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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Yes, this, I forgot to say that works for me although not podcasts but piano music. If I listen to what I usually like then I can start to get drawn into the music and start analysing it but piano music works really well for me. So I'll listen to ludovico einaudi and Yiruma.
  2. I've suffered with this for as long as I can remember and I am 48. Regardless of being in a band or not, as soon as my head hits the pillow, my mind goes into irrational thoughts and starts processing ideas, thoughts and total nonsense. I can be literally falling asleep in front of the TV or hardly able to keep my eyes open but as soon as my head hits that pillow, my mind switches on. It got so bad that when I went on tour, I would take a bottle of whiskey with me and have a glass before bed to make me sleepy but after a while the glass got bigger and bigger until I was pouring it into pint glasses. At that point I realised it was no longer having any effect. For me sometimes, it's like the day is not long enough so I'm just not tired when it's late. I also tend to become wide awake at around 9pm. I can be sleepy all day but as soon as the evening comes then I wake up and I'm raring to go at 9pm. I put this down to 30 years of gigging so getting up late morning and then gigging in the evening and going to bed in the early hours. I think one of the big factors for me is the change in body clock. I seem very sensitive to any changes in this, even an hour can have a huge impact. I always try and avoid anything too heavy at work on a Monday as chances are I'll have a late night on Friday/Saturday and get up later than a work day on the Sunday. So when I go to bed on Sunday I'm never tired and never sleep much. Sometimes I'll even set an alarm clock on Sunday an hour later than a normal work day just to try and kick start my body clock. I'll be tired all day in the hope I will fall asleep quickly Sunday night but it doesn't always work. I also find that I feel worse and suffer the most with sleep when the clocks change for winter. When they change for spring it's literally like flicking a switch and I feel so much better. More energy, less lethargic, less sleepy and more positive. One thing I try and do during the week is be in bed before midnight. I try and aim for 11pm. Physiologically I'm told that going to before before midnight is telling youself this is the end of the day and if you go past midnight, it can muck you body clock up as you are into the next day. So I don't know what the answer is but I have always suffered with this. I like the idea of not turning lights on before bed as this can re-stimulate you. I'm guilty of doing this so I will give this a try. Oh, and something I read about last week is to not eat a large meal at night, especially carbs as this will release energy slowly when you should be try to sleep. You're better of eating a larger meal at lunch and smaller in the evening.
  3. I found when I ran a LM3 and 2 x MB 112 NY cabs, I ran everything flat but had to dial the bass back to 10 o clock and the low mids back to 11 o clock. Very rarely could I run everything totally flat. Occasionally I would depending on the room so don't give up hope just yet as it might of been the room.
  4. I think you'll find the Elf and BAM are actually 200 watts at 4 ohms so about half at 8 ohms. You'll really want a 4 ohms cab for any live work. Also the BAM is not out yet. It was supposed to be out in April but looks to be set back to August. It might come earlier or it might come later, we just dont know. I'm in the same boat and have been waiting for the BAM but might need to settle for the Elf. TC also do the BH250 and MarkBass make the Nano. Not quite a micro amp but still small.
  5. That looks just like my ESP 400 Jazz that would of come off the same production line as your Tokai and Japanese Fender's from that era.
  6. They are both sooooo beautiful. Love them both.
  7. I saw one in the flesh last Saturday in Andertons and it really caught my eye. It looked stunning and I wanted to buy it there and then. Tempted to buy one and stick a Status fretless neck on it with a black pickguard. Beautiful colour and even better in the flesh.
  8. As already said, don't think of fretless as a different instrument to a fretted. Its exactly the same but just has a different voice and tonal expression due to having no frets. Play exactly the same stuff as you would a fretted but use your ear to hear if your technique is slightly off and adjust. If your technique is strong, transitioning from a fretless to a fretless will be a breeze. Just gets tricky up at the dusty end as intonation is much harder.
  9. You can buy direct from Fender although I don't think it will come with the tuners. Ebay is another option for having everything in place.
  10. Depends what I'm playing but I use my middle finger mostly and occasionally use my index finger. For slower stuff I will use both. No idea where my technique comes from though.
  11. Oooh can Ped do relicing as well, I could do with a bit relicing 😂😂😁
  12. No, I thought that might look a bit odd on a fretless so went with natural wood.
  13. I just wanted to make sure he relic'd the metal work as well so I am assuming he will. Would look odd if the body was but the rest of the bass wasn't. Yes, he has quoted me 12 - 16 weeks as well and I so can't wait. I have gone for a 1960 - 1962 Fender Jazz in Sherwood Green, with Stack knobs and unlined fretless neck. Similar to this but fretless.
  14. Gorgeous. I've just told Mark to go ahead with my first Limelight, so excited. I've asked for a light relic as well but I didn't specify all metal work just lightly tarnished. Is this included as part of the relic or do I need to ask for this to be done?
  15. I've just picked one of these up and it is unbelievable. Paired with my Hartke HA5500, it sounds superb. Best cab I have ever owned. Plus, they are super light and as already mentioned, a one hand lift. Nik's also a lovely guy so buy with confidence, someone is going to get a great cab at a great price. Good luck with the sale.
  16. I'm sold, 100%. I've not been able to find a secondhand unlined fretless Fender to my spec anywhere and the fact that Fender don't even make an standard unlined fretless Jazz or Precision limits my options even further. So a Limelight just ticks all the boxes.
  17. That looks fantastic. Thank you 😀
  18. Perfect and thank you. Looks like I'm going to be sorted with a Limelight bass in the near future. Just waiting on a quote back
  19. Ooohhh, that's good to know he can do fretless. Is it unlined?
  20. I've just enquired about having the following made but in fretless and a little less relic. If he can't do fretless then fretted but with blocks and binding.
  21. My band is supporting Pete Best's band in August at the 60th anniversary of the Casbah Club. Looking forward to meeting him, he is supposed to be a lovely guy. I'm not a Beatles fan in any way but looking forward to it.
  22. Wow, that's certainly now an option to get exactly what I would like. Thank you.
  23. That looks lovely. I bet you are well happy. I might need to go down the Limelight route as I just can't find what I want of the shelf. May I ask what the ball park price is for say a Limelight Jazz? Ard we talking around a grand or a couple of grand or more?.
  24. I shall bring balance and say America has Britney
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