PM now about a donation.
  12. I have the MIA 75 re-issue in natural with black block inlays and black binding. It is probably the easiest, nicest bass I have ever played. It is so effortless and dreamy to play. I just never have to think, my hands just go where they should. Everything about it in terms of weight, neck profile, balance is perfect. I have been thinking about selling it and was about to advertise it tonight but I thought I would give it a clean and re-string in case anyone wanted to trial it first. However, now I have just done that, after playing it, I'm in love again and can't bring myself to sell. They are just perfect. I would say the tone is quite fat and retro but still very nice.
  13. The worst shop for me has to be Music Ground in Doncaster. Totally ripped me off. I had some inheritance money so wanted to buy a couple of basses. Decided on a 77 MIA Fender Precision but could not decide on a Ricky or a Telecaster bass. The guy there, probably the manager said hey, don't worry, we do a 30 day return so if not happy, bring it back and we will refund you. Cool I thought. So bought the Ricky and took it home back to Surrey with the Precision. After a week, decided the Ricky was not for me so phoned up and they said yeah bring it back no worries. So drove all the way up from Surrey to Doncaster to be told that they don't do returns or refunds but we can exchange for something else. I was furious and ended up letting rip but he just said it was my fault. Plus I should had phoned before leaving which I informed him I did which he then denied ever having a phone call. Ended up swapping it for a Fender Telecaster bass but I was furious. Maybe a little niave on my part but they still lied to me and treated me like sh*t. I swear if I ever drive past that shop, it will be very hard to not throw a brick through the window. I don't really have a best as I have either bought so little or had mixed results. However, one shop that I used to use a long time back was Nova Guitar Centre in Guildford which was run by Tony and his wife. The shop was a total mess but, back in the 80's it was superb. Amazing customer service and nobody has set my basses up as good as Tony. Great prices also and you could go in and chat for hours. However, I think things started to go downhill in the late 90's and Tony turned heavily to religion and preaching and the service dropped off. He also lost a lot of his suppliers and just got a load of unknown chinese guitars in. What is odd is after the tsunami, I popped into his shop and he started prophesying to me. He predicted that within a year a natural disaster would strike America. It would be so obvious that it was a natural disaster that there could be no question about it being terrorism. He said that mother nature is currently cleanisng the earth and tsunami is one of her doings where she has washed away a lot of the bad things, prostitution, drugs etc in that region and America is going to be next. Well, eight months later, the floods hit New Orleans. Ok, I don't want to discuss his phrophecy but I've not been back to the shop since. Be worried about what he would say to me
  14. Weekend bump. Really surprised I've had pretty much zero interest in this. Is the market a bit slow or am I pricing it too high???
  15. If yo buy a new Warwick, then the necks are super thin. My Warwick Corvette has a really thin neck. Very much like a 62 Jazz bass. The old Warwick's had much thicker necks. I also own a SR4 and to be honest, I prefer the Warwick. It sounds amazing everytime I plug it in where as the SR4 can be a bit hit and miss. I think this is to do with it having a unique sound. Both are great and I am sure what ever you buy you will love but if buying without trying, then be prepared to not like it.
  16. Mid week bump. Possibly interested in a trade for a MIA Fender Precision if the colour and details are right.
  17. Beautiful bass. Someone is going to get themselves a lovely bass here.
  18. [quote name='JTUK' post='740070' date='Feb 9 2010, 03:45 PM']This is a what is 'cool' question, isn't it? Raised the bar when they first surfaced and are now mass produced - by comparison - by whoever now owns then. Not played one in a good few years now so if you find one you like, then good luck. But I am not sure if they pass your 'cool' test [/quote] Not actually quite true. The German models are still made to order and to your spec so not mass produced. I know this as I had to wait 10 weeks for them to build my bass. Warwick is also still owned by Hans Peter Wilfer. The new cheaper Pro models which are going to be made in Korea might change things but the German models certainly are not mass produced.
