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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. I played Mustang Sally for the first time a few weeks ago. We were at a club waiting to go on and our singer said that she thought it was this club that asked if we can play Mustang Sally last time. Everyone in the band said they knew it apart from me but I was happy to play it, so we did and it went down a storm. We have since kept it in our set and I've learnt to play it properly.
  2. Derek was a huge influence to me as a musician and still is and I got to meet him and interview him back in 2010 when he was playing with Los Mondo Bongo in 2010. Below is the interview that I posted on Basschat. As for Simple Minds, you could probably say I am a massive fan and have seen them live so many times, sadly not with Derek on bass but fortunately with Mick McNeil. Personally, Simple Minds was most hurt when Mick McNeil left after the Street Fighting Years album. He was the sound of Simple Minds for me and over the years as more albums were released, they lost so much. The following album, Real Life was still a masterpiece, probably because Mick likely had an input in the songs but the following album really started to suffer although some good tracks did follow. As for Derek, again Simple Minds lost a lot when he left, he certainly had a signature sound with his flanger and fretless bass lines. However, John Giblin and Malcom Foster were both superb bassists and I think filled the gap, just in a different way. Derek did have an input in the Once Upon A Time album despite having left when it was finally recorded and did play some of the songs live before he left.
  3. I've used Dave's cables for years and not only industry standard as already said, they have not once let me down. Hope you have a fantastic retirement and future adventures in Cornwall. Thanks for everything Dave.
  4. Sorry to hear things have not been great, hope everything is ok now. Lovely looking basses and the Tony Franklin is lovely. I came so close to buying one after playing the last one you had but I ended up going down two different roads for my fretless basses. The body of the natural Jazz looks huge, is it just a standard Jazz?
  5. I'm very much this as well and I tend to find that I make up my own lyrics accidentally as I'm not really listening to them. I like them to be there but they just enhance the melody. In most cases they create an image or story in my head which may possibly be way off the mark but I'm drawn more to the emotion and feel that any of the words. In the summer, one night listening to a whole bunch of song with our singer and another musician friend. We each took turns to play a song and then we said what we thought it was about, the mood and imagery we got and what the singer was singing about. Quite remarkable the different interpritations. Now and again though, I do like some good lyrics but I tend to be drawn in to ones telling a story or about travelling. I find most other lyrics are self-absorbed pretentious rubbish and I personally don't care if the singer is having a bad day or is gonna dance the night away and wake up in bed with you the next day 🤣😂 These for example I thought were great lyrics but then musically it's more beautiful.
  6. Just another update on mine as Mark dropped me an email last week. He is still waiting for the unlined fretless neck to arrive. The whole CITES thing has also been causing a delay but it gets lifted at the end on November. So you never know, I may get it by Christmas which would make a nice present 😊
  7. I've got Rotosound 77 flats, 40 - 100 and I find the tension too much for me. I like strings to have a lower tension closer to round. Can anyone recommend something with a lower tension to the Rotosounds?
  8. I've had a few but again, not because of the bassist they are after but because of the bass itself. 1. Lakland DJ4 - Bought this because it was supposed to be a great Jazz bass and it was ok but I didn't get on with it so sold it quickly. 2. Lakland Duck Dunn - Bought because its was supposed to be a good Precision and it was but I never got on with it tonally. 3. Fender Mike Dirnt - Bought because it was yellow and looked like a 51 Precision. Amazing bass but the neck was too chunky and it was a very heavy bass. I sold it as I ended up not playing it but it was an amazing bass.
  9. I grew up in the late 70's and early 80's and having two older sisters, my house was full of great bassists such as Sting (The Police), Pino (Paul Young), John Taylor (Duran Duran), Paul Webb (Talk Talk), Derek Forbes (Simple Minds), Mark King (Level 42), Gary Garry Beers (Inxs) however the person to actually make me pick up the bass was Adam Clayton of U2. It was nothing to do with his bass playing, it was from simply seeing him at Live Aid in 85 and thinking I want to look like that cool dude
  10. Just want to say a massive thanks to you all for your input and for listening to my ramblings. Some great advice and it has been a massive help, getting me thinking about a lot of things and certainly thinking about some things that I had not considered. Where I am right now is to get through 2020 doing the gigs we have, reviewing how I feel about what I am doing musically and if I want to continue into 2021. I am suspecting not as I think a lot of you have banged the nail on the head by pointing out that a change would be a good thing, maybe even with a break but certainly a change musically would be good. It would of been 3 years and close to 250 gigs so not a bad run. I will certainly be taking up the double bass and see how that grabs me as well. I will also make the most of some time back and enjoy some track days and perhaps look at other interests, perhaps some travel. I will also look at what I want to do next musically. In fact I know what I would like to do but its an area that is totally alien to me, not that it worries me but I need to see what the possibilities are. Thanks again guys, has been a great thread and I really appreciate being able to talk to you all and for you all for listening.
