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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. I know, this is my gripe with Fender, they haven't done an unlined fretless standard Jazz or Precision for ages. Not even a reissue/FSR 70's fretless for ages and they have so much history of unlined fretless basses.
  2. Only the Tony Franklin is unlined. All of the other Fender models are lined and the stand alone neck that they sell is lined as well.
  3. Same, I just find the lines a distraction and prefer to use the side dots as reference.
  4. Ok, thank you, I guess that's that then
  5. I've only ever played unlined and don't really like lined.
  6. Even if they try and match the neck wood or is this never ideal?
  7. Yeah, I'm afraid so. I've played bass for 30 years and had various Stingray's, Warwick's. Fenders, Ibanez's, Status, Washburn, Lakland's and they have all gone as I just feel the most comfortable playing a Fender bass. The only bass other bass I love is my 1988 ESP Jazz bass but I since found out it was made on the same production line as Japanese Fenders. It has exactly the same headstock as a Fender and all the Fender components are interchangeable so its basically a Fender with an ESP logo on the head. I've just realized now that there is no point trying anything else these day
  8. The only bass I have left to buy to be GAS free is a fretless. However Fender make it impossible to find an unlined Jazz/Precision (apart from the Tony Franklin) and so I was wondering if de-fretting a fretted bass really works and is worth doing. I love the look of the Fender Flea Jazz with its stacked concentric controls and the vintage pickups sounded lovely. Maybe a fiesta red Road Worn Fender Jazz as well. Pick up a second hand of either one of those and get it professionally de-fretted. Think it might also be quite cool and unique to have a fretless Flea Jazz bass. Totally stupid idea or a goer?
  9. I've played one and it does indeed sound very very good. I tried it against a Fender 70s Mexican Reissue Jazz and a Fender American Professional Jazz and all three basses sounded amazing but different. I think my money would of gone to either the Flea Jazz or the 70s Mexican Jazz as they seemed the nicer basses and probably had the edge tonally. The Flea really does feel old, dirty and beaten up which I loved and probably had the edge over the Mexican 70s Jazz. The neck was lovely and it played really well. However the Mexican 70s Jazz looks stunning with the blocks and binding, had an even nicer neck and the sunburst is so deep and colourful. Plus it's about £300 cheaper. In the end I bought a mint condition secondhand Fender Jazz 75 AVRI but I do have gas for a Flea Jazz and a 70s Mexican Jazz still as they both really got under my skin. You cant go wrong g with the Flea Jazz if you like the look.
  10. Linus27


    Big hard patches on my finger tips on both my fretting and plucking hand. They are more pronounced on my middle finger of my plucking hand, and little finger of my fretting hand.
  11. Yep, he's one of those super naturally gifted musicians no matter what he plays. An amazing talent.
  12. Sounds like so ething Bowie would of done on his last album.
  13. Haha I can see why my post made no sense 🤣😂 Yellow is my favourite colour but it's so hard to find the basses I like and play in yellow and in most cases, the yellow looks rubbish. So my second favourite is natural wood.
  14. I think you should just sell me one of the necks and then buy yourself a neck already fretted 😁
  15. I picked yellow but my basses all tend to be natural wood.
  16. Does anyone know anything about Bireli Lagrene's Fender fretless Jazz basses? One of them is sunburst but has blocks and binding and the other has dots. Neither basses have lines and it doesn't look like they are fretted basses that have been de-fretted. Custom necks perhaps or mega rare. I love the one with blocks and binding in the video.
  17. True. I was kind of just thinking, if for whatever reason main amp went pop on the night, for £100 and the size and output, it might just get me out of a hole. It would probably sit in my gig bag and never be used but if it's there then at least the show can go on.
  18. Wow, great customer service, top stuff from Ashdown.
  19. I make my own music in my car, I don't need anyone else's soundtrack, my car has one of its own
  20. For just over £100, I'm tempted to get a BAM as a backup. Shame it's not green like the Elf but we might see the Elf come down in price now.
  21. Yeah, I would of probably been interested in this as well if I had seen it at the time.
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