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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='merello' post='737846' date='Feb 7 2010, 08:24 AM']Can I suggest this thread is pointless without some low down bassporn pics of the actual planks? Esp. the ESP![/quote] HEHE ok, here is some porn Sorry no stands, I don't have enough to accomodate all my ladies From Left to right, Fender MIA 75 Jazz Re-Issue, ESP Jazz 400 Series, Warwick Corvette Standard Passive, Musicman Stingray 3EQ, Squire Vintage Modified Fretless.
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='737819' date='Feb 7 2010, 02:56 AM']Thanks for the pick clips! The jazz sounds very different to what I expected![/quote] In what way was it different? Clunkier, smoother etc?
  3. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='737970' date='Feb 7 2010, 11:56 AM']+1 These are what i've been using for years. I've never had a bad set of Elites and they're usually around £15, i've paid £30+ for strings before and got the odd duff one They are quite coarse but i find them really easy to play, great for RHCP style lines and they respond well when you dig in. They're also tough as hell[/quote] Yep, I also find them easy to play and I love the tone. I also dig in quite hard and have found no problem. For £13 a set, I think they are a bargain.
  4. I use them. Have done for 23 years. I always use Elite Stadiums 45 - 105. Love them, great strings.
  5. [quote name='Balcro' post='737533' date='Feb 6 2010, 07:17 PM']Hello Linus27. It's me again. I don't know whether it affects the overall result much - "Warwick with both pick-ups and tone on full still seems to be the winner", but the "Poll" description next to the vote buttons is still identical for both Warwick clips. Ped where are you? Balcro.[/quote] Hi Balco, thanks for pointing it out. All changed now.
  6. [quote name='nugget' post='737415' date='Feb 6 2010, 05:18 PM']This is my deam cab.... I'll stick my misses on ebay, 1p starting price £475 buy it now...my sister wouldn't even get that and soul went down the pan years ago!! I'm skint right now but might be able to raise some funds soon, especially if someone buys my BFM omni 10 Nugget[/quote] What about lying about your sister and putting up a fake photo :) I'm in no rush to sell so you never know, it might still be available if you manage to raise some funds. Just drop me a PM.
  7. [quote name='4000' post='737281' date='Feb 6 2010, 03:08 PM']I liked the Stingray tone best by far. I also like clacky...but you knew that right? Interesting thread and it just goes to illustrate how people have very different opinions about what a "good" sound is, which should always be born in mind when someone says "bass x sounds great", or "bass y sounds awful".[/quote] Yes very true. I would love to get a Precision with rounds and do the same test, played with fingers and played with a pick. I imagine the Precision with a pick would sound ace.
  8. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='735977' date='Feb 5 2010, 11:40 AM']Yeah, its a great tone. I would be very interested in any pick playing examples you can do. Ive given up on trying to play finger style.[/quote] Hi Dave, Here are some examples of played with a pick. Done very quickly so sorry if it sounds a bit rough. Musicman Stingray 3EQ, Bass Boosted, Treble Boosted, Mids Flat and Played With a Pick. [attachment=41944:Musicman...ith_Pick.mp3] Fender MIA Jazz 75 Re-Issue With Both Pickups On Full, Tone on Full Played with a Pick [attachment=41937:Fender_J...ith_Pick.mp3] Warwick Corvette Standard Passive With Both Pickups, Tone on Full Played With a Pick [attachment=41938:Warwick_...ith_Pick.mp3] ESP 400 Series Jazz with Both Pickups, Tone on Full Played With a Pick [attachment=41939:ESP_Jazz...ith_Pick.mp3] Personally, I think the Fender sounds nice. Quite full and agresive. Probably the ESP second but sounds a bit thinner to the Fender.
