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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='732134' date='Feb 1 2010, 08:03 PM']For me it's that back pickup 'burp'. Obviously Jaco comes to mind first. I love the fact that you can have both pickups up full for a smooth sound for slap, and back off the front pickup for a burp. Marcus does this all the time.[/quote] Ah so thats why I get the smooth sound as I have everything turned up to 11, both pickups, the tone, the lot. I just keep turning until it stops
  2. I have a beautiful 3EQ Stingray with maple neck and I wish it was a beautiful 2EQ Stingray with maple neck. Too many buttons/knobs/dials is just wrong. If I had my way, it would have a volume and a tone dial and thats it
  3. [quote name='jamesbass116' post='731987' date='Feb 1 2010, 06:05 PM']I beg your pardon?! I think my corvette looks beautiful! Even with the massive provocatively shaped horn! But tonewise, when I played a Streamer $$ I was left speechless. And I just love that spector shape. Get one! James[/quote] I got my Corvette on Saturday, and I have to agree with you on this. Its in Ash and looks stunning with its big pointy horn. However, when I played the $$ Streamer I was totally blown away. Best bass I have heard and I also love the Streamer shape. If I can get used to the longer neck that Warwicks have over a Stingray/Fender (I keep playing on the 2nd fret when I mean to play the 1st) then I will probably get a GERMAN made Streamer $$ someday.
  4. [quote name='Marvin' post='732074' date='Feb 1 2010, 07:09 PM']They look like the sort of thing a Premiership Footballer would have hung on the wall of his Cheshire mansion. [/quote] Excellent comment. Well cracked me up
  5. [quote name='Linus27' post='731910' date='Feb 1 2010, 04:53 PM']I've never understood or heard this Jazz growl. To me a Jazz is smooth and warm. Not growly. A Precision is aggresive and clanky and my Warwick growls but no Jazz I have owned growls. Maybe I am missing something.[/quote] Ah ok, so thats what you say is the Jazz growl. To me I always thought of that as nasely and quite middy tone. You learn something new everyday.
  6. I've never understood or heard this Jazz growl. To me a Jazz is smooth and warm. Not growly. A Precision is aggresive and clanky and my Warwick growls but no Jazz I have owned growls. Maybe I am missing something.
  7. Great stuff and well chuffed it went well.
  8. Here's my passive Warwick Corvette Standard. My first introduction to Warwicks. The tone is out of this world, the quality is out of this world and the feel is good. As I am used to Fenders and Stingrays, the only thing I have to get used to is the smaller body and the longer neck. Still, I am loving it,
  9. [quote name='Kev' post='730191' date='Jan 30 2010, 11:36 PM']im considering getting 5 string active corvette standard, but id have to get it on finance. Any recommendations?[/quote] Just be aware that this bass is now discontinued. They now have a Corvette that is called the Pro range and it is made in Indonesia or Korea. Its not German made anymore. If you want a German made Corvette then I would suggest the Corvette $$ but it is over £1000.
  10. [quote name='Kev' post='730191' date='Jan 30 2010, 11:36 PM']im considering getting 5 string active corvette standard, but id have to get it on finance. Any recommendations?[/quote] Just be aware that this bass is now discontinued. They now have a Corvette that is called the Pro range and it is made in Indonesia or Korea. Its not German made anymore. If you want a German made Corvette then I would suggest the Corvette $$ but it is over £1000.
  11. [quote name='Musicman20' post='730338' date='Jan 31 2010, 10:15 AM']What is the tone like from your new bass?! I'm intrigued how it compares to the Jazz.[/quote] The tone is stunning. My impression from a Warwick was they are tight, punchy, balanced with a little bit of growl. It certainly lives up to that and is better that I had hoped for. If I am not careful, this bass could easily become my favourite. It does not sound like my 75 Jazz. Thats has a warm smooth vintage tone. Quite retro, quite plain but reliable. A little bassy but still defined. The Warwick is just very very different. Tight, punchy, aggresive yet clean. Certainly not hi-fi. I love it.
  12. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='730119' date='Jan 30 2010, 09:13 PM']Very nice, Michael. Is the Corvette one of the passive ones? I played one of those a while ago & was very impressed with it. Great sound and huge output for a passive bass.[/quote] Hey, yes its the passive model. I'm not a fan of active basses. I know exactly what you mean about huge output. Shocking for a pssive bass and the tone is out of this world.