  11. Thanks bud and sounds like your situation is where I was 20 years ago. If you want any advise, whilst you are still young, make the most of it but make sure you keep enjoying it and capture those memories. Keep chasing that dream though, we are dead if we have no dreams and I can honestly say, all my dreams have come true, just takes hard work and sacrifice but its possible. Be persistent, ruthless but realistic. Good luck to you as well.
  12. Cheers Chris, that's really handy to know as it did cross my mind when pondering what to do.
  13. I've noticed a total lack of gas over the last 3 months as well. I used to drive my wife mad looking and wanted new basses all the time but something has clicked and now my current 3 basses are perfectly good enough and tick all the boxes. Its even to the point of looking at it sensibly and convincing myself I don't need any other basses.
  14. Yes, this is what's on the cards, to offload some of the admin stuff to other band members. Its just getting them to be more proactive. As for the unloading, its just my bass gear (2 x basses, speaker, amp, bag) plus one of the 15" PA speakers, desk, speaker stands, mics and multicore bag. Its just the loading the car up, driving to the venue, unloading, setting the gear up, doing the gig, packing it all down, loading the car, getting home about 1am and unlading the car. Just getting a bit tiring but I'm planning on offloading some of it to other band members. The singer does have the other PA speakers and the box of all the leads and cables.
  15. The double bass is definitely a go, especially now that my Kala SUB bass will sell over the weekend. Kind of know what double bass to go for unless a good second hand one pops up but either way, a double bass will be incoming shortly. You've actually got me excited about it from simply saying, "The sound of each note, and the effort to make them not sound crap". I love the sound anyway but having to focus, concentrate and develop the actual technique I'm really excited about.
  16. Quite possibly, I do sometimes think I'm a 50 year old male doing this (even though I don't look it) and feel quite conscious and uncomfortable at this situation but then I look around at other bands and they generally much older. We are actually a young band in terms of our ages but yes, maybe approaching 50 is having a negative affect. I hated hitting 30 and felt very aware of that milestone but totally loved hitting my 40's. Maybe hitting 50 is having a similar vibe to when I was hitting my 30's. There's certainly something not right in the mix though because I don't feel 50 in terms of physically, nor do I look it and I'm know as a bit of a joker, never taking anything too seriously. Maybe it is the music, the lack of being challenged and the work load that has zapped my passion and motivation for what I'm doing. Maybe less gigs and taking up double bass will be the start of something new.
  17. My other hobbies are track days but because I have been so busy for the last two years, I've not had the time to go and do any. Plus, I was so absorbed in music, I didn't have the energy to start thinking about getting the car set up to track again. However, next year, I will be getting out and doing some track days. Its quite weird but doing track days is very much like playing in a band. You usually go with some mates, staying in a hotel the night before having a few drinks and something to eat. Usually some banter and chatting about cars etc. This is not too dissimilar to going on tour and gigging with a band and hanging out between sets etc. Then on the day you do the track day, talking about all things related like how to take certain corners, how the car is handling, how its going. Very similar to talking about how the gig is going, the songs, performing etc. At the end of the day you pack up like you do at the end of a gig.
  18. Originals is mostly what I have always done and had my success in although the covers band I am doing is a different type of success. From 1988 to 2012 I was in originals bands. Then I did some original studio projects in 2012 onwards including my own solo stuff and then in 2017 I joined my first cover band which is where I am right now. I certainly do miss the creativity, be it the song writing or bass line creating. There is certainly an enormous buzz and satisfaction in crafting an original piece of music and seeing it take on a life of its own. I don't mind the originals stuff, its fun to play although very easy and it feels soulless. It feels like playing by numbers and a disconnect compared to playing your own bass lines. There's no emotional connection unlike playing your own music. Its just a totally different mindset playing in an originals band compared to a covers band, especially one that primarily plays clubs.
