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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. I think Larry Mullen Jnr did not quite expect Adam to play a bass quite like that [url="http://media.u2.com/flash/highlights/buzzard.swf"]http://media.u2.com/flash/highlights/buzzard.swf[/url] Takes a while to load.
  2. [quote name='garethox' post='708084' date='Jan 10 2010, 08:07 PM']BANG! Sorry, that was my jaw hitting the deck! Hang on in there.... sure she'll call..... [/quote] HAHAHA she sure is pretty, unlike this Warwick Adam Clayton bass The more I think of it, I just don't get it. Who is going to buy this bass at this price. Adam is not someone who you immediately think of as a bass god. Even if you wanted to play U2 or were in a U2 tribute band, chances are you would buy a sunburst Precision, a bass Adam used through most of his career. It just does not seem to appeal to any market at this price.
  3. [quote name='garethox' post='708063' date='Jan 10 2010, 07:48 PM']Lol at that.... but on another subject - who the hell is that girl you have as your profile pic? [/quote] What girl? This girl?? Her name is Yvonne Strahovski and she is from the TV show, "Chuck". Rumour has it she fancies me but she's playing hard to get I think as she's not called me yet
  4. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='707867' date='Jan 10 2010, 05:06 PM']To confirm what jezzaboy posted earlier he was/is regularly derided by his own band for being incapable of even clapping in time. But hey, as I've said before, he's a multi-millionaire and I still work in an office. Ho hum. What do I know, eh? P[/quote] Not sure that quote has any truth behind it at all. I certainly have never ever seen anything of the sorts quoted anywhere and from the people I know who have worked with him, they say he is one of the most in time reliable bass players around. Yes he plays a lot of eights but I bet you can't play ever single one of those notes dead on time, every time. That something Adam is spot on for doing without any drop in or retakes which is why he is considered a very tight solid bass player. Now, if that quote is about Bono then that makes sense. I have seen quotes like that relating to Bono and even Bono admits he can't play guitar.
  5. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='707697' date='Jan 10 2010, 02:26 PM']You are Adam Clayton,i wish to claim my £5. [/quote] Damn, I've been rumbled. Ok, I'll send the boys round with a fiver and a signed copy of our first 7 albums. The ones after that are not worth having
  6. [quote name='Marvin' post='707677' date='Jan 10 2010, 02:10 PM']Some say he can't play, so that might be a safe bet! But I would never say such a thing, it was just a rumour I heard [/quote] He's actually been playing this bass and the Streamer on the latest 360 world tour along with a lot of promotion shows like The Brits so its certainly being used, along with his Streamer. As for his playing, having worked with one of U2's producers, I can tell you that Adam is a very good player. Maybe not the most technical but he is though of as one of the most solid tight bass players around. He certainly keeps the bottom end holding together.
  7. [quote name='jonno1981' post='707498' date='Jan 10 2010, 11:21 AM']its going to street over 4k........ Be wary of a big price increase coming up from Warwick too.............[/quote] Phew, lucky I just ordered my Corvette. Reading over at the Warwick forum, it seems like Adam has a lot of Warwicks and has been using them as his main bass. Along with a few varients of this model, he also plays a custom Streamer $$, with maple fb wood, black block inlays, maple neck, swamp ash body, custom wired Seymour Duncan pickups, full passive electronics, but with a custom wiring.
  8. After all the success he has had from playing in a very successful band, when it comes the time to have a signature bass, it turns out to be that thing. Whats even worse is for about 30 years of his carear, he has played Fender or Fender copies (Lakland) and only in the last few years played a Warwick on the odd song. To be honest, I really don't understand why he bothered with it.
  9. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='707454' date='Jan 10 2010, 10:51 AM']Possibly Barrie but why Bruce and Rick wouldve gone to all that bother I don't know. If they'd just ASKED I'd have been more than willing to let them have their photo taken with me [/quote]
  10. Hello from Camberley, also not that far from Woking. My old band supported Stiff Little Fingers at The Forum in Kentish Town. Met Bruce and got a photo of him with our roadie who was also a bass player and loved the Jam. It made his day, if not his lifetime
  11. [quote name='whimsy23' post='706691' date='Jan 9 2010, 04:05 PM']I play in a hardcore/metal band (play in drop C) and my Peavey Jazz bass, whilst heavy enough, doesn't quite sound right for me. So that's why I'm getting after an OLP/Stingray because that tone is what I want. I would get a Fender but the cuts aren't deep enough and it doesn't suit my playing style for this music as much. For punk, they're spot on. And I can't stand those twangy stereotypical metal basses 15 year olds play. The Ibanez types and whatnot, they sound disgusting![/quote] Interesting you say the Stingray is perfect for punk. I found the total oppersite and found it too twangy, especially with a pick. I found a Precision with a pick is perfect for punk.
  12. Yep very much. In my old band (guitar punk pop) I would play a Fender Precision with a pick. Nice big fat driving sound. I then played in a folk/indy/pop group and moved to a Jazz with fingers to get a nice smooth clean tone. I did try my Stingray but it seemed too clunky and not smooth enough. I also have a Warwick Corvette on order which I hope will give me a very tight punchy sound with fingers. If I ever went back to playing punky stuff then I would buy a Precision.
  13. [quote name='Clarky' post='704696' date='Jan 7 2010, 08:11 PM'] ... except I have already nagged OHM and he is as happy as a happy thing with my old Jazz. so he might actually keep this one![/quote] I would'nt put money on it. He's said the same to me in the past :)
  14. Clarky, give it about another 2 weeks and Old Horse Murphy would probably be selling or trading your old Jazz. He goes through more basses/amps/cabs than I have hot dinners I can't help with the 62RI but I have a 75RI and its the bestest, easiest to play Jazz I have ever played. It's awsome.
