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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' post='735970' date='Feb 5 2010, 11:36 AM']Warwick sounds more lively...nice tone but I think it comes alive more due to strings. Fender sounds different to what I expected...perhaps strings, not sure, but bridge pickup emphasis best. Stingray sounds like it has flats on...no that that's bad at all, just more muted than I'm used to. Rays to me normally just sound hugely aggressive all the time. Light touch, huge response. ESP sounds great...a hidden treasure! Thanks for making them...I like the Warwick more than I expected [/quote] The Stingray is a worry for me and my biggest frustration. I have never been able to get a sound I like from the Stingray despite it being my dream bass when I started playing. The recording is with the EQ flat and the bass is strung with rounds, Elite Stadiums. Infact, all the basses apart from the Warwick have Elite Stadiums rounds on.
  2. [quote name='Balcro' post='735657' date='Feb 4 2010, 11:38 PM']Opinion - I like the Warwick with both pickups full. ESP surprisingly good - slightly drier than the Warwick full, but very close. Fender full is plummier. MM higher output and more mids than the others. Balcro[/quote] What a perfect way to describe the sounds. Totally connected with that especially the Fender being plummier.
  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='735631' date='Feb 4 2010, 11:10 PM']Hi Michael. My vote went to the ESP with both pups as i prefer that tone but i really do like the Warwick as well. In fact i like the Warwick better BUT the ESP would be my choice as i think it would fit in with what i play. I think that sounds a bit backward but i know what i mean.[/quote] HEHE I knew you would like the Warwick
  4. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='735610' date='Feb 4 2010, 10:48 PM']Hi Linus, it's the Warwick for me with both pickups on full. It has the best tone and a lovely growl to it. Very Status like, which is why I suppose I like it Try recording the Stingray again with clean strings and some bass boost and a touch of treble boost - You'll hear a massive difference. All of the clips sound quite "clacky" - Were you playing with a plectrum or something? Rich.[/quote] Hi Rich, I will give that a go. I would be interested to hear how it sounds. I was also playing with my fingers. I do tend to dig in a bit hard and its a habit I am trying to fix. I played with a plectrum for 20 years, playing fairly heavy driving guitar music and so used to play with a lot of energy and drive. I tend to do the same with my fingers and I am teaching myself to play softer and turn the amp up instead.
  5. [quote name='ped' post='735596' date='Feb 4 2010, 10:28 PM']Just added a poll for you!! ped[/quote] Nice one Ped, thank you
  6. [quote name='Marvin' post='735582' date='Feb 4 2010, 10:17 PM']Nice array of basses for comparison. If I have to give a preference, ESP last one though with the front pick up half off.[/quote] Thanks, its seems like the ESP is quite liked. I should had done this as a poll to see what people liked the most
  7. [quote name='alexharvay' post='735562' date='Feb 4 2010, 10:04 PM']Really nice selection of tones you have there. Your clips give a really good comparison between the four basses. And it's good that you played the same part for each clip. I think my least favourite is the Warwick, but that's just me. I need to spend more time with a Warwick, the only one I've played belongs to a friend and he's never changed the strings on it.[/quote] HEHE the bass part came into my head as soon as I walked through the door after work. No idea where it came from but I though it would be a good excuse to use to record the different basses. I'm actually really impressed with the Warwick. Its my first ever Warwick and I love the tone. No idea what its like live though
  8. [quote name='ped' post='735561' date='Feb 4 2010, 10:02 PM']My fave - ESP 400 Series Jazz which has Bartolini Pickups with both pickups on and tone on full. really nice sound. Would like to hear more! Perhaps give it a bit of slap and tickle? What's the recording setup? ped[/quote] No worries Ped. Will do some more recording for you at some point although I don't really know how to slap The ESP really is a wonderful sounding bass. Some say its my nicest sounding bass. As for recording, bass into Shuttle 6 head. Then line out of the headphone socket on Shuttle 6 direct into my minidisc recorder. Then converted from minidisc into mp3 on PC using Creative Soundlab.
  9. [quote name='mikhay77' post='735549' date='Feb 4 2010, 09:54 PM']+1. Also this might be just me but are the warwick strings like new and fender strings quite old?The fender just seemed to lack the new string tone sound,if you know what i mean.[/quote] HEHE your good, very good The Warwick strings are very new. I only got the bass on Saturday and I would say it has had around 2 hours total playing time. The Fender strings are not that old but have done a two hour gig last Saturday, plus a whole bunch of rehearsals plus tons and tons of practise at home.
  10. [quote name='Gwilym' post='735539' date='Feb 4 2010, 09:41 PM']+1 I liked the warwick with both pickups and the ESP with both pickups the most. edit: the ESP - sounds a bit beefier than the Warwick to my ears, so I'd vote ESP. Fender tone didn't seem very even across the strings, and the Stingray not really doing it for me tone wise.[/quote] Thats cool. I love the ESP tone but the Warwick is also very cool. Probably more aggresive sounding but still nice.
  11. [quote name='alexharvay' post='735538' date='Feb 4 2010, 09:41 PM']Fender, Sorry.[/quote] HEHE no worries. I think the Fender sounds nice and quite vintage.
  12. [quote name='alexharvay' post='735527' date='Feb 4 2010, 09:31 PM']I like the Jazz.[/quote] Which one? The Fender or the ESP?