  19. Absolutely not selling my gear. I have the best basses and rig I have had in 32 years of playing so its all staying. Apart from the Kala SUB bass which is going towards funding the double bass ..wink, wink .. 😁
  20. For me it's been the opposite, I even get some days where I just want to hold a bass and feel the neck in my hands. It's been my passion and energy from day 1.
  21. Thanks guys for the replies, really appreciate it. What I've got from what you've said is that maybe a break is what's needed so maybe see the year out. Find a new challenge and the double bass is still a good idea so maybe bang the gigging on the head and spend 2020 focussing on that.
  22. Has anyone else ever got to the point where they lose the passion or the fire in their belly, certainly for playing but also for music? I’m fast approaching 50 next June and I’ve played bass since the age of 18. That will be 32 years next year and it’s all I have done and known. I’ve been very lucky with my bass playing, from playing in some amazing bands, with incredible experiences and made a healthy sum of money over the years. I’ve been on TV and Radio, had a record deal, released albums, been on tour with some big names and played at some amazing venues. I’m currently in a great band, earning a nice little chunk of money that helps pay for niceties whilst the full time job pays for the bills etc. The thing is, I’m just not feeling it and have little to no passion to keep doing it. The band members are fine and we meet up for regular socials and the music is good as well (50’s/60’s rock n roll) but I just don’t enjoy getting up in front of people and performing any more. It’s not that the gigs are rubbish either, we play mostly clubs and always have an audience up singing and dancing and go down a storm. We did 119 gigs last year, about 100 this year and could easily match that next year but we’ve consciously cut back to about 40 for next year. Even with just those few, I’m struggling to get any enthusiasm to continue. Then there’s the time spent loading the car, going to the venue, setting everything up, playing set 1, entertaining, break, playing set 2, entertaining, packing up, driving home and unloading. Plus all the time to update Lemonrock, Facebook, making posters, replying to emails and all the other things associated with a band. I know I am in a very fortunate position to be in such a great band and earning good money but I’m no longer excited about going out to play a gig, entertaining people or playing bass. I think I’m just feeling old a little, or maybe feeling my age, feeling conscious and uncomfortable being up in front of people. Playing in a club band you have to provide some entertainment and being visual and I much prefer to be the bass player in the back grooving away in the shadows. Another alarm bell for me is I have a new bass being built and on its way and I’m not even that remotely excited about it, wish I hadn’t decided to get it and already considering selling it and I’ve not even seen or played it yet. Normally I would be bursting with excitement. This is also going to sound very arrogant maybe but playing bass and music doesn’t even challenge me anymore. Playing in my current band was out of my comfort zone but within a few months I was on it to the point of actually getting some dep. work with similar groups which has never happened to me before. So to challenge myself further I decided I would play fretless which I’ve done in the past but even that wasn’t a challenge and I was doing it after the first gig. I’m no virtuoso, far from it but I am solid and can hold my own. What I’m worried about is if I stop, then what do I do with myself. I don’t want to be bored, mope about and get fat. I like to throw myself into something and to live it which is what I have done with music and playing bass for the last 32 years. I’ve been amateur, pro and I guess semi-pro right now so to stop is going to leave quite a hole to fill. However, fast approaching 50, I’m no youngster so can’t just go and take up surfing or kick boxing. I’m considering getting a double bass and spending the time to learn to play it to a good standard but then I’m worried that if I have lost the passion for music and playing, is it just going to be a waste of time. I guess nobody knows the answer to that until I try. Has anyone else been in a similar position and called it a day and hung up their bass and not looked back? In my head I would like to try and do next year's gigs as that would at least get me to 50. Plus it gives me another year to see how I feel but right now and for the last 3 months, I've struggled to find the motivation and interest to keep going.
  23. Love Supertramp, incredible band and totally adore Breakfast in America and Crime of the Century albums but not listened to any of Roger's solo work.
  24. Well, it wouldn't be fair of me to try and influence any decisions but if you have any questions or would like any more photos then please just ask 😊
  25. NOW SOLD: For sale is my Kala SUB bass in sunburst. These are wonderful little basses that have a big, deep, fat bass tone that's not too dissimilar to a double bass. It is light and great fun to play. The bass is in mint condition and comes with a genuine Kala gig bag. I am located in Camberley in Surrey and any trial is welcome. Price is £220 and this includes posting.
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