  15. [quote name='Musicman20' post='700944' date='Jan 4 2010, 08:44 PM']Thanks Linus. Ive had a think...and I am pretty sure as pretty as a Lakland is...for a P bass I need to stick to Fender...and If I want to improve the 08/09 I have....I need to go vintage or the 62 Reissue. Both my Ps are sooo lightweight in actual weight but MASSIVE in tone. I really like my old MIJ thats been sold around here recently, but the new USA's just sound massive...and the fretboards are really nice. Add the decent new bridge, nice colours, etc, I may as well stick to what Ive got. One thing I noticed with the DJ...and this is from the 5 string perspective so slightly different, but the neck was fabulous....nicest 5 string neck Ive ever played. I would definitely like a 75 Reissue Jazz at some point. Stunning growl! Lets face it, Fender may not have all the bells n whistles and wont have so much QC, but the tone and feel on their instruments is great. GAS over...hahah. Ill probably keep the P and just get a 5 string Lakland and be done. For now![/quote] Fender's are like my Lotus Elise. Stuck together with a bit of glue, tape and some odd and sods found lying around but man is it just right :)
  16. I had a Duck Dunn and it was a lovely bass. Very very well made and a wonderful tone. However, it really does depend on what Fender you compare it with and how they both play to you. What I mean is, I had a Lakland Darryl Jones jazz bass. A wonderful instrument, amazing quality that only Fender could ever dream of producing. The hardware was solid, the neck was smooth and the finish was second to none. A top class instrument of the highest degree. However, I did not like it to play. It felt very stiff and rigid and made my fretting hand ache. I replaced it with a MIA Fender Jazz 75 re-issue. In comparison to the Lakland, its rough around the edges, not very well put together, clumsy looking with cheap hardware and looks as pretty as a brick sh*tt*r. However, its a dream to play and I feel totally at one when I play it. Its the easiest bass in the world to play and the most natural bass I have ever played. I really do not have to think when I play it, I am moulded to it. I would not swap it for anything. So, yes Laklands are very good instruments but just be careful on what Fender its going to replace as it may feel very different. If I was going to buy a Precision, then I would probably get a Fender. Not for looks or build quality but purely on how they feel to play. This is off course if its going to be a main playing bass. If for something different then a Lakland would be a top bass to buy.
  17. What a great thread. The only problem is, I have no idea. I always set goals, its how I achieve things and I was discussing this very topic with my wife over the Xmas break and I am still no better off. From 1990 to 2000, I was learning bass, got in a couple of bands, got a record deal etc. In 2000 to 2009, I lost the record deal, gave up bass, took up bass again, got married, had two kids and then got in a new band for 6 months. Now its 2010 I have no idea what I want to do or where to go. I guess maybe get into a band would be a start and a change of career but to be honest, I am not really sure
  18. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='699088' date='Jan 2 2010, 09:01 PM']Thanks guys. 19mm is a bit wider than im used to but im sure it will be fine.[/quote] Not sure if this makes any difference but after 23 years of playing, I had no idea until last year that there was different string spacing on different basses. I have never noticed any difference previously especially when playing with a pick.
  19. Dave, you must be bonkers to want a white Stingray. I think they look yuck. Still, personal choice and all that . Anyway, not sure if this intersts you as they have one in stock. As your getting a bit desperate, just better point out, it has matching white headstock in case you miss that [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/BassGuitars/pid16934/cid560/MusicManStingray4StringBassinWhitewithMatchingHeadstock.asp"]http://www.andertons.co.uk/BassGuitars/pid...ngHeadstock.asp[/url] Kingfisher Music in Fleet, Hampshire also have a a natural with maple neck in stock for £1,249. More expensive than Andertons but maybe natural is more expensive. Do none of the music shops in London have any in stock?
  20. [quote name='levelitup' post='694027' date='Dec 26 2009, 11:19 PM']Ok, although i am a bassist i also play drums too. So i am on the look out for a bassist/vocalist thats mental on the police, if there is a sting fanatic that lives in the mid south of england contact me! Happy festive times all. Rob[/quote] Bugger, I could do the bass part of Sting but not the singing part of Sting
  21. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='693608' date='Dec 26 2009, 10:48 AM']hi dave, i was just looking for power supplies, when i came accross this, you may have seen already.. [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/5539-musicman_stingray_bass_3eq_maple_red_used_great_condition_hardcase"]http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/55...dition_hardcase[/url] hope you're having a good one ![/quote] That looks stunning, especially with the black pickguard. Quite like it myself
  22. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='693004' date='Dec 24 2009, 03:13 PM']That, to me, is THE SR4 look. Im going to try for a black one first though. That way my Girlfriend wont notice it ;-) Hic..[/quote] That is until I tell her
  23. [quote name='Musicman20' post='692952' date='Dec 24 2009, 01:59 PM']Classic post. Get a SR4....if you get a white one I will be jealous for years. I must admit, the natural is a good look for Rays....check them out as well.[/quote] HEHEHE thanks. I think its worked, I can hear a drunken man singing Girls Aloud from my house which is about 30 miles south of Dave's I have a natural Stingray with maple neck. Beautiful combination. The other colours I love are black with maple neck and Cherryburst with rosewood neck. This is my beauty,
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