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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. I love Elites Stadium Stainless Steel Rounds 40 - 100. I've used them for about 25 years and despite trying others, I always come back to them. I was recently told that they are exactly the same as Rotosound Swing bass, made in the same factory so tempted to give them a try to compare.
  2. I really want one of these, just love the look and the idea of some valves Let me know your thoughts when it arrives.
  3. Certainly a lot of respect for the MarkBass gear here but even more love for the TC gear. I think I have decided on the RH750 head as I just loved the Spectracomp and the other features but not sure on what cab to get yet. Maybe the sensible thing is to change my MarkBass cabs over first and see how the LM3 fairs and if still disappointing then change the head over to the RH750.
  4. Don't discount some of the special Mexico Fender's that are available if you wanted a quality instrument but to save some money. I have the 70s FSR Precision that is currently my backup and occasional main bass when I fancy a change from my Jazz and it is incredible and only around £750 new. https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/fender-2018-fsr-limited-edition-70s-precision-bass I have also had their Classic Series 70's Jazz that they released a few years back and its probably the nicest Jazz I have played and that includes the American Vintage Reissue 75 Jazz that I play as my main bass. Again, it is about £800 new and is brilliant. they also do a 60's version without the blocks and bindings. https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/170606311150008--fender-classic-series-70s-jazz-bass-3-colour-sunburst-pf
  5. I couldn't decide who I was enjoying listening to more, the drummer or the pianist. Both were totally amazing and had me captivated. I was loving the whole thing but could only stomach about 10 minutes until the scratching stuff got on my nerves.
  6. Blank canvas is another great way to describe the MB heads. I've not tried GK gear although I do hear good things about them. Really like the look of the TC RH750 as it has the Spectracomp feature. Damn, that is so sexy. Let me know if you decide to sell
  7. Thanks Dave for your thoughts. I knew you have used MB heads for a long time so wasn't quite expecting your reply to be of the same view of them as mine Didn't know you had a red F1 head as well. Mega jealous as I love F1 and Ferrari
  8. This is what I am thinking as I suspect the MB LM3 head is an awesome head and its the 12" speakers that are giving the lack of dynamics. I'm wondering if the smaller, tighter 10" speakers will give me that tighter and more defined tone. I think I'll try a 4x10 like a Vanderkley and go from there. Just to also add, the way I set the EQ on the TC rig up on Saturday was pretty much the same as how I set my MB LM3 up. I just added a little bit of Spectracomp which tightened and gave a bit more dynamic.
  9. This is exactly how I feel about my MB rig. There is nothing wrong with it but being described as a bit flat dynamically is spot on. It still sounds great, don't get me wrong but again, as you say, it lacks the 'pop' factor.
  10. Thanks for the input Al. I also cut the bass EQ on my MB rig as its the only way to get a tone I like. For my Jazz, the Bass is 10 o clock, Low Mids is flat or 10 o clock, High Mids to about 2 o clock and high at 12 o clock. Both filters are off. For my Precision, its the same apart from Low Mids are at 9 o clock and High Mids are at 12 o clock. I'm still not convinced about the MB cabs, I think this may be where my problem lies.
  11. To be honest, this was my initial thought and that its the MB cabs that are maybe letting me down tonally. I would love to try my LM3 head through a 4x10 just to compare and see if there is a big difference.
  12. Thanks for the replies guys, has been really helpful. I've also just remembered that I did an open mic a few months back and the back line was a TC head played through I think a TC 2x12 and the guy using it was playing a Spector and it sounded amazing. Again, very warm and punchy. Just maybe the TC sound is more to my liking. Food for thought.