  19. [quote name='Musicman20' post='739432' date='Feb 8 2010, 09:29 PM']Excellent work! Corvette next pls [/quote] HEHE funny you should ask as that was probably my next choice to do
  20. Sorry guys, trying to create a poll but it won't work. Ped, can you help out please??
  21. After my previous sound clip thread, which gave a quick over view of a few basses, I thought I would focus on one bass at a time. First up is my 2005 Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 3EQ which has a maple neck and has just been restrung with brand new Elite Stadium strings. The bass is being played into a Genz Benz Shuttle 6 amp head with its EQ totally flat. A Mini-disc recorder is connected via the headphones socket on the amp to record the sound. This is then plugged into my Creative Labs sound card on my PC and converted via Creative Media Player into MP3. So, the samples. I have tried to cover most options and included what I think I would probably use for my own personel sound. I have covered both fingerstyle and pick. 1. Stingray 3EQ - Bass Full, Mids Flat, Treble Quarter - Fingerstyle [attachment=42119:Stingray...gerstyle.mp3] 2. Stingray 3EQ - Bass Full, Mids Flat, Treble Quarter - Pick [attachment=42120:Stingray...r___Pick.mp3] 3. Stingray 3EQ - Bass Flat, Mids Flat, Treble Flat - Fingerstyle [attachment=42121:Stingray...erstyle_.mp3] 4. Stingray 3EQ - Bass Flat, Mids Flat, Treble Flat - Pick [attachment=42122:Stingray...t___Pick.mp3] 5. Stingray 3EQ - Bass Flat, Mids Off, Treble Flat - Fingerstyle [attachment=42123:Stingray...gerstyle.mp3] 6. Stingray 3EQ - Bass Flat, Mids Off, Treble Flat - Pick [attachment=42124:Stingray...t___Pick.mp3] 7. Stingray 3EQ - Bass Full, Mids Off, Treble Quarter - Fingerstyle [attachment=42125:Stingray...gerstyle.mp3] 8. Stingray 3EQ - Bass Full, Mids Off, Treble Quarter - Pick [attachment=42126:Stingray...r___Pick.mp3] 9. Stingray 3EQ - Bass Full, Mids Off, Treble Off - Fingerstyle [attachment=42127:Stingray...gerstyle.mp3] 10. Stingray 3EQ - Bass Full, Mids Off, Treble Off - Pick [attachment=42128:Stingray...f___Pick.mp3] 11. My Personel Choice - Stingray 3EQ - Bass Full, Mids Off A Quarter, Treble Quarter - Fingerstyle [attachment=42129:Stingray...gerstyle.mp3] 12. My Personel Choice - Stingray 3EQ - Bass Full, Mids Off A Quarter, Treble Flat - Pick [attachment=42130:Stingray...t___Pick.mp3] Let me know what you think of the different tones and vote away
  22. [quote name='merello' post='738354' date='Feb 7 2010, 07:16 PM']Beautiful! Thanks for that. Love the look of the Fender RI but the ESP looks as if it could go into battle in Bagdad![/quote] You are very welcome. The ESP does have a fair few battle scars. It's seen a few wars over the years but she's a strong cookie :)
  23. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='737972' date='Feb 7 2010, 11:56 AM']Quite true, 4000 - It definitely shows that we all have very different tastes. Michael, I liked the Ray with the touch of treble and lots of bass better, but that thing still needs new strings, mate As soon as I can figure out a way of doing it, I'll record mine. May have to do it live on video, as I have no way of plugging into the PC. Rich.[/quote] No worries Rich. I'll re-string the Stingray tonight and put a new battery in also just to be safe. I'll then put another recording up. Its odd as I have only done one gig and a couple of practises with it. Maybe I have played it more than I think at home. When you boost the bass, do you boost it all the way or just a bit? If full boost is 100% and flat is zero, then my recording I boosted it about 50% and the treble about 25%. Should I do more or less of each or is that about right? Thanks again.
  24. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='737929' date='Feb 7 2010, 11:19 AM']Thanks Michael. I agree about the Fender. Its a really nice tone and probably my favourite. The ESP and Warwick sound great as well of course. I really like the SR4 sound clip you earlier with the EQ adjusted. Very close to what i get with my Sub when played with fingers. Thanks for all the hard work.[/quote] No worries Dave, you're very welcome. Hope it has helped in comparing the different tones. If we meet up at Nick's, I'll try and get a recording of your DD and Nick's Precision is ok with you both and I'll post them up here to compare with the others. I could even do your SUB which would be very interesting to compare with the Stingray.
  25. [quote name='merello' post='737846' date='Feb 7 2010, 08:24 AM']Can I suggest this thread is pointless without some low down bassporn pics of the actual planks? Esp. the ESP![/quote] HEHE ok, here is some porn Sorry no stands, I don't have enough to accomodate all my ladies From Left to right, Fender MIA 75 Jazz Re-Issue, ESP Jazz 400 Series, Warwick Corvette Standard Passive, Musicman Stingray 3EQ, Squire Vintage Modified Fretless.
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