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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='redzombie' post='722353' date='Jan 23 2010, 05:34 PM']Here's a monstrosity I came across earlier. Not only a horrible looking guitar used by a crap band, but it advertises a poor excuse for beer too! [/quote] ... and somebody has drawn all over his arms. Does the man not wash
  2. [quote name='bassatnight' post='722062' date='Jan 23 2010, 11:59 AM']Dereks a really decent bloke and very approachable unlike some other ex pop star bass players - step forward Mick Karn! Your right about him milking it a bit in 85 but I get the feeling theres no love lost with Kerr.[/quote] Intersting what you say about Mick Karn. I don't really know anything about him apart from he plays fretless bass. However, a friend of mine did vocals for him on one of his albums. It was some competition thing and she won and he never even bothered to turn up at the studio or thank her.
  3. [quote name='bassatnight' post='721926' date='Jan 23 2010, 08:43 AM']Giblins an excellent bassist but for me the rawness of Forbes made Simple Minds, the bass practically disappeared from their songs after he was booted out by Kerr.[/quote] I agree, John is a great bass player but I don't think he filled the hole that was left by Derek. I can't think of one memorable or stand out bass line on Once Upon A Time. Also, Derek says the reason he left SM was because he became lazy and was enjoying the high life to much. Enjoying the partying a little to much. He admits its all his own fault. I'll be talking to him in the next week or so and should be seeing him in March. I'll ask him about his Wal's. I would love to have a go although I sooner play his red precision.
  4. [quote name='Greydad' post='719403' date='Jan 20 2010, 06:28 PM']Hey Duarte, how you doing? Remember me? Remember these? GD[/quote] Oh boy, that Teal green one is stunning. Just like the one I used to own. I so wish I never sold it now :(
  5. [quote name='ColinB' post='717512' date='Jan 19 2010, 09:36 AM']According to the Warwick forum the factory were losing money on each Corvette they made, so they've outsourced the Corvette standard to Korea to keep the price down but make a profit. They've kept the Corvette $$ in Germany - with a suitable price increase.[/quote] I guess it makes sense to do that although not sure thats the best move for them. Surely putting the price up say £100 and then bringing in another cheaper korean model to help cover costs may have been a better move.
  6. [quote name='budget bassist' post='717311' date='Jan 18 2010, 11:04 PM']i think as prices went up, it was getting to the point where they were getting a little too expensive for what they were (though no more than a USA standard jazz, and i know what i'd have), and they moved production so as to keep prices down so they're not as off putting.[/quote] Possibly but I got my Warwick Corvette for £589 back in November 2009. Thats quite a bit cheaper than a USA Standard Jazz. I'm wondering if Warwick were actually not making enough moneyfrom them and have so sourced them making manufacturing cheaper.
  7. [quote name='budget bassist' post='715572' date='Jan 17 2010, 12:09 PM']Oh and did you guys know the corvette standards are now part of the "pro series" made in korea? Yep, no more german made corvette standards.[/quote] This is quite a bad move I think by Warwick. A lot of people buy the superb entry level Corvette Standard as its a nice price, is made in Germany and has all the features and hardware of the more expensive Warwicks. Customers know they are getting a proper German made Warwick. Now they are made in Korea, I think Warwick are shooting themselves in the foot by taking away one of the biggest appeals to this bass, not having it made in Germany. It probably makes very little difference in terms of quality at the end of the day but the whole point for people getting their first Warwick is they know its come from that famous German workshop. Really glad I ordered my Warwick Covette Standard at the end of the year making it a German model. I have waited 21 years for this bass and if it was going to be made in Korea then I would not had bothered.
  8. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='713571' date='Jan 15 2010, 11:57 AM']Does it pout a lot in an extremely annoying way?[/quote] hahahaha
  9. [quote name='Raggy' post='713524' date='Jan 15 2010, 11:09 AM']I'd rather shove wasps up my arse [/quote] That would really be a STINGray
  10. Teal Green Duck Dunn with binding and block inlays for me please.
  11. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='713197' date='Jan 14 2010, 11:00 PM']I think she is a munter, [/quote] Thats you off my Xmas list for this year. You can only come back on it if you say sorry in big red letters
  12. [quote name='Wolverinebass' post='713180' date='Jan 14 2010, 10:49 PM']On the other hand, think how bad it might have been if Warwick had got Guy Berryman from Coldplay to endorse a really flashy bass. Now that would just be totally wrong on every level imaginable. To paraphrase someone else's comment, that's not even 8th note plodding, that's quarter note plodding.... [/quote] HAHAHAHA that is bloody funny
  13. Does it have an active/passive switch? Does it have a name? My Stingray is called Keira after Keira Knightely because it has a natural finish and Keira Knightely is all natural. Just wondering if your Stingray has a name like Brian or maybe Melissa.
  14. [quote name='Higgie' post='712798' date='Jan 14 2010, 05:32 PM']Sorry, I didn't catch a word of that. Too busy looking at your avatar!![/quote] HAHAHA I've had loads of comments about my avatar. Its quite cool actually. However, hands off, I saw her first and don't even try and kiss her on your own PC screen as I will know :)
  15. I have one of these and its the easiest, smoothest, nocest bass I have ever played. Its so easy and enjoyable to play.