  13. I play in a 50s and 60s Rock n Roll band and I would describe the tone I aim for as warm, rounded with a little bit of definition/character. I play a lot walking bass lines, Motown type stuff so I need to fill the bottom end but also cut through enough so people can hear the movement to dance to. My usual rig is a Markbass LMIII and 2x Markbass NY112 cabs. I've generally been happy with it but not blown away. My Fender 75 AVRI Jazz has always sounded good to very good depending on the room and occasionally awesome. My Fender 70s RI Precision has sounded a mix of poor to ok and occasionally acceptable. Certainly never amazing. On Saturday, I got to use my Jazz through one of the old TC Electronics BH500 heads and a TC Electronics 4x10 and it sounded amazing. It was tight, punchy, warm and I loved it and it got me thinking, is it the TC Electronics rig or is it the 4x10 that my ears are liking? I've never been blown away by my Markbass rig, it has always just been effective and functional but lacking in personality, perhaps a bit clinical. I've always wondered If it was the 12" speakers that were letting me down. I don't want to ditch the Markbass gear and go TC Electronics if this is a poor decision. I dont really know anything about them to be honest. Reliability is key for me as well as I am gigging 3 or 4 times a week. Alternatively, maybe a 4x10 is my answer. Any thoughts or advise?
  14. They do but they are not very loud unfortunately.
  15. My band has a habit of doing some weird and wonderful random acoustic gigs in strange locations where its not always possible to get power. The latest one is on an old bus whilst it is doing a summer holiday tour. I really need a combo that is battery powered. I know Phil Jones do one or two that are laptop powered but I am wondering if there are any other options? Thanks in advance.
  16. My mate used to be brilliant with heckles. The best one he threw at me was "play one the bass player knows" 😁
  17. I tend to get on with the tone of a Jazz more unless I'm playing punky, rocky stuff but I do totally adore my two Precison basses. They really are amazing. I'm actually thinking about getting one of the new Mexican Fender Player Series Precisions in buttercream and getting a fretless maple neck for it. I think that would be epic.
  18. In our band, we love guest musicians getting up and joining us for a number or two and we actually encourage it. We've had saxophone, clarinet, singers, spoon player, violinists and an excellent 13 year old female drummer. Not had a bassist yet but a girl I work with plays and says she will get up and do a number so I'm looking forward to watching my band at some point.
  19. Strengths - I have an excellent ear and can usually hear things once and then play it, sing it etc. Strong technique and ear means I am competent in playing fretless. Great understanding and feel for a song musically and will know every part of it as well as what does and what doesn't work. Plus I can hear what everyone else is playing and can pick up when someone plays something wrong, misses something, is out of time etc. especially drummers. Arrangements, compositions and structures as well, be it songwriting to putting together set lists. Weakness - I just dont listen to vocals or remember them which makes it hard if I have to sing something. Limited singing and playing at the same time ability. Limited technical ability in EQ and like to keep it simple, plug in and play although my LM3 has made things much easier. A better musician than entertainer and more than happy to be in my own world bopping up and down. Sometimes lacks a little confidence as music is my comfort zone and being an entertainer is out of my comfort zone. Weak theory, can't slap and I'm ugly.
  20. A bit late to the party so rather than post individual gigs I thought I'd just post a block session from the year to catch up. I play in a 50s and 60s Rock n' Roll band and we do either electric or acoustic gigs. We mostly play clubs, pubs, weddings, parties and festival. This is our first year together and out of the 74 gigs we've done so far this year, I would say we have only had 2 naff gigs, the rest have been brilliant and so much fun. We've played anywhere from huge festivals playing to a few thousands, to a train station, to a roof of a pub, bandstands in parks, a biker festival in the middle of a field, school and village fete's, a record shop for international record day, a jive club, restaurants, a hairdressers, a fire station, beer festivals, classic car shows, a beach, carnivals, a donkey derby, a bowls club, a kids Back to the Future party as well as many pubs and clubs. We are just in ths middle of a 4 week summer break and then we have 40 more gigs to take us up to Christmas. Rock n' Roll 😁
  21. If I was starting again and never had a Stingray then I would simply buy a 4H 2 or 3 eq Stingray. If money was no object then I would get a classic or old smoothie but If it was then just a simple 4H 2 or 3 eq Stingray. You cant go wrong with either.
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