  13. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='730200' date='Jan 30 2010, 11:43 PM']I do love a blonde, but my avatar has my vote atm! oh nice basses btw![/quote] You do know that my Fender Jazz is called Keira after Keira Knightley She is my favourite actress.
  14. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='729902' date='Jan 30 2010, 05:29 PM']Very nice Michael. I can't wait to have a go on the Warwick How does it sound through the Aggy?[/quote] You are going to love it Nick. I'm actually worried that you will want one Not tried it through the Aggy yet but will do tomorrow. So can't wait to here it.
  15. [quote name='bubinga5' post='729898' date='Jan 30 2010, 05:28 PM']cracking basses Linus..i remember you saying the 75 was your dream bass...how long you had it bro...is it love??[/quote] The 75 is superb. Playing it tonight actually and it sounded amazing in soundcheck. It is love and its the most natural bass to play but I might be selling it as my ESP sounds better. I might not though, I do love it
  16. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='729845' date='Jan 30 2010, 04:32 PM']What's your address,and when will you be out. [/quote] HEHE
  17. [quote name='Stingray5' post='729802' date='Jan 30 2010, 03:56 PM']I won't state the obvious that there are FOUR gorgeous blondes, surely? (I also won't say the obvious "Ok if I call you Surely?" )[/quote] HAHAHAHA
  18. Well, today, my passive Warwick Corvette Standard arrived and all I can say is WOW. First of all the quality is out of this world. I thought Lakland were good but this is on another level. Even the gigbag has a quality check sheet thats be signed off. It came with a beautiful folder with manuals, tools, wax. As for the bass, my god, what a finish Now for the tone. I was hoping it would be tight, snappy and punchy and boy does it live up to that. Its better than I had hoped for. The neck is also really thin and smooth. What an amazing bass. I am one very happy bunny
  19. Here are my three gorgeous blondes. Musicman Stingray 3EQ, Warwick Corvette Standard and Fender MIA 75 Jazz re-issue.
  20. If you don't do it, the regret of not doing it will haunt you/bug you/frustrate you for the rest of your life. You will feel much worse if you don't do it than you are feeling now. Getting up and playing is an amazing feeling. The first time you will feel nervous but I promise you, afterwards, you will be itching to do it again and again and again. You know you can play those songs so its just a case of relaxing, believing in yourself, staying calm and focused at the time of playing and you will be fine. Remember, breathe slowly, consentrate, relax but remember to enjoy it also. You must do it otherwise you will regret it forever. Oh also, another good approach is to just say f*** it, don't care what happens and just go for it. If makes you feel better, I have been gigging for 23 years. Tomorrow night I have my first ever depping gig. I know most of the 25 songs or so as good as the original but they are all in a different key to what I know. Plus, the band do some slightly different arrangement so I have to keep my witts about me and stay focused. Oh and some songs which I don't quite fully know but I know well enough. Am I nervous, hell yeah. Am I looking forward to it, more than life itself. Have fun and let us know how you get on. Good luck
  21. I have an ESP Jazz bass that has some Bartolini pickups in. They were fitted new around 1989. Is there anyway to work out which ones they are? Looking at the website, the Jazz ones all look the same Anyway to identify which model of Bartolini pickups they are?
  22. [quote name='erisu' post='717639' date='Jan 19 2010, 11:30 AM']bumpage[/quote] Is this still available and where in West London are you?
  23. Hi Jack, Donation payment made. Please let us know how this goes. Thanks, Michael
  24. [quote name='samkeen' post='715523' date='Jan 17 2010, 11:10 AM']Sorry to be so samey but my vote's got to go to Vic too. So many amazing solos... I just stumbled upon this little gem yesterday, a great little solo on The Beatles' Yesterday: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcXI74PaI2w&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcXI74PaI2w...feature=related[/url][/quote] It's good but I really do not get it. Its seems like something a guitar would play, it even sounds like a guitar but its played on a a bass. Why does he not just play a guitar. Please note: Not dishing old Vic, he is a superb player but I just don't get the point of this on a bass if its going to sound like a guitar.
  25. I think I can see an A at the start. Is it an Ashdown?
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