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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. I class myself as a semi pro musician. My logic behind this is I have a day job still but every week (mostly weekends) I am playing three or four gigs, I am getting paid for these gigs, I am booked by establishments or members of the public be it weddings, parties, events, clubs etc. and are paying me for this service. I have done 118 gigs this year and have been paid but not enough to support me fully and give up the day job. I consider this semi pro.
  2. Yes they do but I've been told that there's only a few UK factories making bass strings and Rotosound and Elites come from the same production line.
  3. I've used Elite Stadiums for about 28 years and find they are the best strings for me. Have tried others but always come back to the Elites. I have been told Rotosound's are the same string as they come from the same manufacturer and currently trying a set of 66's. They do seem very similar buy maybe a bit more tension.
  4. Thanks Beedster. Wondering if any around at the Kenny's Music price range which was £429 😲
  5. It looks like Kenny's Music don't have the PF50T anymore. Any where else selling them at a good price?
  6. I played with a pick for about 20 years. Then 10 years fingering. Pick is more fun but fingering suits me better.
  7. I'm going to be changing my rig next year and will be seriously looking at Barefaced cabs as one of my options. I will be running a LM3 and plan to also get an Ampeg PF50T amp. Currently running 2 x Markbass NY112's but they lack dynamics and clarity. I like the look of getting 2 x One10 cabs but don't want to end up with a thin sound so also looking at getting a couple of Midget's.
  8. This might be very true as I struggle with the Warwick Streamer's that I have had. The neck seems so long and I have to stretch for the first fret more than any of my Fender basses. I've been told its because the body is much smaller on the Warwick.
  9. I am exactly the same. I have a 66 Jazz, a 75 Jazz, a 70's Precision, a Stingray, a Baseball bat on my Mike Dirnt Precision and a Uku bass and the neck profile and thickness makes no difference to my playing. I couldn't even tell you about String spacing. String height and tension is what I notice.
  10. I've always liked Kylie. I can't think of a single thing that she has ever done that has annoyed me. She just seems like a genuinely nice person.
  11. Getting good reviews the PF-112HLF as well. Best I have seen is Thomman for £333.
  12. Thank you Dave. I'm kind of leaning that way anyway as I would keep my LM3 still. I'm considering either a Barefaced or Vanderkley cab set up which I think would would well with the LM3 and the Ampeg head. I just love the vintage look of the Ampeg Portaflex cabs but its not too important.
  13. Probably going to get one of these in the new year (need to buy a few other things first) and wondering what the Portaflex speakers are like to go with one of these as a main rig. Anyone had any experience with the Portaflex cabs?
  14. Yes, this is correct, the street is/was cobbled. You walked out of the tube and it was just a street with flats and maybe the odd business if that even. I only ever knew the Bass Centre to be downstairs. You walked in through the door which was on the street and straight ahead were some stairs but instead, you would turn right and go through the next door and then you were in the Bass Centre.
  15. I loved The Bass Centre in Wapping. I used to visit all the time. When I signed my record deal in 1998, we negotiated a chunk of money for each band member to buy new gear. I got £5k and headed to The Bass Centre and got me my dream bass, a teal green Stingray. I was in heaven 😁 Plus a Hartke HA5500, Hartke XL410, Hartke XL115, Status Shark and some acoustic bass. Used to love going up there to nose at all the gorgeous basses and leave with a set of Elite Stadiums 😊
  16. That I don't think is remotely possible, not tonally at least. A players style yes but not tonally. Take the Jaco reference, if Jaco played the same part on a Stingray, Jazz, Precision and Thunderbird, the style and expression would be the same but they would all sound different tonally.
  17. No, so what was Miles Davis and is jazz, not Motown so you need a jazz bass and not a precision 😂😂
  18. 1. "Whatever bass you play, you'll sound like you'' / ''It's all in the fingers'' For me I think its down to technique, approach, personality and this then comes out in your fingers, regardless of how you play. Some have a light touch, some dig in, some brush the strings etc. We all have our own style and this comes out in our playing. Another basschat member popped round my house to collect a bass once. We spent an hour or so talking and playing the various basses I own. One thing that came out of it was how I played. When the other person played one of my basses, I thought it sounded really good. Then when I played, it was very evident the difference in my style and technique. My notes were more balanced, even in volume, attack and sustain and generally a lot smoother. The other person, played with more urgency and attack. No way was better than the other and maybe tonally very similar but the output was evidently different. 2. "It doesn't matter what you play (gear wise), the audience won't be able to tell the difference" With the exception of musicians in the audience or music lovers, I think the overall package is more important. Did the band sound good, were they tight, were they entertaining, did I like them and feel engaged. Perhaps the only musician who will come under the spotlight more will be the singer because this is who the average punter is focusing on, the rest is as I say, did the music sound good, did they entertainment. They will go away thinking, the band were good, average or terrible. This can be down to the sound being poor, the band playing terrible or just not liking the music. The details of did the bass tone sound amazing, did the snare sound epic and the guitar solos make you cry are less critical with maybe the exception to the singer as the overall sound is the deciding factor. That's my thoughts on the subject
  19. I'm happy with my basses, Fender Jazz AVRI 75, Fender CIJ 66 Jazz, Fender Mike Dirnt Precision, Musicman Stingray 2EQ and Kala Rumber UBass. I love my Fender Precision 70 FSR but I've not been able to get the sound I want from it yet but I think its more my rig than the bass. As for my rig, a MarkBass LMIII and 2 x NY112 cabs, I am not sure. I mean its ok, does a great job but doesn't blow me away and lacks dynamics. I think the head is fine but its the speakers that are letting me down so I am going to change these over, just not sure what for yet.
  20. For me its a Jazz bass and if I was going to be specific it would be my ESP 400 series 66 reissue Jazz which was made in the Japanese Fender factory, has exactly the same components, parts etc. as a Fender including the same headstock. I've tried buckets loads of other basses (Warwick's, Musicman, Status, Lakland, Ibanez etc.) and liked them but as an extension to me, what I feel most comfortable playing and always come back to, then its a simple Fender Jazz. It just feels right, fits me and works for me on every level.
  21. Yep, I feel the same, love the feeling of playing with no frets, it's like being set free.
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