  9. [quote name='redstriper' post='736091' date='Feb 5 2010, 12:53 PM']I'd like to hear the same comparison with the neck pups on full, no bridge pup and the tone rolled right off, playing finger style over the 15th fret and with the MM on full bass boost with no mid or treble. I understand if you don't want to do that coz it's not your style, but no one ever demos basses with a reggae tone (probably coz no one is interested except me) . Oh - and would it be too much trouble to change all the strings for well used flatwounds ? [/quote] Here is the Musicman on full bass boost with no mids and no treble played with fingers. [attachment=41932:Musicman...o_Treble.mp3]
  10. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='735610' date='Feb 4 2010, 10:48 PM']Hi Linus, it's the Warwick for me with both pickups on full. It has the best tone and a lovely growl to it. Very Status like, which is why I suppose I like it Try recording the Stingray again with clean strings and some bass boost and a touch of treble boost - You'll hear a massive difference. All of the clips sound quite "clacky" - Were you playing with a plectrum or something? Rich.[/quote] Hi Rich, Here is another recording of the Stingray with the Bass boosted, the Treble boosted and the mids flat as suggested. Played with fingers again also. As you said, quite a bit different and it does not sound that bad. [attachment=41931:Musicman...le_Boost.mp3]
  11. [quote name='ape' post='737154' date='Feb 6 2010, 01:19 PM']My ESP is a B406-SM its the 6 string spalted maple one, its got a really nice sound to it to be honest very different to the Warwick and is really good for the money, don't get me wrong the stingray was nice sounding just not as good as the warwick but they say basses sound different in different peoples hands I guess[/quote] HAHA in that case, my hands are anti-Stingray as mine has never sounded good in my hands
  12. [quote name='Ghosts Over Japan' post='737065' date='Feb 6 2010, 12:06 PM']I'd take this straight off your hands if I had the money [/quote] Can you not sell anything, a bass, a sister, your soul
  13. [quote name='ape' post='737106' date='Feb 6 2010, 12:39 PM']Gotta be the Warwick for me followed closely by the ESP, strangely enough I've got a ESP and a Warwick although thats not why I voted lol. I was very much like you loved the idea of a stingray, flea used one they've always had a really nice sound and look really cool. Around last year I went to go and get a new bass as my vintage kramer had become somewhat unreliable and had become a bit worried about it getting scratched, dented or breathed on lol, so I went to my local ish music shop and tried a couple of basses. I tried a stingray that sounded brilliant unplugged and a couple of warwicks and then tried them through a mark bass amp, the stingray was good but as much as I liked it was just blown out of the water by the Streamer Jazzman I ended up buying, great thread by the way would love to see more like this with different basses[/quote] Glad you liked the clips. I will be doing some more as others have asked for them also. I am very dissapointed with the Stingray but as others have said, maybe it comes alive in the mix with a full band. What ESP do you have?
  14. [quote name='Brave Sir Robin' post='737078' date='Feb 6 2010, 12:24 PM']Cool clips. You can really see the difference in character. The ESP has more of the typical Jazz tone than the Fender! The strings on the Fender sound a bit dead to be fair. For me, Corvette(#1), ESP(#6), MM(#3), Fender. [sub] PS : They stopped making Corvette (Jazz configuration) in Germany BTW. The production moves somewhere in Asia, under the 'pro' line. I don't know if they will get cheaper but it makes sense. Not sure how economically viable it is for a big company to produce basses in germany for under £700. The fabled Corvettes 'Made In Germany'... [/sub][/quote] HEHE that made me laugh. Fender invented the Jazz bass and the one in this clip is a MIA 75 re-issue and so should sound very good as a Jazz. Yet the ESP sounds more like a Jazz :) As for the German Corvette's. Yeah, its a shame but I guess it makes sense economically. Warwick did say they were losing money on every standard Corvette they made. Not surprised as mine new cost £580. Thankfully I have one of the last German made ones.
  15. One of my basses has lots of battle scars but only because its been gigged to hell and back. I've looked after it but being on the road and recording for 20 years has resulted in it being bashed about but unintentionally may I add. I don't mind a working bass to get scars and marks. A working bass to me is exactly that, a woking bass, a tool, something that you use and will in time, get worn out, damaged or break. I try and look after it, the same as I would clothes but eventually the more it gets used, the more its going to become worn.
