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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Mine is like a boat anchor and has a very chunky neck but sounds and plays amazing. I did 119 gigs last year, 14 with my Mike Dirnt and its the only bass that I got compliments for from multiple soundmen.
  2. What's the difference between a Mk1 and a Mk2?
  3. Has anyone tried the Ampeg Classic Bass Preamp? Wondering what they are like for adding a bit more meat on the bones for overall bass tones.
  4. That's Hellzero, it sounds perfect. I need a battery powered amp as we have hired an old 50's bus March to do an intimate acoustic gig on. Then we go into a pub and doing another hour and then back onto the bus to play a few more songs. I currently use a Fender Rumble 100 watt combo but its not battery powered so I am looking at something similar. This sounds perfect.
  5. Perfect, thank you. How do you find the setup? It looks better than say the Phil Jones Double Four in some ways as you have to try and source a laptop battery from somewhere. Price is better as well.
  6. Do you have a link to the ultralight combo you have and the battery pack. I've just looked and can't find it.
  7. I guess it depends on the recording technique. In most cases, you would DI straight into the desk and not use an amp. I was watching a video on Sunday and Sting was saying for all The Police recordings he always did this and then double tracked a lot of his bass lines with a double bass. In most cases I have recorded direct in but I have also recorded in a live room where the producer has wanted to get a recording using a mic in front of the speakers but this is less common. Depends on the band, producer and what you are trying to achieve.
  8. Faith No More - The Real Thing album. The song Out of Nowhere is amazing. Only about 30 years late to the party
  9. I have one of these basses and its fantastic. Makes a great workhorse. Wont be selling mine.
  10. Thanks Elfrasho and 4000 for your comments. Very interesting as I am not aware of any nerve or cervical disc issues. However, this has got me thinking, I have for the last 6 months been learning about 20 new songs and have been sitting on the sofa at an angle and did start to get lower back pain on one right (fingering arm side). I was rehearsing pretty much every night for about 2-3 hours. So being a typical male, ignored the signs and carried on until it hurt a bit too much so I made sure I sat a little less twisted. However, one afternoon, I did a little bit of rehearsal pre gig. Stood up and then I got the pain and couldn't get down again without lots of pain. Lots of stretching and help from the wife to get up and down eased the pain (not totally) and I was able to go and do the gig. The twinge lasted a day or two and thankfully hasn't returned as I kind of learnt my lesson and sit straighter or change positions. So might be related or maybe not. I have always suffered with stiff neck and shoulders all my life so maybe its old age related. Also this year, the knobly bits on the inside of my elbows sometimes hurt. Not all the time but if I press against them then I can feel a mild pain. Might be related or might just be old age again. Oh, and the inside of my left knee, sort of the top on the side hurts, pretty much all the time. Again, doesn't stop any movement, running, walking but it just hurts and if I press my finger against it, then I feel some pain. I think perhaps I'm falling apart.
  11. I've just read all the symptoms and I don't seem to have any of those conditions or anything similar so I would say not. Maybe its old age although I don't think 48 is old but you never know. The middle knuckle on my middle finger very occasionally hurts which I am putting down to perhaps the start of arthritis or inflammation. I have no issues with movement or strength and it doesn't affected playing or mobility (I can play everything perfectly still) and I am not in any pain but I just notice it occasionally. It might even be over-worked from doing 119 gigs last year but if so then why just the middle finger knuckle and why only occasionally. Its not hurting now for example.
  12. That's a very good question. I'll take notice of my playing over the next few weeks and see if its different. I'll also see if there is a difference from when I play a Jazz and a Precision. Just off the top of my head, I'm wondering if I'm unconsciously keeping my thumb at the back of the neck with the Precision and putting somewhere else on the Jazz as it feels thinner. I'll have a check.
  13. I'm wondering if Woodinblack is on to something here and something has changed with my hands, be it age related. Just seems very weird that for years I've played a Jazz with no problem and now I find them less comfortable. Yet I can still play what I have always played but on a Precision which before was less comfortable for me. Maybe my fingers are less flexible and prefer to be more open and flatter that I get with a Precision neck.
  14. I like that idea but its a Fender AVRI75 so kind of ruins the whole point of the bass. If it was a standard Jazz then yeah, I would be all over that idea
  15. I've been playing bass for 30 years now and have probably done something in the region of 600 gigs and I have predominantly played a Jazz bass because they have felt the most comfortable for me. Mostly because of the neck but also pick up placement, balance and tone. I would happily play a Precision but they have always felt a little more cumbersome with the necks not so comfortable and my playing would suffer. I would always come back to a Jazz which felt like putting my favourite trainers back on. However, over the last year, I'm beginning to find Jazz necks too thin and a little uncomfortable to play. My hand feels cramped when fretting as the neck feels too thin and narrow. I have always used all four fingers when fretting and play a lot of walking bass lines but I have noticed that using my little finger to fret is harder on a Jazz bass as my hand feels more squashed. I feel like its now harder to have my fingers flat across the board covering the frets as my hand is closed more because of the thinner neck. My fretless jazz I now find really uncomfortable to play. So I have been playing my 70's Precision a lot more and I am having no such trouble. It feels comfortable and no issues with fretting. I also have a Mike Dirnt Precision which is famous for having a very chunky neck and it feels very comfortable to play if not the most comfortable. I don't think anything has changed in my technique, I'm still playing walking bass line and the same stuff as I always have. I don't think anything has happened to my hands as playing the same stuff on a Precision is no problem, its just that Jazz necks are now feeling too thin and narrow and a little uncomfortable. I don't really know what else it could be. Has anyone else had something similar?
  16. My daughter is singing in this on Friday. So can't wait to see her on stage at the O2
  17. For me, I think punk created a generation of people who wanted to be musicians and at first thought they couldn't but were given the confidence that you can do your own thing and make your own sound, even if they didn't perhaps have the talent to be a virtuoso guitarist. Very similar to garage bands in the states. I think a lot of people picked up the guitar thanks to the influence of punk. This influence then led on to stuff like grunge, emo and punk rock bands like Green Day, Blink 182 as an example. If anything punk has had a longer life cycle than say Rock and Roll and quite possibly as big an impact.
  18. Sold the above Teal Green Stingray back to Tom. She's been in good hands for the last 8 years and has been looked after with much love. Now she's back with Tom and I know she will be just as loved and looked after. Hope to see her back again in another 8 years As always, Tom is superb to deal with and is a great guy. Many thanks Tom.
  19. To add a little more, its your cab I own now as I believe you sold it to Taria. I picked it up a couple of weeks back
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