  13. [quote name='merello' post='735490' date='Feb 4 2010, 08:34 PM']1st instinct - MM wins.[/quote] Really?? I thought that sounded the least impresive
  14. Came home and had this urge to record some sound clips of my various basses. Played the first thing that came into my head so its bit rough. Its played through my Genz Benz Shuttle 6 with the EQ flat and direct onto my minidisc recorder. Also played with fingers. Kind of surprised at the different tones so maybe others might like to have a listen. The first is my 2009 passive Warwick Corvette Standard in Ash with both pickups on and tone on full. [attachment=41830:Warwick_..._Pickups.mp3] Next is my 2009 passive Warwick Corvette Standard in Ash with the neck pickup rolled half off and tone on full. [attachment=41831:Warwick_...kup_Off_.mp3] Next is my Musicman Stingray 3EQ with all EQ on the bass flat. [attachment=41832:Musicman...3EQ_Flat.mp3] Next is my MIA Fender Jazz 75 Re-issue with both pickups on and tone on full. [attachment=41833:Fender_J..._Pickups.mp3] Next is my MIA Fender Jazz 75 Re-issue with the neck pickup rolled half off and tone on full. [attachment=41834:Fender_J...kup_Off_.mp3] Next is my ESP 400 Series Jazz which has Bartolini Pickups with both pickups on and tone on full. [attachment=41835:ESP_Jazz..._Pickups.mp3] Next is my ESP 400 Series Jazz which has Bartolini Pickups with the neck pickup rolled half off and tone on full. [attachment=41836:ESP_Jazz...alf_Off_.mp3] Ped has very kindly made this a poll so please vote for which one you like the most. Enjoy
  15. [quote name='Musicman20' post='734923' date='Feb 4 2010, 12:01 PM']Oh bloody hell now I've also discovered the Spector Euro Rebop 5 basses are virtually the same prices if not cheaper. In addition, when I mention streamer, bassist keep saying 'may as well get a Spector'. Anyone compared these? Bolt on all the way for me. I'm a bit wary of neck through.[/quote] Drop Molan a PM as he has had a Spector and I think a Warwick. From memory he did not like the tone of the Spector but I could be wrong so worth asking him. Personally, I don't think you can go wrong with either but I think they have different tones. Personally I would buy Warwick but thats just from a brand perspective. The Spector could be a better instrument.
  16. [quote name='silddx' post='734091' date='Feb 3 2010, 02:30 PM']Congratulations Linus![/quote] Thanks Silddx and thanks for the help and advice. You are not wrong about how amazing they sound.
  17. I am selling my 4 ohm Genz Benz Neox 212T bass cab. I bought the cab brand new from Bass Merchant back in July 2009. I have only used it a few times and so it is in mint condition and in perfect working order. I also bought the Roqsolid covers for it which is also in mint condition. This cab sounds superb and has served me very well but I am now down sizing to one 12" cab. Here are some specs from Genz Benz. Power Handling RMS: 600W Frequency +/- 3db: 42-18K Hz Sensitivity 1W/1M: 101db Nomonal Impedance: 4 ohm Crossover Point: 4 K Hz Weight Lbs: 50 Dimensions HxWxD: 31" x 21 1/4" x 16 1/2" The cab is very light with edge-lift handles and tilt-back casters so moving this is a breeze. New this lot would cost £699 for the cab and £44 for the cover totaling £743. I would like £475 for the lot. I am based in Surrey and any inspection/trial is welcome. Collection is prefered and I am also willing to travel to meet halfway if the distance is not that far. Thanks for looking, Michael
  18. Bugger, so on my want list and pretty perfect to what I am after. Still, can't afford it as got to pay off Warwick and just agreed to buy Nick's Aggy cab so even more skint.
  19. [quote name='martthebass' post='733237' date='Feb 2 2010, 05:57 PM']Germany surrounded by Americans........now where have I seen that before. Only joking [/quote] HAHAHAHA well spotted. I just lined them up that way because I thought it looked prettier and more balanced. I'd be rubbish as a dictactor. Sod burning down villages and destroying everything, I would be making it look all neat and pretty
  20. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='733172' date='Feb 2 2010, 05:02 PM']Dont bloody start all that again ;-) Im not going to look at Gareth's link and i might un subscribe if you lot gush too much over these basses lol.[/quote] HEHEHE don't worry about Gareths link, just look at my picture instead :)
  21. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='733006' date='Feb 2 2010, 02:47 PM']Im not even going to google these basses your all talking about. I just cant afford to lol. Good luck Gareth.[/quote] Come to the dark side Dave, the force is strong and together we can rule the bass world once and for all
  22. [quote name='BassEditor' post='732487' date='Feb 2 2010, 03:29 AM']Hey there Forbes fans Does anyone know the year his sienna burst P-bass was made? Thanks folks cheers[/quote] I can ask and find out if nobody here knows.
  23. [quote name='silddx' post='732332' date='Feb 1 2010, 10:25 PM']Nor I! My fretless vette is very light, no neck dive.[/quote] Yep my Vette which is Ash is very light. Much lighter than my Stingray and Fender Jazz.
  24. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='732134' date='Feb 1 2010, 08:03 PM']For me it's that back pickup 'burp'. Obviously Jaco comes to mind first. I love the fact that you can have both pickups up full for a smooth sound for slap, and back off the front pickup for a burp. Marcus does this all the time.[/quote] Ah so thats why I get the smooth sound as I have everything turned up to 11, both pickups, the tone, the lot. I just keep turning until it stops
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