  16. [quote name='merello' post='736649' date='Feb 5 2010, 08:47 PM']Hey! Don't ask then! [/quote]
  17. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='736646' date='Feb 5 2010, 08:42 PM'] I thought it would cost over £1000 (ok, ive not looked in to it). Hmmm, maybe this is something i need to investigate now lol.[/quote] BURBLE BURBLE. Whats That sound?? Oh thats the sound of ......... WARWICK GAS
  18. [quote name='redstriper' post='736503' date='Feb 5 2010, 06:20 PM']You are a gentleman sir. BTW - I love the tone of your Warwick. There's a well used passive ash corvette in my local shop for £550 which is a joy to play and sounds great but I can't justify the price. My Tanglewwod Warrior (Corvette copy) is also very nice to play, not such great tone but it was a lot cheaper. Oh, if you get time maybe you could have a look at my thread about jazz pup tone [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=76104&pid=736489&st=0&#entry736489"]here[/url]. All opinions much appreciated. Thanks, Steve.[/quote] You are welcome. By the way, thats way expensive for that Corvette. Brand new mine cost me £580 so well used at £550 is way over priced. They usually go for about £300 - £350 second hand on here and thats usually in good condition.
  19. [quote name='Musicman20' post='736202' date='Feb 5 2010, 02:13 PM']Gotta say the bassline is pretty sweet! Nice n musical. I'm also going to finger style more now...not got upto my pick speed yet, but I'm getting there. I realised after listening the Warwick sounds best![/quote] Hey, thanks very much. The bass line was something that just popped into my head but its the normal type of bass line I write.
  20. [quote name='redstriper' post='736091' date='Feb 5 2010, 12:53 PM']I'd like to hear the same comparison with the neck pups on full, no bridge pup and the tone rolled right off, playing finger style over the 15th fret and with the MM on full bass boost with no mid or treble. I understand if you don't want to do that coz it's not your style, but no one ever demos basses with a reggae tone (probably coz no one is interested except me) . Oh - and would it be too much trouble to change all the strings for well used flatwounds ? [/quote] If I get chance, I am more than happy to do that. Not sure about the string changes though but the rest I can do
  21. [quote name='Musicman20' post='736033' date='Feb 5 2010, 12:08 PM']I sense Warwick GAS![/quote] HAHAHAHA Dave, resistance is futile. Warwick will own you one day, there is no escape
  22. [quote name='Musicman20' post='736029' date='Feb 5 2010, 12:07 PM']Hmmm, have you never been 100% with the tone of the Ray? I have my EQ on the Ray flat, sometimes with a slight treb/bass boost, but they both punch like crazy. Seriously aggressive tone which is the main reason, (and the oval plate) why I wanted one about 12 years ago. Is the ESP active? I'm guessing it's not. Boil the ray strings in water/washing up liquid for 5 mins, rinse thoroughly, then see if that helps?[/quote] Nope, never ever been happy with the Stingray tone. Has always sounded thin, weedy, clanky or boomy and muffled. If I turn the treble up to combat the boomyness it goes all clanky. I also hate mids which probably is a dissadvantage to liking the Stingray Its never ever sounded full and fat and in your face. Really frustrating as looks and feel its my favourite bass, it just sounds naff in my hands :)
  23. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='736023' date='Feb 5 2010, 12:04 PM']look forward to them, thanks for taking the time and trouble. Other than the SR4 i think the other basses would all sound pretty similar in a band situation so i think for me it would come down to feel and playability. How does the Warwick neck feel compared to the Fender?[/quote] The Warwick neck feels different to the Fender. Its a little slimmer and flatter. Its also not varnished but very smooth. Oh course, you will find out when you play them all
  24. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='735977' date='Feb 5 2010, 11:40 AM']Yeah, its a great tone. I would be very interested in any pick playing examples you can do. Ive given up on trying to play finger style.[/quote] No worries Dave, I'll try and do some recording over the weekend with a pick. I will also do the Stingray with Rich's suggestions he posted earlier.
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