  16. I've ordered a Corvette in Ash. I think it looks yummy but no different to the last whever amount of years.
  17. [quote name='wombatboter' post='712260' date='Jan 14 2010, 09:19 AM']I would have preferred a more Precision-like model Can't say a bad thing about Adam Clayton (that tasteful slapsolo on "Gloria", that beautiful riff on "Stories for Boys", that groundshaking tone on "Mysterious Ways" that makes your car-speakers wiggle, that grinding sound on "New year's Day", "Vertigo" and "Sunday bloody Sunday", etc) I wonder how anyone can find these bass-lines boring or uninspired ? He may look a bit unintrested, his bass-playing surely isn't to me In my list he stands next to Mick Karn, Palladino, Levin, McCartney and other great bassplayers[/quote] Good post. I guess it depends where you come from as U2 have had such a long career, people hear about them at different stage. For example, I was talking to a great guitarist who plays in a U2 tribute band and he only got into U2 at the Achtung Baby era which is their 7th album. To me, this is when they started to lose it. The first 5 or 6 album for me are amazing with superb songs like New Years Day, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Stories For Boys, Fire, Electric Co, Wire, Two Hearts Beat As One, Bullet The Blue Sky, Gloria etc etc. Great bass playing and definately not boring.
  18. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='708804' date='Jan 11 2010, 01:44 PM']Linus This will sound a bit anal retentive but what the heck! The book u2 by u2, page 102, to quote Bono "He could play really complicated things easily and then be unable to clap in time, and you`d just be left scratching your head" The other quote about being "able to play out of time in time" is also from the same book but I can`t find it. I`m not that anally retentive! I actually like the band and I think his bass playing fits the songs perfectly, as it should considering they write the stuff. Jez [/quote] HAHAHA thats quite funny. I have that book and I pass it everyday yet its the one U2 book I have not read. I hate books and reading and really can't get motivated to read it. That will teach me now
  19. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='708767' date='Jan 11 2010, 01:12 PM']No frills players seem to get derided a lot.I honestly have no opinion on the guy,i've never cared for U2,but he ca'nt be that bad a player.Any company would be stupid to endorse,or build a signature model for someone that was incompetent,no matter how famous they are.How long have they been going ?Still the original line up i take it ?[/quote] Yep, pretty much the original line up apart from the first year when The Edge's brother left the band. Been going for about 34 years which is pretty good going
  20. [quote name='bassmanady' post='708662' date='Jan 11 2010, 11:28 AM']You must possibly be refering to Chris..who now owns Intune Music in Camberley,i played in a band with him for a couple of years,really good musician..he played Keys and guitar then,but now plays bass. I will tell him next time i'm there LOL[/quote] Anyone remember the music shop that used to be along the A30 in Camberley up by the old cinema. It got burnt down under suspicious circumstances. I think one of the guys who worked there/part owned it, an older bald guy went and opened Intune Music in Little Sandburst.
  21. [quote name='P-T-P' post='708426' date='Jan 11 2010, 01:10 AM']I thought it was hideous when I saw it early last year but it has grown on me. Don't think he'd have a problem playing the Buzzard, he never had an issue playing Lakland DJ basses on the 2005 tour (or indeed the JO and BG prior to that). He also had a Stryker in the studio when they were recording the last album. My guess is Warwick said "can we build you something" and he told them he wanted a cross between the two. As to the critics of his playing... he's an easy target 'cause some of their biggest hits have featured basslines that were eighth note pumping but he's done plenty of nice bass work if you care to dig a little deeper. It may not be spectacular, mind-blowing bass playing but it does show he's more than a one-trick pony... Mysterious Ways Two Hearts Beat as One Stand Up Comedy I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight Wire Last Night on Earth Lemon New Years Day He plays in a band where the guitarist rarely plays traditional chords or arpeggios and the drummer has a fairly busy, often military style and the singer's often off on one. Someone has to keep it together and he does that really well. The comments from other band members about his playing is a long standing story dating back to when they were kids trying to get the band going. Clayton knew all the muso terms and looked like he knew what he was talking about, had a bass, had an amp so it took them forever to figure out the reason they sounded so crap was the fact that he actually couldn't play a note and had no clue. He (or maybe Bono) described his early playing style as "bluff." I think fair enough if you don't like what he or the band does, find it boring, uninspiring, contrived or whatever, but don't say he can't play, 'cause he can. In fact, much of what he does is actually a really good example of the key roles of a bass player - outline the chord progressions, lock in with the drummer to create a groove, support/compliment the melody. Give me the four notes of With or Without You over a heck of a lot of the bass playing that gets lauded on this site any day of the week.[/quote] Bloody well put and much better than I ever could. As for the Warwick, Adam had been watching a bunch of Who documentries and so contacted Warwick and asked them to build him something like Entwistles bass with the same tone. They sent him a Dolphin, a Stryker and a few others to test out. He actually took a few on tour with different pickup configs. Plus one where he could change the various bass freqencies which he wanted to test live to see what he wanted the end product to have. The Streamer is also a 6 string body (bigger) set up as a 4 string. Tons of ifo over at the Warwick forum. Makes quite intersting reading.
  22. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='708221' date='Jan 10 2010, 09:31 PM']No,it's ok,i'll send you the fiver if you keep the U2 albums. (just worried it might be Bonio and Hedge)[/quote]
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